Shomi: So, why are you staying with my aunt? Well I mean I know you're dad is on a business trip, but I mean why couldn't you stay with your mom?

At the same time, Shomi asked that question, Fuyumi had arrived at the door with a tray of snacks. She froze at the words and stayed back as she waited for Zumi's response, curious about the matter as well since she didn't know if she could fully trust the father of said girl. Zumi however froze at the question allowing Shomi to land her first combo on the girl, but also making said girl pause the game and glance at her friend with confusion than with worry.

Zumi's face was filled with intense sadness making her look like a kicked puppy that didn't know what it did wrong. Shomi panicked once she saw tears begin to pool in the corner of Zumi's eyes, along with Fuyumi who was peeking through a crack in the door. They both assumed right away the worst of the situation, thinking the mother was dead, not knowing that would probably be the better outcome.

Shomi: You don't have to answer Zumi. I'm sorry I didn't know-

Zumi: No. It's okay.

Interrupted Zumi with a sniffle as she wiped away a few of the tears that had fallen down. Shomi was a little taken aback by Zumi's voice since instead of her usual quiet shy tone it was forceful with a hint of anger behind it, but most evident was the sadness behind it.

Zumi: I'll tell you,'re my first friend Shomi. We may not be forever, but for now, I want that in my life. The simplest way I can say this is she.....she gave up on me.

Fuyumi almost gasped at that but kept silent, but the one thing that bothered her. Why does a 5-year-old sound so mature?

Zumi: She wanted a successor worthy of carrying her blood and name, but...I couldn't even meet the bare minimum of her requirements, having a quirk. My dad is quirkless but he's so strong that she overlooked it, but she didn't feel like waiting for that what-if. She and Dad never got along but Dad tried his hardest for me even though it was hard for him. Dad never told me that day, but I know that was the last time I'd see my mother.

Shomi didn't say anything during Zumi's rant instead just letting the young girl let it all out, once Zumi reached her last words Shomi dabbed Zumi's cheek with a nearby tissue confusing the girl not realizing she had been crying the whole time. Shomi uncharacteristically put a comforting hand on Zumi's shoulder and nothing more, giving her support while respecting Zumi's boundaries. Zumi stared at her friend as Shomi just gave her a soft smile, in the next moment Zumi clasped Shomi into a tight hug and broke down. Shomi just returned it and softly patted her back.

Zumi: why didn't she want me?

Shomi didn't respond as she just closed her eyes letting a few tears fall down her face. Outside Fuyumi also had tears in her eyes along with absolute fury running through her veins. She clasped the tray so hard that some of her quirk seeped through slowly freezing the tray. Fuyumi realized this and calmed herself down, she wiped her face and took a calming breath. After a minute she knocked and let herself in. Wondering what this girl's father dealt with.


*Elsewhere; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia*

Under a wave of gunfire stood Izuku behind the cover of a wall, as the bullets tore down the hallway aiming to kill him. Currently, he was under some ancient ruins evident by the catacomb-like hallways, he had finished killing the Sultans in Egypt and was currently hunting the Sultan of the Rock. Izuku let out an annoyed grumble as another piece of the wall caved away due to the gunfire, as he was focused on the gunfire. A guard had flanked getting behind Izuku and raised his gun at him, but Izuku just lifted his own without looking and fired a single bullet killing the guard. 

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