"She doesn't mistreat us don't worry," Eve began. "Elsa is a woman that loves fame and attention, when the twins joined the show they stole her spotlight. Elsa sold the twins to a rich family to get rid of them, luckily Jimmy took them back to the freakshow."

"They later dissapeared again and we fear that Elsa had something to do with that as well." Jimmy chimed in.

"Elsa never treated us right." I heard one of the twins say from behind me.

"Don't say that Dot, Elsa means the best for us." The other twin uttered.

"For you." Dot stated which made Bette stop smiling, Dot noticed that it made her sister upset. "I'm sorry Bette but it's true, Elsa only treated us this way for her own sake."

"I'm sorry to hear that she treated you that way, no one deserves that." I smiled at them and they smiled back at me.

It went silent for a while untill Jimmy spoke. "Would you like me to guide you around the grounds?" He asked.

"Yes ofcourse, I'd love too see what your cabin looks like from the inside." I smiled and Jimmy grabbed my hand.

"First we are going to the place where we always eat our meals." Jimmy yanked on my arm and took me with him.

We walked towards an open tent with picnic tables. The two women who were sitting at the tables both looked at me, I greeted them by smiling.

"Y/n, long time no see, how are you?" The bearded lady, Ethel, asked me.

"I'm doing great Ethel, how about you?" I asked with a smile.

"Oh that's good to hear, I am doing alright." Ethel replied while a woman with no legs came up to me.

"I'm Suzi." She said and reached out her hand.

"I'm Y/n." I replied and shook her hand. "It's nice too meet you." I smiled at her, Suzi smiled back and let go off my hand.

I talked with the two of them for a little while, I catched up with Ethel and told her everything that has happend over the past months. When I was done talking Jimmy wanted to take me somewhere else, but because he saw two people run towards us he waited a little longer.

"Salty and Pepper meet Y/n!" Jimmy introduced me to the two excited individuals, Jimmy explained to me that they have microcephaly, a condition where the head is smaller than the regular.

"Nice too meet you." Pepper reached out her hand, I grabbed her hand and shook it. Salty wanted to shake my hand as well so he pushed Pepper to the side and grabbed my hand.

"Also nice too meet you." He said and he shook my hand excitedly.

"It's nice too meet both of you Pepper and Salty!" I smiled and chuckled while looking at Jimmy who winked and smiled back at me.

Salty and Pepper didn't stay long for a chat because Elsa called for them. They waved at me and Jimmy and ran towards Elsa her tent.

Jimmy grabbed my hand again and took me to the carousel of the freakshow. "Remember this carousel?" He asked as he jumped on a horse.

"It's the carousel we rode the night we met." I smiled as Jimmy pulled me onto the carousel with him.

"I will never forget that day," Jimmy sighed whilst I got onto a horse. "It's the first time I fell in love with a girl who loved me for who I am..."


"Remember when we went to a karaoke bar? We were so drunk that we got on stage and began to sing Sweet Home Alabama!" Jimmy chuckled.

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