"Why can't it be now?" She asked, pressing her palm over my exposed chest, thumping my heartbeats.

"You don't want to be involved in the Mafia, don't you?" I asked, she gave me a nod in response.

"Then rest assured, once you will shift all your responsibilities to Nathaniel, then you will be freed." I smiled, getting away from her.

"Who is he? Is he so significant? Why is the number one criminal of this world after me? Did he also promise my mother to shave me?" She asked, frowning.

"He is very important. That's why, when he will come. We- You can be liberated." I said, patting her head and getting up to freshen up but she held my arm.

"Why not us?"

"Do you want to?" I whispered, taking her face with my hands, kissing the top of her head when she nodded.

"Why don't we leave it to that time?" I said moved down and kissed her cheeks.

"Who is he anyways?" She asked but I pretended I didn't hear her and walked away.

We freshened up and got ready, she grinned and held my arm.

"Why happened to our dominant queen? Hmm?" I teased, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

"I am just Cinzel in your presence and you know it." She giggled as we walked out.

"You can say it. Then dear wife, would you like to go on a date with me this weekend?" I offered casually as we walked down.

"Really?!" She chirped excitedly.

"Yeah." I hummed as we walked down to have breakfast and saw Axel.

"I would love-"

Cinzel was about to beam excitedly but stopped when she saw Axel, converting her glee into a stern expression.

He stared at us for a second, watching how Cinzel cling on my arm as her last support.

Making a sour face, he ridiculed, "Of course you have to beckon her after stealing her from Zaniel. I wonder what you saw in him to marry him huh? His daughter? Or his age?"

I narrowed my eyes, certainly not wanting to ruin my mood by talking with him. I had already disgraced myself, becoming notorious for marrying my nephew's soon to be wife.

Some more taunts made no difference, all it mattered that she was here with me.

"I also-"

Cinzel was about to retort but I tightened my grip on her shoulder, hitching her breath.

Her voice struck instantly by my action but I didn't want her to get startled so I spoke up.

"Leave him, Cinzel." I said calmly and took her with me.

"Why didn't you let me-"

"Because you have a great responsibility on your head. You cannot raise personal disputes by a mock." I explained to her, passing her a faint smile.

"But..." She mumbled, looking away.

"Control your hot-blooded young blood." I teased, pushing her from my shoulder a little.

She frowned, rolling her eyes, "I have begun to detest this word 'young' now."

I chuckled and was about to say but De Villiers came, "Good Morning, Boss."

"Hey." She hummed, waving her hand at him casually.

"Everyone is waiting for you." He told her, she hummed, taking a seat.

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