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The next day

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

The next day. More the same day, a few hours later.
Last night, Jake and Sana spent their time together by watching stars at a random meadow in seoul. They stayed there pretty long just for thinking of an idea for their project.
Actually the project was the thing that made them be friends.

Finally a thing he could thank Mr. Choi for, Jake thought.
His class started at 9am so he had to be up abou 6:30am. Luckily he had his own room in their apartment. Meanwhile Heeseung an Ni-ki had to share one.

"Guys, I would like to introduce Sana to the others later" Jake announced happily to the boys sitting next to and across from him at the breakfast table.
Currently they were eating simple muesli, like every morning. Sometimes they ate even leftovers from the meal of the previous day as breakfast.

"Really? How cool. Will you bring her to the restaurant?" Ni-ki asked excitedly. Ni-ki already closed Sana in his heart, she was so lovely he thought.

Jake nodded in response. It made him smile to see his younger friend so happy about it.

Heeseung seemed happy about Jake's plan too.
He knew that day would be great. He knew it.


The class started already, this time everyone was on time. Including Sana of course.
"Guys, now it's time to present your ideas for the project I gave you" Mr. Choi said, raising his voice at the students.

"First, Mrs. Kang with Mr. Lee, please go to the front and present your idea and name"
Mr. Choi said as he made space for the students to come in front of the blackboard to present it.

Sana's eyes widened when she heard they had to go in the front and they should present a name. She gasped in surprise, making the boy next to her turn around confused.

"What?" He asked confused.
"We have to go in the front?" Sana said as if she wouldn't believe it.
"Yeah, I guess so. Wait, have you any problems with speaking in front of other people?" Jake asked, not wanting to make the girl feel nervous on her own.

"No, no, it's okay" Sana said to the boy, not wanting to make him worried again. Of course she couldn't speak in front of others. The chance to embarass herself was big.
What if her heart would suddenly hurt? What if it would stop?

This could happen any second. Actually her doctor who took care of her since she was born, really wanted her to visit the hospital for a checkup since he was worried about her disease would have worsened.
Sana avoided going there as best as she could. She hated being in the hospital even when there wasn't another option.
All that things she had to go through alone. In such a young age.

"Our idea was creating a big cinema which has screen rooms with beds and couches instead of normal seats" The students presented. "It will be called Oasis"
Mr. Choi gifted them a nod before asking the next students to come.

"Next Mr. Yang with Mrs. Kwam" He said.
Following his order, two students stood up with notepads in their hands.

"Our idea was a big glass house on the sea. It has piles on the seaground. It is called Jogyesa house"

Sana furrowed her eyebrows. "Isn't that name already given for the jogyesa temple?" She looked confused at the boy next to her. "Yeah, it is actually. I guess they weren't really imaginative" He replied, earning an eye widening from the girl.

"Better than us" She waited until his eyes met hers before they both broke out in laughter, earning a strict look frm the teacher.
"Mr. Sim and Mr. Park, please stop laughing in my lesson. Now you will present us your ideas"
Mr. Choi said strictly.

Sana's laugh quickly faded as she could her the teacher's sayings.

So, Jake and Sana went forwards, in front of the blackboard. Actually Sana would start to speak but she couldn't say anything. Everyone's look was on her.
She carefully pushed Jake's hand to give her a sign he should talk. Jake understood quickly so he started speaking.

"Our idea was a planetarium with a buil library in it" He presenetd shortly, taking Sana's hand to reassure her. Sana couldn't help but smile as she felt his hand grabbing her's.
Her heart skipped a beat, warmth rushed through her body.

"Okay, and what about the name?" Mr. Choi raised his eyebrows at the students.
"We didn't find a good name yet, but we'll surely find one soon" Jake said calmly, trying to make it better with a smile.

"I'll accept that, see it as a warning" Mr. Choi said before letting the two guys return to their seats again. They couldn't suppress the smile appearing on their faces.

"We did it without making Mr. Choi yell at us" Jake whispered in the girl's eyes on their way back to the seats.
"Good job Jake" She said, giving him a high five as they sat down.

"So actually you were scared right?" Jake raised his eyebrows while smiling at the girl, making her squinting her eyes in embarassment.

"Probably a little bit, I'm sorry haha"

"Don't worry" Jake smiled at the girl. She was so pretty. On the inside and outside. He was actually so happy and felt so lucky to have meet her.
There were feelings for her. They probably knew eachother for only a week now. But it felt as years.

"Hey Sana, can I take you somewhere after the class ended?" Jake suddenly asked, earning a smile from the girl.
"Yeah sure. Where if i'm allowed to ask?" Sana asked in response, already looking forward to her afternoon she'd spend with Jake.

"You'll see then" He winked at her.

"Okay, then I'll trust you" Sana smiled at the boy, paying her attention back to the students presenting their ideas afterwards.

Jake smiled.
She trusted him.


•author's corner•

kinda boring chapter ikkkk
but ig they are a must for stories like that, no?
otherwise it would be boring if like big things would happen continuous yk?

btw I only have 4 days left until school starts again???!!!! I'm sorry but no thank you I don't want to go to school againnn

I'm quite looking forward to the next chapters, I have a lots of ideas lolllll

love u all:3
and see u in the next chapter<3

~october 11th 2023

OUR NAMES IN THE STARS - [제이크]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat