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TW: Nudity, NSFW & Strong Language

I overheard a conversation between Gloria and Dora about Dandy. Both of them came to the conclusion that they wanted a therapist for him because he began to behave weirder and weirder by the day.

I quickly backed away from the door when I heard footsteps approach. Gloria came out of the room and saw me walk away.

"Hello y/n" She said friendly.

"Oh hello Miss Mott!" I smiled as I turned around. "How are you doing?"

"I am doing alright dear, thanks for asking." She smiled. "If you don't mind I would like to talk to you about something."

"Oh uhmm sure." I uttered, I followed Gloria to her office room and sat down on a chair, she sat down on the one behind the desk.

"Is it about Dandy?" I asked.

"Yes it is." She sighed. "I want a therapist for him."

"Why is that?" I asked like I didn't know why. Ofcourse I know why they want that, Dandy is crazy.

"Because Dora told me that he has been behaving very badly towards her and you."

"I understand Miss Gloria, but, you don't need to look further for a therapist! I know a lot about psychology because I studied it for three years." I said confidently.

"Oh honey that's great! Would you like to help Dandy with his problems?" She asked. "I know that you're here to entertain Dandy but it would mean a lot if you help him with that as well."

"Ofcourse I want to!" I smiled. "I think that letting me do it is the best option, considering he already knows me and finds it difficult to connect with new people."

"Absolutely." Gloria said, she smiled and stood up. "Thanks alot, he really needs it."

"No problem Miss Gloria, I'd love to help him." I smiled as I stood up, Gloria shook my hand before both of us walked out of the room.

I went upstairs and walked to the bathroom because I needed to go there. I opened the door and I was confounded by the sight of Dandy jerking off in the shower.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled and Dandy quickly turned around.

"Y/N YOU SCARED THE FUCK OUT OF ME!" He yelled back as he covered his crotch with his hands.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT ME? Next time lock the door! What if it was Dora or even your mother who caught you?!"

"Don't tell anyone.."

"Why not?"

"Because I say so!" He said angrily.

"I could go downstairs and tell your mother that you are being naughty you know."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Maybe." I smirked. "Now let's make a deal. I'll keep my mouth shut if you listen to me for a whole day, which means that you have to follow my orders and not vice versa."

"What's in it for me?"

"Your ass will be saved. Now close the shower curtain before someone else walks past."

Dandy did what I told him to do and closed the shower curtain. I turned around to walk away and saw Dora right behind me.

"Oh hey Dora." I said nervously.

"What were you doing there?" She asked.

"Nothing important." I uttered. "I wanted to go to the toilet but Dandy was showering and forgot to lock the door so I told him to lock the door next the time."

Whiney Psycho // Dandy MottWhere stories live. Discover now