6 (or as Harrison says, "Sex")

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Third Person POV
      Reidy knew Jake was talking to Adriel, but he really wanted to make sure they weren't, like, trying to kill each other. Plus, Whippet demanded Reidy go over to make sure Adriel was okay. Which, duh, he would've done anyway. Oh ye of little faith, Reidy thinks, walking up the steps to Adriel's apartment door. There was a strange noise coming through it. "Um...hey, Bacon?" He called, knocking, suddenly unsure. Nothing but those noises. "Bacon?" He knocked. Loudly. Still nothing. Shrugging, he opened the door.
The noises were a lot clearer and suddenly, frighteningly understandable. Reidy jerked back, slamming the door almost, and bolted back downstairs.
Ew, oh my God, what the fuck was running through his mind.
      "Please help me, fuck!" Reidy shrieked, entering the house and running right past Whippet. He looked after the man, totally confused. "What happened?" He followed him, leaning against the bedroom door. Reidy was in a ball on the bed, covered up completely. "They were doin' it." He whined. Whippet started to laugh. "Did you expect them not to? Please, they've had sexual tension for years, Reidy."
"Sucks," Whippet shrugged. "Besides, you think Hutz wanted to hear us that one time?"
Reidy went bright red. "Probably not."
Whippet shrugged as if to say See? "I'm smart."
"Not really."
*Flashback Over*
      Adriel shook his head. "You and Whip? Hmm." He leaned back precariously on two chair legs. "I didn't know that. Poor Hutz." He mumbled as an afterthought. Reidy went pink. "It was an accident. He just happened to walk in. He screams very much like a girl." He said, and Adriel laughed.
Jake walked in, passing them to the Locker room, but he smiled at Adriel.
"Jesus." Reidy blinked. "Did you try and eat him or something? He's got hickeys all over his—"
"S-shut up, Reidy!" Adriel screamed. Reidy started to laugh.
      The day wore on, and Jake had enlisted Reidy's help to cover the marks. Reidy called his sister who came and put concealer over them as Adriel was red and Reidy was laughing. "Nice job, though," She teased Adriel, grinning as she kissed Reidy's head and left with a sweet wave to the boys. "She's nice, can we have her? We can replace you or something." Jake mumbled.
Reidy looked offended. "No, you cannot have her!"
      No one was really any the wiser about Jake and Adriel. The only problem was, the concealer wasn't 100% waterproof, so Jake was struggling to hide the marks. Reidy and Adriel tried to assist.
"Pretend to break your ankle, that way you can't go in the water." Reidy said.
"No, pretend to sprain it, or Hop will send you to the ER and he'll know you're lying." Adriel argued.
"No, he won't. Just—limp around a little, that'll be good."
"Dude, no. Jake, just pretend to sprain it." Adriel groaned.
"Really sprain it." Reidy grinned.
"No. Please don't do that."
"He should, it'll make it look real."
"At that point, it will be real, you moron."
"So? Problem?"
"Yes, because he'll really be in pain, and I don't want that!"
"....oh. I didn't see it that way."
"You never do."
"You're fucking mean—"
"What about pretending to be dead?"
"No!" Jake yelled. "That's gonna get me fired!"
"Nah. Hoppo loves you."
"Not that much! Hutz is his favorite!"
Reidy frowned. "I thought that was Maxi..."
"No, it's definitely Hutz."
      As they argued in the locker rooms, Maxi and Hutz shared a look. "They're hopeless." Maxi muttered, returning to the Tower desk. Hutz followed shyly. "They're trying." He said quietly. Hutz has always awed Maxi. He was so damn pretty. He didn't care about other people's opinions of him. He was Maxi, and that was enough. Hutz, the first time he met Maxi, couldn't help but think, beautiful.
He was a beautiful boy.
Hutz's eyes widened comically as he watched Maxi smirk at Deano about something.
Aww, fuck.

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