twenty eight

273 19 12

"Sana said she won't undergo the surgery"

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"Sana said she won't undergo the surgery"

This sentence kept running to the boy's mind who was sitting in his car, on his daily way to Sana, his girlfriend. It was already pretty late, around 6pm but he couldn't come earlier due to a special event in the university.
It was already a week ago when Sana had to get reanimated because of a flu she caught before. She was doing ways better now.

But still the confession Ni-ki did to him a day before was still deep inside his thoughts, not about to leave his head that soon. Why would Sana not undergo the surgery?
Did she have money issues?

Jake could surely help her, no matter in which way it wasn't possible for her to make it.
He would even give her his heart, no matter what. If only he could.

This night Ni-ki couldn't explain why the girl said no. Either it was because he wasn't supposed to or she didn't even tell him.
Ni-ki was still pretty young, 17 years were probably a bit too young for confession towards him like that. And Sana knew she would just hurt the young boy.
So she probably didn't tell him.

Arriving at the parking lot in front of the giant house, he already saw his friend exiting his car.
Heeseung spoke to him on his phone this morning when he couldn't do so in presence, that he would drive to the hospital to accompanlish Jake, right after class.
And he did. They met again in front of the hospital.

"Hey Jake"
Heeseung said, waving at his friend while saying loudly since there were still a few metres between them. "Hey" Jake replied shortly.
He tried to cover up his worries with a smile which worked out pretty well.

"Ready to see her?"
Heeseung asked then, now directly facing his friend who nodded in response.

The two boys were slowly walking, entering the hosptal after a few minutes of walking along the parking lots. They took the escalator to the 3th floor. feeling too tired to take the stairs after standing up so early.
In the escalator, Jake leaned against the wall, across the field of buttons where you could set the direction, if up or down.
"Tired?" Heesueng smirked at the boy.

"Yep. Just couldn't sleep last night"
Jake let out a yawn before stretching himself, feeling pretty drained.
"oh, why?"

"Wait, not because of what Ni-ki said last night or?"
Heeseung added after his short question which surely wasn't answered by Jake in first place. Heeseung just knew his friend too good. Probably better than he knew himself.

"Probably yes. I just don't get why she told gyeong she would do-"
Jake couldn't finish his sentence as he was cut off by Heeseung.

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