twenty three

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"Mr. Sim, you know that you can just stay home. We'll call you if she wakes up"
Doctor Chim asked, as he saw the boy sitting on the chair next to her bed again. As always.
The past 2 and a half weeks he was with her.

"No, it's fine but thank you. I don't want to leave her alone here. I told her I would take care of her"
The boy stood up, now facing the tall man which held a clipboard in his hands.

"Oh, okay. I understand that. I just need to check up on her, I'll hurry up to leave you two alone again"
The male said, walking towards Sana who still lay there, with her eyes closed.

The past days she was just lying there, not moving any part of her body.

Doctor Chim first felt her pulse before hearing up her lungs with a stethoscope. Nothing different than the past investigations. He sighed.

"Did something change?"
Jake asked, hoping to hear a good thing. For example that he was finally told when she's going to wake up again.

Doctor Chim sadly looked at the boy, sighing again.
"No. Her pulse is a bit low but lungs are working perfectly fine. It's not because of the pulse. I don't know why she's still not waking up when her body is doing fine"

Jake dropped his head, now staring at the cold white floor.
Sana, please don't make me wait any longer.
My hands already hurt from all the letters i wrote to you.
I just want you to be awake and show me your eyes and smile again.

"I'm sorry Mr. Sim. I'll check up on her again later"
The tall doctor said as he received a weak nod from the boy which stood across him before.

Jake turned around after hearing the sound of the door being closed.
Now he was straight looking outside of the wide hospital window. It was raining.

Maybe it was fate that the weather was so bad...
Sana wasn't awake, so the sun couldn't be shining.


"My Love... I'm so sorry that you have to be in this state. I'm blaming myself so much for that..."
Jake sighed by the focused look at the bright lantern, standing a few metres away from the hospital entrance. You could see it perfectly from the window.

"Jake. Please don't blame yourself"

Jake widened his eyes. This voice. This tender voice which he missed for so long now.
The boy slowly turned around as his eyes met those beautiful one's of the girl.

After two weeks, Sana finally opened her eyes again. She was weakly moving her hands.

Jake quickly walked over to the girl, taking her hand as he put his own on top of it.
"Love, I missed you so much. I waited so long for you opening your eyes again"

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