Chapter 25: Warning

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Chapter Twenty-Five 

Howls called in the distance, it sent a line of shivers down Devlin's back. He wasn't sure if it was excitement or not. "Pst," he made a noise and Neo turned around. He hid behind a tree that faced Pack Rose. "There are five in the front, ten in the back. The others seem to be hiding in the forest and I think the humans are inside."

"How do you know that?" Hennessy whispered from a tree three over.

"I circled the packhouse when you were too busy convincing Trinity not to kill anyone," Devlin rolled his eyes yet his heart was pumping fast.

"I had no choice, we're only here to give a warning," Hennessy said. "She thinks she can do whatever she wants."

"I'm a rogue, what do you expect me to do?" She nearly snapped, "Verbally tell them that they need to watch their back? No. And Devlin did not circle the packhouse."

"Yes, I did," Devlin argued.

"He did," Neo said flatly.

"Whatever," she said, rolling her eyes.

Devlin didn't say anything else to her. Instead, he looked at Neo who was carefully looking back. "Only come out if you smell blood, our blood. And don't worry if it's just a little scratch, we'll be fine."

"I know," Neo faced the packhouse again, his back facing Devlin.

"You know, dad's going to have him fight when we fight for real so don't baby him too much," Hennessy said.

Devlin was going to snap back with a response but Nathan's howl sounded through the forest and it was time to send out a warning. The three siblings shifted into their wolves. Hennessy guided them. His black wolf was taller than Devlin's and if it wasn't for his size and darker colour, they would look identical. Trinity followed her older brother close but she still kept distance. Her lean body swifty moved along the mess of slush on the ground. Nathan's training paid off and it showed the most with her. Devlin followed behind his siblings. He watched out for anyone nearby, but he was mostly checking Neo's hiding spot behind him. Nathan sent them off in groups. Two in the back and two in the front.

Then, Devlin's nose caught a familiar scent and out of instinct, his nose twitched and his eyes found it straight away. A black wolf stared at him, teeth bared and fur spiked on his back. His brown eyes had a hint of gold specks swirled in them and when Devlin's eyes made way to his ear, he wanted to laugh.

Theon was nothing against him.

Devlin ran towards him and Theon did the same. They crashed into each other, teeth sinking into wherever it could, claws digging into each reachable surface. Devlin growled and Theon matched the sound, spit flying from his mouth. The fight was only meant to scare him but Devlin couldn't help the anger that flooded through him whenever he looked at Theon, and he knew that Theon felt the same.

Theon sunk his teeth into the back of Devlin's neck and he held his position there. Devlin bit into his shoulder and he didn't move either. Their growls vibrated through each other and if Nathan's howl didn't signal the end of the fight, they would have stayed like that.

Devlin pulled back and Theon did too. He didn't know why Theon was giving up like that, just because he was. But when Devlin tried to run away, Theon jumped forward and crashed his teeth through Devlin's left ear. He yelped loudly and clawed at Theon's chest, which caused him to release his ear.

Devlin ran off into the forest and ran to where his dad ordered them to meet up. His siblings and Neo were already there when he made it. He shifted and held his ear with his hand. Warm blood flooded down his neck and it pulsed in pain.

Nathan walked towards him. He cupped his son's chin with his hand harshly and forced his face forward. Nathan looked at his ear and his eyes showed pure anger. "That boy did that, didn't he?"

Nathan knew his hatred for Devlin. Any fighting chance they got, they took their anger out on eachother. Nathan wasn't surprised he chose to torment Theon but what made him surprised was the mark he left behind. Devlin nodded.

"When it rains, you kill that boy, Devlin."

Devlin nodded, "yes, alpha."


"Let me heal it," Neo insisted. He followed Devlin to his bedroom but just as fast as he followed his heels, Devlin closed the door on his face. "Devlin!"

"Go away," he said from behind the door. He was holding the handle with his hands. "Don't waste your energy on me."

"You're seriously just going to bed like that?" Neo pounded on the door. "He practically bit your ear off!"

Devlin slowly opened the door. He covered his ear with a bandage but blood still managed to sink through the white fabric. "You heard my dad, I'm supposed to kill him."

Neo walked in the room. He knew how much it bothered Devlin. He'd only ever killed one person before and even the mere sight of blood reminded him of that time. He closed the door behind him and pushed Devlin closer to his bed. Devlin let him, although he didn't know what he was doing. "You can't convince me to heal it."

"I know," Neo replied and pushed Devlin one last time. He fell on the bed with a bounce and Neo sat over him. He stared into his hazel eyes as if he were trying to read him, but Devlin was extremely hard to read. "Are you upset?"

"No," he replied and tried snaking his arms around Neo's waist but he pushed them off with a head shake. Devlin obediently backed his hands away and laid his arms on the bed instead.

"Well, something was bothering you today."

Devlin shook his head.

"Oh, really?" Neo moved his face closer and Devlin hummed a response. Their noses pressed together and Neo had to fight back a smirk. Their lips connected into a kiss and Neo kept it moving until Devlin took over with heat, Neo playing along to distract him as his hand made its way to his ear. His fingers were throbbing to heal it.

Neo kissed him until no more energy left his fingertips. His ear was all healed and Neo knew that Devlin had caught on already. He pulled back, a smirk still playing his lips and Devlin was frowning, although Neo knew that he wasn't mad.

"It's always your way," Devlin said.

Neo rolled his eyes, "do you really think that I could stand to watch you pretend like it doesn't hurt? I was already having a hard time looking at you."

"You always have a hard time looking at me," Devlin mirrored his smirk and Neo playfully slapped his shoulder.

Then he went serious, "you almost got caught today."

Devlin pushed him off so they were laying next to each other. "They were distracted."

"Not enough," Neo was frowning. "If they find out you don't have full alpha blood you're going to get chased out, it's bad enough you don't smell rogue."

He rolled his eyes, "I'm alpha enough to pretend. Have you seen the gold in my eyes?"

"Devlin, I'm being serious."

"Me too, you told me once it was hot."

"You're so annoying."

"Annoyingly hot." 

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