twenty one

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"What happened?"Doctor Chim asked the ambulance docs while pushing the bed with the unconscious girl on it towards a emergency room

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"What happened?"
Doctor Chim asked the ambulance docs while pushing the bed with the unconscious girl on it towards a emergency room. He was running.

"The employee who called us said, ms. Park passed out in the shop. A boy who found her said her pulse was very low. When we arrived her pulse completely faded. We don't even have any heartbeats yet"
The nurse from the ambulance said as she ran next to the doc, arriving at the emergency room pretty quickly.

"Okay, we're gonna save her. Charge to 150, clear!"
He placed the defibrillator on Sana's chest but the monitor still showed no heartbeats.

"Come on, come on... Charge to 150 again, clear!"
The doctor tried again. "We still got nothing, doc" A nurse from behind him said while furrowing her brows.

Another doctor came to place her two hands on Sana's chest, trying to help with doing cpr.
But still, nothing. Not an only little heart beat wanted to show up at the monitor.
"Charge to 200, clear!"
Doctor Chim shouted again while watching the other doc pulling her hands away from the girl's chest. His voice got a little shaky.

"Come on, Sana. I took care of you since you were a baby. You can't just leave like this"
The doc said while pushing the defibrillator again on her chest, feeling the enorm
punches of it.

Still nothing.

"Charge to 250, clear!"
The doctor tried again, wanting to save Sana so badly.

"Charge to 250, clear!"

"Charge to 250, clear!"

Still no heartbeats from Sana but Doctor Chim didn't want to give up on her.

"Doctor Chim! Stop... It's too late"
The nurse from behind said with a shaky tone in her voice. She didn't wnat to loose the patient too although she didn't know Sana for so long like Doctor Chim did.

"No, no I won't stop, she has to live!"

Doctor Chim's eyes started to get teary, he even felt a tear rolling down his cheek.
He loved Sana so much, he was so sorry for letting her go through this much on her own in such an early age.

"Doc, take a break. We will continue saving her" The nurse said then, placing her palm on Doctor Chin's shoulder.

"Let me try it one last time"
Doctor Chim replied, wiping away his single tear on his cheek. He felt how the nurse from before pulled away her palm, letting him do what he wanted.

"Charge to 200, clear!"
The man said.

His eyes widened as his ears recognized the continuous beeping of the monitor.
His eyes were focused on the line which went up and down.

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