"Yeah, so think I need to find myself a boy" I said sitting down and handing him a glass of lemonade.

"I honestly think he's stupid" he was trying to find a good show on but what is on at four in the morning.

Don't ask me why we are up at four.

Well, we went out to a party and he left his keys with Cameron and he left with someone else so he had no way to get home so my place it was. He wasn't drunk or anything which was a good thing. we came back like ten minutes ago and none of us wanted to sleep.

"I mean, he found someone else"

"That was fucking dared to date him at the beginning and she fucked up the dare at the end" he said to me.


"Does he know?"

"I tried to explain but he wouldn't listen so he doesn't know, I'm guessing" I shrugged.

"I bet he still has feelings for you"

"Someone who has feelings still wouldn't say to move on"

He rolled his eyes at me. "I dare you to make him jealous"

"What?! no?!"

"Come on" he begged.

"No" I repeated myself.

"You suck" he out the glass down. "I would've been fun. I would've helped you. come on please"


"I'll make you" he got up and smirked.

When I noticed what he was about to do I got up and jumped to the other side of the couch.

"Don't you dare touch me"

"Say yes and I won't"

"No" I moved backwards when he came a step closer.

"Yes" he walked even closer.

"No" I made a run for my room.

"Why not?"

"I don't know how to make him jealous"

"Don't worry, I can think of something"



I got to my door and struggled to open it. As soon as I opened it I was tackled to the floor. Sorry to the neighbors downstairs.

He began to tickle me. "say yes"

I shook my head because I was trying so hard to not laugh.

"Do it" he said.

"No" I yelled.

"Say it!" He continued tickling me.

"Fine fine" I giggled. "stop" I couldn't stop laughing.

"See, was that hard?" He got off and pulled me up.

"Alright, any guys he's seen you with?"


"Besides me"

"Nobody else"

He was thinking about something.

"Who was the guy you went out with during the weekend?"

"Joshua" I answered.

"Joshua Parks?"

"I think" I shrugged.

"Alright" he rubbed his hands together which was very creepy for him to do. "go to sleep" I pushed him out my room.

"See you tomorrow" he said before walking off.

"Dumb ass, you mean later on today. Its four in the morning already" I laughed and closer my door.

Nash has slept over so many times, it's like he lives here. He basically owns the guest room here.

That room is only used by him, most of the time.

I changed into some comfortable clothing. I brushed my teeth then went to bed.

That day kept replaying in my mind.

"He's moved on, my turn" I said to myself.

"It can't be that hard" I turned to the side.

"Plus he isn't the same anymore"

The words move on keep on replaying over and over again on my head.

Stuck in the same lane, I can't seem to switch them. Change is good.

Maybe my Prince Charming is out there stuck in a tree. I just have to go out in search for him.

My heart is stuck on the same boy.

They say only fools fall in love. I guess I'm a fool.

I don't know what Nash wants me to do but it's weird.

Move on.


Or anyone else.

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Thanks to my faves!

You guys are baes.

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