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The lyrics of the famous song buzzed trough his ears, himself walking through a lonely alley towards the small cafe

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The lyrics of the famous song buzzed trough his ears, himself walking through a lonely alley towards the small cafe. An umbrealla in his right hand since it was raining like every day. He was pretty early, still 15 minutes until the time they met.
But although he could see the girl already sitting on a small table, waiting for himself.

She looked tired, he thought. Sure, she has been in the hospital. How couldn't she be tired then.

Jake felt goosebumps overcoming his body as he sat down, across Sana, looking in her eyes as she showed him a kind smile. A smile she gifted to everyone, everyone she cared about.
And Jake was even one of the friends she cared the most about.

"Hey Jake"
She said as she continued smiling towards the guy's direction. She made him feeling a wave ofv nervousness overcoming. He was never nervous being around her.
He wanted to be told about everything. But there were parts he would definitely regret wanting to know, that was clear.

"Hey Sana"
He smiled back at the girl, trying to hide his nervousness.
"Okay, what do you want to know? I'll tell you"
Sana closed her eyes for a second while nodding her head, finally feeling ready to tell Jake evrything. Everything he wanted to know at least.

"Actually I just have one question" Jake started.
"Are you sick?" He wanted to know, knowing she didn't just pass out out of nothing.
The doctor in the hospital knew her as he brought her to the hospital.

Sana exhaled one time before opening her mouth to start speaking.
"Yes, I am. I have an illness. More precisely it's a heart disease"
Sana exhaled one more time while earning a shocked face by Jake. He knew something wasn't okay but something like this?
Now he had like thousands of questions running through his mind.

"It's a deadly disease. I have it since i was born so i have to live with it. My heart could stop at any moment, which happened already a few times. The doctors could always save me from dying. Even when you brang me to the hospital my heartbeats stopped shortly after.
There's a possible way to treat it. A surgery but there's a risk I won't wake up"
Sana took a deep breath as she finished her explanation to the boy.

He listen to every word escaping her mouth. He really cared about her and her health which made him paying his deepest attention to Sana's words.

"Please tell me you'll do this surgery"
He just responded, wanting to make sure she'd get the treatment she'd need for her disease which could kill her any moment.
A quiet, short laugh escaped the girl's mouth before wanting to speak again.

"I will talk with the doctor soon. I'm not sure. It would be unnecessary anyways when I wouldn't wake up. And even it's so complex and difficult, I don't want the doctors to be under pressure with something." Sana looked at the floor while sharing her worries.

Actually Jake found it cute how she always cared more about others than about herself.
"Sana, please promise me to think about it well at least. And the doctors would do it for you and not for themselves. It's their job to save lifes. And your life has to be saved too."
Jake said worriedly, looking in the girl's eyes. He really wanted to convey his continuous worries about her, trying to get her to that surgery.

"I'll think about it" Sana gifted him a smile as he started smiling back at her.
They could really spend their time together everyday. It was the most enjoyable time for both of them. They loved eachother, without saying it.

"We will go through this. Together. From today on I will spend every day with you. You won't get rid of me so quickly" Jake said confidently, wanting to be around her as
much as possible. Since he knew about her illness, his worries about ehr even got worser.
He felt so sorry for Sana. But it wasn't that case of just wanting to be with her becaus he was sorry. No.

He even fell in Love with her much before she told him about her disease.
No matter what would happen in the future he wouldn't leaver her side.

"Actually you can't even leave since we still have to finish this project for mr. Choi. And we have to hurry with that, Jake. I'm like not allowed to go to class for the erst of the week now but I'll try to work on it on my own since you have to be busy" Sana suggested, wanting to lower his count of works he had to finish although she had to do the same.

"Oh gosh no, don't worry, after class I'll come over and we can continue working on it. Together" Jake quickly said, wanting to do the project in a duo, just like the teacher said in the beginning.

Sana let out a small chuckle before agreeing to his response.
She loved being wround this boy.

Sana knew she wasn't alone anymore.
Not alone with her secret.
Not alone with her disease.
Not alone in her Life.

He was the reason she kept staying strong the past weeks.
He made her smile everyday she could.

He was her source to happiness.


•author's corner•

and another chapter in one go 🥳
Omg ilysm thank u for 100 votes In these early timessss

I can't believe I'm going to post already the 14th chapterrrrr
I can already say I'll cry again when I'm working in the finale, I see it


Orange blood seems so cool 🤌🏻🤌🏻

ty for all the support<3
Y'all 🔛🔝

love u all:3
and see u in the next chapter<3

~october 17th 2023

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