2 - Trapped and Alone

Start from the beginning

He pauses for a moment as if he knew that there was no way that was the truth. To me, however, a month with nothing was an eternity. Then, he speaks up, "Hmph. If I'd known that my old man was keeping a girl in here, I swear, I'd come to get you."

"You... YOU DON'T KNOW ME!" I shriek, pulling against the chains once more, and they clatter against each other, still unrelenting.

"Hey- Hey, calm down, let me help you!" He insists, and I can hear his feet paddling against the floor as he cautiously approaches.

Pressing my back against the cement wall, I furiously decline, "It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair! Why aren't you restricted to? A favorite captive, or somethin'? And I have to hang here-!"

I feel a pair of hands slide around my neck and fumble with the securely knotted-up cloth. The words fade on my tongue when suddenly light floods into my eyes, stinging me. My jaw drops when everything, every color, scene, and texture, can be played out before me.

"I... I-I, uh, I can see..." I murmur, surveying the area for the first time. I probably looked like a newborn child just gaining their eyesight, but I didn't care. Now, in an almost inaudible tone, I softly mumble, "Thank you, thank you so much..."

"...You look like you're going to tip over at any second."

My gaze flits over to a boy who indeed looked a little older than myself. His piercing, violently crimson eyes matched his hair perfectly as it framed his pale, pale face. He wore a button-up indigo shirt with pants of the same, bold shade. Everything about him screamed defiance. A rebel, almost.

"Ugh, everything hurts." Tears well up in my eyes, and I slump to the ground, losing my fierce and fearless demeanor entirely. "I can't feel my fingers, and... Oh, Arceus, that's a lot of blood. Can, um, can I get something to eat? I haven't gotten any food since I was put in here. By the way, do you know how to get out of here?"

"You've been here longer than I have." He states and places his hands around my shoulders to steady me, but I'm still tied against the walls and held at gravity's mercy. I gaze into his viridian eyes, and he notices the dull, blank stare of my (e/c) eyes that tells him everything he needs to know. I felt no hope.

He moves away to search the room, and in that moment when he walks away, something ignites within me. "What's your name?"

"Hn?" He turns with a baffled look on his face. Exhaling, he says, "If you must know, it's Silver."

Silver... A name that thrilled me to the bone. There was something about it that made me smile, and I can't remember the last time I smiled. "My name is (Y/N)."

He doesn't acknowledge what I said, but he turns to look me in the eye. "The only way out is the door," Silver explains. "One of the admins or executives should have the key."

"... So?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "They're out there. We're in here."

"Hmph. Won't they come in to give us food?" Silver asks, but I sadly shake my head. I'd lost a lot of weight in the past several weeks. Not a soul dared to enter the madwoman's cage. "Are you certain?"

"Yeah, I-"

The creak of a door opening makes me shift my gaze off Silver and to the entrance. A tall, extremely slim woman with curves in all the ideal places walks through with a deep frown. Her ruddy cheeks complement her middle-length bright cherry-red hair as it swishes around her face. "Silver?" Her shrill voice slices through the air. She doesn't address me.

Silver takes up a fighting stance, subtly stepping in front of me. "What do you what, Ariana?" He grumbles, not taking his eyes off her, on edge and skeptical.

"I heard you were in here, so, I thought I'd-"

"Hey," I mutter, squinting at the lady. "Did'ja forget about someone?"

"Oh!" She places a dainty hand over her perfectly lipsticked lips. "You were in here all this time? I could've sworn they disposed — I mean, uh... I wasn't aware that you were, um, still in here. My apologies."

Silver takes a step backward, closer to me, lifting his hand to shield me.

Ariana sighs. "Don't fret, Silver. I'm not here to harm either of you. I realized that I've made mistakes in my life. I didn't know or care if what I was doing was right or wrong... I just put my faith in Giovanni and did as I was told." She pauses to lift her weight uncomfortably. "So, in an attempt to make amends, I'm here to set you guys free."

"Lies," I spat.

Ariana's tall pearl-white heels click across the stone-hard floors, her slender hands searching her pockets. Standing in her way, Silver crosses his arms over his chest until Ariana lifts up a singular key.

"Here," she thrusts the key into Silver's waiting hands. "You do it yourself. I promise I have no reason to harm you, as I said."

Silver casts a glare at her, but turns away to stand beside me, raising the key to the cuffs. First, the right one. Then, the left one. With a startling clank, the bonds released me, and I crumpled to my knees.

It was as if my limbs didn't function after all this time kept in the same position. "Oh, Arceus..." I groan as I try and fail to stand, having to slump against the wall. "Silver, help me up, will you?"

With wide eyes, he nods. Silver extends a hand, and I stare at it, stunned. I was actually getting out of this horrible place. All I had to do was slip my hand into his. A slow, tragic smile slips across my face and I accept his help, rising to my feet.


Author's Note:

And... another chapter was published! Did you enjoy it? If you did, don't be a silent reader, I love hearing from you guys!

Seems Team Rocket is slightly more evil than usual, huh? But we made an ally out of Ariana, so that's something.

Thanks a bunch, Reader, and see you soon,

Word count: 1714 words


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