2. Crio Bru and USB

Start from the beginning

And by changing he means both the extended gap year and his current single state. It's not that Bel isn't interested in dating, he just doesn't want to add one more thing to his life list at the moment. At least, that's what he tells himself.

"When is the answer going to change?"

"Why the hell are you so eager to marry me off all of a sudden?"

"How long have you been single?"

"Maybe I like being single, Nina. Maybe I like spending weekends alone with no one to worry about but myself. Maybe dating is not something I want to think about right now, or maybe ever; and I don't know if that will change, and right now I don't care, ok? Have you ever thought of that?"

Nina stops walking and turns to look at her brother. Usually, she and Bel banter about dating and social lives and things like that, but Bel isn't bantering this time. Granted, she did wake him up at two in the morning and he did drive through probably congested traffic to get her; and yes the flight was delayed, but it's not like Bel to be this annoyed at noon. Unless...

"Bel, I'm sorry I called you so early. I wasn't thinking. And you know I would have texted you about the flight delay if I could, right?"

"I know."

"So what's wrong?"

Bel makes a kicked puppy face. "I ran out of Crio Bru this morning. There was only enough for one cup."

"Oh, is that all?" Nina's tone is light, but she understands Bel's addiction to the brewed cacao, even if she doesn't particularly like it herself. "I was going to wait until we got to the hotel, but if you want it now--"

"Now?" Bel's face goes from kicked puppy to eager puppy. If he had a tail, it would probably be wagging like crazy.

Nina takes her carry-on from Bel, opens it, and pulls several pouches of Crio Bru from her carry-on. Both of them know that Bel can just as easily order it online, but both also know that Nina likes to bring something to her brother whenever she visits, so why not his favorite drink? Besides, sometimes shipping from Canada to the US is less expensive than from Canada to Thailand, especially if Bel orders in bulk.

Which he does.

Every time.

This time, Nina's brought him French Roast, Spanish Roast, and--

"Maple Light?" Bel stares at the light brown pouch with 'Brews like Coffee, Benefits of Cacao' across the top and then raises his eyebrows at his sister. "Since when have I liked Light anything?"

He'd told Nina once that milk chocolate tasted too much like fake sugar but dark chocolate tasted the way chocolate was supposed to; and while Nina didn't really understand what Bel meant, she never bought him anything that said "milk chocolate" or "light chocolate" again. With this one Crio Bru exception.

"It's maple-flavored and it's new. There's one pouch, so if you really don't like it, then you can toss it." Nina gives her little brother a hug, knowing this is his way of saying thank you, and that he'll probably use up the whole pouch in two days and want more--which is why she's got three more pouches hidden in her roller bag. "Do you feel better now?"

Bel hesitates for a second, then puts his arms around his sister. "Khàawp-khun ná."

Nina returns his hug. "You're welcome. You still have this car?"

Nina is staring at Bel's beloved 2012 white Mazda. The cars that are parked on either side make Bel's definitely look its age. "Isn't it like, ten years old now?"

"Eleven, and it still runs, so it's fine." Bel takes Nina's roller bag and carry-on and puts it in the back, but Nina keeps hold of her backpack as she climbs into the passenger seat.

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