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Third Person POV
      The hospital smelled so gross to Jake. Like sickness and worry and death. Like everyone was seconds from dying. He sat in the hard plastic chair, biting his nails aggressively, the team scattered around him. Hoppo had closed the beach, calling an emergency and though that didn't stop people from coming, he made it clear no lifeguards would be there, so many people ended up leaving. Reidy was on the phone with his wife, Whippet was silent, staring at nothing.
      Jake hissed as he bit down on his nail and it broke. Blood dotted his finger. "Damn it." He swore, wiping it off. The next time he raised his hand to his mouth, Singlets slapped his hand harshly. Jake winced, scowling at him. "He's gonna be okay." Was all the older man said. Jake scoffed, slumping in his seat.
      In a corner, Jesse was on the phone with Max Ayshford. "I'm gonna fucking kill him, whoever did it." He snapped. Max was on speakerphone, and his voice drifted softly. "Don't. We don't need you going to jail, Jesse. Look, he's gonna be okay, right? He's alive? Keep it that way. I'm already looking into it, just breathe."
"Tell Bacon that." Jesse growled, hanging up. He sighed, running his hand down his face tiredly.
Max's Perspective
      He looked at the camera, frowning in thought. One of the cameras on the edge of the fence had caught Bacon's attack. He watched the blurry man run to Bacon and couldn't stomach the way Bacon curled up. But then he paused the video. That man...
      He'd been a nuisance for years, making fun of and targeting the LGBT beachgoers.
       Last year, a lesbian couple arrived from London. Lovely ladies, beautiful relationship. The kind the lifeguards wants to have, that forever thing. They'd been sitting on the sand, enjoying their day. Maxi, Hutz, and Jake watched them critically, wanting to make sure nobody was targeting or hurting them for being lesbian. Jake had been called to Backpackers, Hutz to Ben Buckler, and Maxi had to do a spinal at Flat Rock, leaving Max alone. He'd kept one eye on the couple but had to help a small girl with bluebottle stings. When he returned, the girls were gone. Suddenly, one had come up, saying the guy had called her a Dyke and tried to push her girlfriend. Max got angry. He hated bullies, especially those that hated others because of who they loved. It wasn't fair. Yeah, they were both girls. So what, it was cute!
      Another time, a gay couple from Ireland came, and that same guy attacked one of them with a knife. That time, he'd gotten punched by Deano for doing so.
*Flashback Over*
      Having identified the attacker, Max called the police and explained everything. "He's currently in the hospital. This man has been doing this to LGBT folks for years." Max explained. Did he want to press charges? Absolutely. The police assured him they were going to search for him. If Max sees him, do not engage and call them back immediately. No promises, Max thinks, and thanks them, hanging up. He glared at the CCTV screen. He wanted to kill him.
Back At The Hospital
      "Any pain?" The doctor asked. Adriel shook his head, sitting on the edge of the bed dressed in a hoodie that was Joel's and a pair of dark sweats. Thank God he was being released. He hated the ER. Harrison was leaning against the doorway, on the phone, telling Whippet they were heading home now. As the doctor left, freeing Bacon, he stumbled to Hutz, following him to the car. His ribs hurt. His chest hurts.
      It was an extensive list: 3 broken ribs. Fractured wrist, collarbone, and ankle. Dislocated shoulder. Busted (not broken) nose. Twin black eyes. A hairline fracture on his cheekbone. Bruises everywhere. Nothing majorly injured, though. He was lucky, he thought, to leave on his own feet, the way Hoppo freaked out.
Let alone being able to actually go home.
      He'd bought a big, two-bedroom apartment by the beach, and he loved it. It was just big enough for him. It was a pretty place. He'd talked to Whippet, feeling guilty and leaving, but Whippet knew it was like his own children one day: they'd leave home eventually. He wasn't mad. Was actually happy for him. "You're getting better at being—"
"Less dependant on you?" Adriel mumbled as they sat on Whippet's porch.
"More trusting, especially of yourself," Whippet corrected. He took a drink of his beer. "And trust me, kiddo. That's a very good thing."
      But it wasn't. Ever since he was stabbed, Jake's been avoiding him. Bacon's mind started its old tricks again, and Bacon once more became slow and blank. The others, like last time, saw this, and decided to take action. But nothing ever came of it. Singlets offered to spend the day with him, but Adriel wanted to be alone. Hutz and Maxi, now roommates, wanted to go out and invited him, but he stayed home, drinking alone.
⚠️ Quick Warning: Self-Harm Scene! ⚠️
      Currently, Adriel was on his bathroom floor, a blade in his hand, slicing his arm open. It was sick, but he liked it. Liked watching the blood puddle below him. Liked watching it, seeing how stark the difference was, the red was against pale white skin. He knew he should talk to someone, probably Maxi or Hutz or Jesse, all three having been here before, but he didn't. He felt ashamed of it, filthy. At work, he made sure to wear chunky bracelets, strings with lots of beads, claiming they were from childhood friends and he'd recently found them again. He knew he wasn't fooling anyone, but damn did he try. He probably looked like a fool.

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