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He tried to listen to the teacher who was busy with explaining how colorscould bring up specific emotions in a drawn picture

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He tried to listen to the teacher who was busy with explaining how colors
could bring up specific emotions in a drawn picture.

It was hard to pay attention to him. It was so boring. Sim Jaeyun was watching out of the window the whole time. It was raining.
The whole week it was raining and it didn't stop raining for 10 days.

The class room was on the upper floor of seoul's national university.
So the boy could receive a better look at the sky.

Raining for days must upset a few people. But of course not him.
He liked to watch the water falling down on the ground.
Flowers could grow better.

"Sim Jaeyun, could you answer my question please?"
The boy turned back at the teacher who was looking at him. He looked highly expected.

In his daily life, his life next to the university, he was called Jake by everyone. No one else than the teachers and sometimes maybe his parents were calling him Jaeyun.

But how could Jake answer if he didn't even hear the question?
He knew he should pay attention to the teacher since he was studying at one of seoul's biggest and best universities.

He wanted to study arts since he was little. The fine brush strokes which were all different in works of art, fascinated him.

"Uhm. Yes of course. I uhh, just-"

"The answer is red, blue and a splash of white"
A sudden female voice was heard from the other side of the room.
Jake turned confused around to see her.

It turned out as a girl, about the same age as him.
She wore a black hoodie, her dark, almost black hair tied into a low bun.
Jake has never seen her before. He didn't actually know they
were in the same cours.

"Thank you Mrs. Park. Looks like you barely got with it again, Mr. Sim"
Jake turned to the girl again and formed a noiselessly thank you with his mouth.
She just showed him a smile, as if she would say no problem.

Until the end of the class, Jake paid good attention to the teacher since he didn't want to embarrass himself again for not listening.

But who was that girl?
He has really never seen her anywhere in the university.
Was she just so quiet that he never noticed her or did she just join class just recently?


Jake was on his way to the cafeteria, to his friends.
The class ended not long time ago. Still boring but at least he wasn't asked
something sudden by the teacher anymore.

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