Zac: I will now eat and rest

Fatima: Okay daddy 

Zac: That's Zac daddy 

Fatima: Get out 

Tony showed up him and Zac got to work. they finished putting up the crib and the dressers 

Tony: This looks really beautiful I can't believe your about to be a girl dad 

Zac: I know man my crazy ass finally got it together

Tony: Took a while but you did it. I think I am ready to settle down too

Zac: Tony trying to tie the knot

Tony: I think so man, I think Ebony is the one

Zac: Who would have thought you would be marrying Fatima best friend

Tony: I know it's crazy but I had this feeling since the first day I met her

Zac: Hey they say when you know you know

Tony: I am going to run it past Fatima then look at some rings 

Zac: Go for it bro if she makes you happy then make her happy by doing the right thing

Tony: I'm going to go for it

Zac: Man thanks for helping me, Fatima is going to be happy everything is finally done

Tony: You ready man 

Zac: Yes I been ready since day one as much as me and Fatima been getting it in I'm surprised it took this long. 

Tony: It was all in Gods timing 

Zac: Look at you with the word

Tony: Me and the Lord have been talking heavily lately

Zac: That's what's up I had to call on him myself a couple times. I am trying to be more intentional and not just praying or calling on him when something goes wrong.

Tony: Same you and Fatima should come to church with Ebony and I one Sunday

Zac: Ebony done got you in church I know she a keeper now and of course we can come after Fatima have babygirl 

Tony: Okay I am going to hold you to it but I am about to head out 

Zac: Okay thanks again for everything 

Tony: Anytime.

Zac went to go check on Fatima and she was knocked out 

Zac: Hey Babe I am about to go workout with Troy 

Barely awake 

Fatima: Okay 

Zac: Call me if you need anything I should only be gone for about a hour

Fatima: Okay 


Zac: Thanks for joining me man I been slacking lately

Troy: No problem I need this workout anyway plus I get to get some man time. 

Zac: I feel you my house about to be two against one

Troy: Good luck bro just agree with everything your wife say and it's over for you.

Zac: Why you say that 

Troy: Because that little girl is going to have you wrapped around her little fingers 

Zac: I am use to it her mama is spoiled but she deserves it

Troy: I can say the same for mine but I can't complain because my wife is like superwoman she holds me down and our family

Zac: Same just watching Fatima carry our baby has been mind blowing. the respect and love I have for that woman is unmatched

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