Pt 1 Chapter 1: Freaks

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Part One: Welcome To The Werewolf World

Chapter One

The fire popped and cracked. Its flame warmed Sunny's face but he was paying more attention to the woods that was now his backyard. He couldn't take his eyes away from the trees since he moved to the small town with his dad only a month prior. They had come from the big city, nothing like what this small town had to offer; no parties, no drugs, no one littered, and people went outside instead of using technology. It was all so different. But Sunny knew what trees looked like, so not even he could understand why they drew him in so much.

"Marshmallow made from the Marsh himself," Marshal handed Sunny a crisp-golden brown marshmallow. Sunny took it along with a graham cracker and a piece of chocolate, his hands already getting sticky from the golden brown marshmallow.

"That was cheesy," Sunny scrunched his nose, not liking the dad joke, but taking a bite from the smore anyways.

"I would say chocolaty instead, it goes better with smores," Marshal laughed when his son rolled his eyes, clearly hearing too many dad jokes for the night. The moon held a bright crest over the sky and littering around it were freckles of thousands of stars. Aside from the trees, Sunny always found himself amazed by how well the stars shined, compared to the city where only light pollution clouded the sky. After a beat too long of silence, Marshal continued to talk, although this time there were no bad jokes coming from his mouth, "So, school starts next week, are you ready?"

Sunny looked at his dad's dark brown eyes, what would show from the night at least, his pupils disappeared into the brown. "I don't know anyone here."

Marshal leaned back in his chair with a loud dad-like sigh, "That was me once too, you know. The first time I moved here I was about your age. Aside from the adjustment, I have loved this town since, so I'm glad I'm back and you're with me."

Sunny took a bite out of his smore, getting melted chocolate on his lips. "You met mom here," he pointed out, looking at his dad to see how he would react.

Marshal nodded with a dry laugh, "I did. There was a lake. I decided to take a nice walk along it one day and then I saw her, my beautiful Vera. She was surrounded by beauty. Swans were in the water and ducks too but I think she was only looking at the swans. She was feeding them seeds from her pockets and they circled the water where she stood."

Sunny knew what had happened to his mother and it was not something that got brought up often. How her and his dad met, however, was a common conversation in the Springer household. Marshal would go on to explain how he was drawn to the beautiful woman, and that enough gave him the courage to approach her with an open heart.

"...And then I spilled my coffee all over my shirt!" He laughed in disbelief. "Vera laughed at me but she offered to buy me a new coffee. I said, ""It's a date!""

So the two went on a date and since then, Marshal's heart was only open to one. Marshal looked at Sunny, "You know, I'm very glad that you have her bright blue eyes. It actually reminds me of the first time we met, at that lake, and you hold that special part of her."

Sunny thought it over. He was a perfect mix of both his mother and father. His mother's eyes and kindness, and his father's blond hair and witty personality. "Is it okay if I miss her even though I don't remember her?" Sunny asked, feeling this longing to have a mother. He missed something he doesn't remember having, someone he never really had. She died when he was only a year old, so the only memories he holds of her are those in pictures or ones that are others' memories, like his dad's.

"Of course, Sunny. She is a part of you, always and forever," Marshal looked at him, a hint of deep sadness in his eyes. He wanted Sunny to have a mother. "Whenever I look at you, I see her. You carry her in you and I think that is special."

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