15th String

22 1 0

The three of them came back. With her new black jacket, (Y/n) stole everyone's attention in the flash. She rock her new jacket. Still with Tsukishima's jacket hung in her hand. First thing she did, of course, gave back the jacket.

"Here, thanks for this, Tsukishima," (Y/n) thanked him, giving the jacket back to its owner. Tsukishima nodded his head and grabbed his jacket. Tsukishima couldn't take his eyes off her for several seconds, remembering the amazing sight he had before.

Tsukishima noticed that a lock of hair was out from her messy bun. He fixed her hair a little left the girl frozen on the spot.

After he finished, he was taking his time, he put his hand on top of her messy bun and bounced it once. Just fed his curiosity.

"Pardon me, your hair was a little out of place, so, I fixed it a bit." He explained. "I didn't mean to be rude,"

"Thanks, Tsukishima. You are surprisingly a nice young man." She smiled.

"It's nothing. By the way, it suits you. The jacket, I mean." He said, complimenting her new jacket. For the first time, he complimented someone who was not actually someone close to him. He was very nervous, his ears turned a bit red.

"Hahaha, right back at you, Tsuki!" She lightly punch his shoulder as a response. Actually, she was a bit starlet by what he said. She couldn't help but laugh.

Tsukishima hid his nervousness by adjusting his glasses. He felt somehow relieved that she was doing just fine. He relieved that she didn't held any grudge against him, after all the bad things he did involving her.

Yamaguchi was there the whole time. Saw both interacting with each other and all the laughs. Yamaguchi felt at sea. He knows Tsukishima was not the type to compliment someone, especially a girl. He raised one of his eyebrow, sensing something about to happen.

(Y/n) was walking towards Daichi who was scolding Tanaka and Nishinoya. They were kneeling on the gym floor. Daichi scolded them hard enough for them to reflect on their actions. He pinched the bridge of his nose, those two really gave him a headache everyday. (Y/n) crossed her hands over her chest, death glared her two loud friends.

"(Y/N)!!!! WE'RE REALLY SORRY!!!" Bawled them. They both crawled at her feet, crying.

Still with her bombastic side eyes, she drew in a long breath, not saying anything.

"(Y/n)-san, I beg your apologies for them," Daichi bowed his head to show his remorse on their behalf.

"It's okay Daichi-san, accident happened." She looked at those two one more time, and said, "but, I don't think I could bring myself to talk to them in the meantime."

Daichi put his understanding expression on his face. He scratched his hair a little not knowing what to do in this situation. Trying to be netral for this matter.

Hinata stormed to her, excitedly doing his little jump in front of her. He's holding her hand transferred the energy to her affected her to have little jumps with him. As if they had a telepathy, he cheerfully asked her, "Really?! Really?!!!"

She laughed, "Yeaaa!"

Everyone else looking at them with vary facial expressions. One with one eyebrow up, one with a smile on their face, one still confused, and the other two was still cursing themself for not being able to join.

"WOOHOOO!! We have three managers!" They both jumping more excitedly, shook their head left and right.

"Wait, (Y/n)-san, really?!" Asahi needed confirmation. Everyone else was too.

"Yes, is it bad?" (Y/n) stopped her doing. Now having a little sad feeling. Asahi's high pitch voice kinda made her scared.

"No, no, no, that's not what I-" Asahi panicked, haven't finished his sentence when Sugawara coming from his back, "hey, Asahi just an awkward guy, he didn't mean bad, (Y/n). We all happy! Welcome to the team!"

Sugawara welcomed her with his arms opened. She overwhelmingly happy hearing his words. She widely smiled and rushed to hug Sugawara.

Sugawara didn't expect her to hug him. He had his brain broken for a moment, then returned the hug after it back to function. He gave her a brotherly hug, with a pat on her back.

"(Y/n)-san," Daichi patted her shoulder. Made her turn her whole body to face him. Daichi smiled, and move his body so now his jacket on the back is on display. He move his thumbs pointing his back. "WELCOME TO KARASUNO VOLLEYBALL TEAM, (Y/N)!"

"WELCOME!" Followed by everyone else.

"Please take care of me, everyone!" She bowed, excited for what's going to happen next.

"Wow, I still can't believe you join us, (Y/n)-chan!" Hinata said to her while he was practicing over head tossing.

"Yeah, I'm surprised. I thought you weren't a big fan of volleyball?" Kageyama added.

These past few week, (Y/n) and Kageyama have been such great friends. At first, Kageyama didn't really care about her, but when he saw she stood up for her cousin from Tsukishima's saltiness on her first day, he's been interested in her since.

One day, long before the club practice hour started, (Y/n) saw him practicing his jump serve. She was kinda scared of how the ball made a big 'boom' sound echoed throughout the gym. She clapped her hand, and shower him with compliments made the boy embarrassed and turned red. They talked about many things and continued being friends up to the present.

"I know so much about volleyball, I'm not a player but my bestfriends are. My previous school go to nationals every year. My bestfriends always made me stay and keep them company so I'm pretty much more of a strategist, I think?" She Blurted. "You guys going to nationals this year, right? I would say, I know your upcoming enemies quite well, so I decided to help you guys as much as I can."

"Wow! You're the best, (Y/n)-chan! I know you are a wolf in a sheep clothing!" Hinata cheered.

"What?" Kageyama confused.

"What?!" (Y/n) felt offended. "I'm what?!"

"What?" Hinata confused too, a little scared of her reaction. He didn't know why she suddenly angry.

"A wolf in a sheep clothing?! Hahaha!" Tsukishima joined in. "You think she has some ulterior motives or what?"

"What? What do you mean?" Hinata questioned still don't get the idea.

"Hinata, a wolf in a sheep clothing means that someone who is good on the outside but have bad intentions on the inside." Yamaguchi explained.

Hinata gape, he covered his mouth with his hand. "I think.. I used that idioms wrong. Sorry, (Y/n)-chan,"

"It's okay, buddy. Next time, think before you talk, okay?" She said.

"But, I do think before I talk," Hinata now getting a wierd gaze from everyone.

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