"......................" my hand were on my mouth while tears flow like a river. That was sternly cold.

" do you  know the quantity and quality of tears sana had shed beacuse she married me. You have no idea."

" khalifa  you dont have to tell me all these..." i said inbetween tears

" for my points to be clear to you, i had to let you realise how a selfish person you can be"

" you are so mean khalifa"

" ofcourse everyone knows that." He said while aproaching  closer, then he held my both hands.

" i grew to love you after each passing day, i love you so much you can not imagine it, believe me, if i didn't wallahi by Allah's will, i will not get married to you, even hajia hanne can not force me to settle for you,
ama nasan ina sonki. How ever,  you kept coming after something i care about.  Today i feel like i am oblige to inform you how i personally feel about this whole sana thing, and now there is a third person coming into the family."

" khalifa what do you want from me" i said pulling my hands from his

" to decide, either you are on board or not. Coz my decision stands."
my eyes bulged out. Like for real. Is he really going to do that 

" you won't do that would you?"

" i  dont ever intend to, however i  dont intend to attract complications, i need you to really decide"

" i didnt marry you  to just leave like that"i said my heart pumping out loud

" i assume that means you are still in, correct me if i am wrong"  i nodded

" if so i beg you, to go learn how to live in peace and harmony. Learn to coexist. I Also dont plan on lossing you"  moving futher,  he pecked me on the forehead. He turned about to leave then i spoke

" do you love her" i  asked. He stayed mute


I was going to say no, but i know fati very well, she could use that as a weapon

" yes i do" i said slamming  the door behind. I feel so little after my conversation with fati, but i had to let her know.

        Walking down the stairs, with my head spining round, i stumbled into hajia hanne. she dragged me quietly to the nearest parlour as she managed the crowd,

" wanan yarinyan bana sonta"

" how is that my business"

" i am telling you this lady is trouble"

" hajia she is just a small rat that shouldn't  be your concern"

" fine. if really i shouldnt be concern about her then,  i have so much stains on my cloth with the police department and i need you to lure her to cover up for me." My eyes wide

" what indignity. i thought the commissioner of police was in your pocket"

" didnt you hear this little rat pulled out dirts on him which got him dismissed, this girl is obstinate. Khalifa i need you to look beyound her beauty, make her to be within your control"

" you know i wouldn't stup low.  the law has to take its course. If you have dirty findings you better have a covert plan"

" khalifa dont refute, coz this girl is not only coming for me, she is coming after all of us, you will see"

" hajia if prison is predestined for you then, who am i to prevent that"

" i bet you know that  i know you have something to do with fahads death" she said. SUBAHANA'ALLAH  my heartfelt heavy. This is a lie, i said to my self. I turn my hand into a tight fist but it was in my pocket.

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