Kinktober Day 3 - hate sex - Yoongi x Namjoon - NSFW

Start from the beginning

The worst part was that he couldn't even accuse Namjoon of cheating and stealing from him because it was different enough that it was certainly something Namjoon had done himself, and it would have taken a long while to make, so they had to start at the same time.

Not that the public would fucking understand that. If Yoongi had released his stuff, so similar to Namjoon's, just a few days later, the public would eat him alive, accusing HIM of copying NAMJOON, like he would ever copy the omega. Like he would ever need to copy anybody.

That was where it started. Namjoon just got under his skin in ways that he could not explain, and now he would get Namjoon under him in a more... carnal way.

Not because he was attracted to Namjoon! No! Because he was curious, because he wanted to see what it was going to be like. He had no attraction to Namjoon! The man was a brat in an adult body, and it didn't matter his skill with music, he had nothing Yoongi was interested in. He wanted nothing to do with the other man.

It didn't stop him from nearly drooling as Namjoon lay back on the couch, now completely naked, his hand wrapped around his own cock, giving it light, slow pulls, almost on display for Yoongi's viewing pleasure.

For just a short moment, Yoongi let himself take in the omega's cock, much bigger than expected for a male omega. Then again, everything about Namjoon was bigger than expected. He did wonder in that short moment if Namjoon's cock might even be bigger than his, as an alpha he wasn't sure if his pride could handle that.

It was something he would have to spend a long time considering afterward, but for now, the heavy heat pheromones in the small room and the glistening of Namjoon's thighs that spoke of slick were enough to distract him as he focused on the omega and exactly what else was between those tan, well-built thighs.

The couch was not a perfect place for them to be getting intimate, but it was how it was. The heat had taken them both by surprise when it had suddenly hit in the midst of an argument they were having in the hallway.

One thing had led to another, and suddenly their mouths were on each other. It was unclear who was pushing whom, but the path towards the unoccupied studio that Yoongi had booked for the next three days was clear. It had, after all, been that studio that had started today's argument.

Yes, did Yoongi know that Namjoon wanted this specific studio? Yes, he always wanted it during these days of the month. Had he booked it months ahead, just to mess with Namjoon because the other rapper had once again released something similar to his, but before him? Yes, yes, he had. Yoongi wasn't even ashamed of it.

He hadn't realized that the reason Namjoon booked a studio for so many days and never left during it was because it was his heat time. But in his defense, how the hell was he meant to know that! It was not like he kept track of the man's cycles!

Yoongi found himself pulled from his thoughts of exactly how they had ended up here and how much he despised this man, even if his arousal was aching to be satisfied. God, how was he so annoying? This thought was interrupted by Namjoon, who grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him down on top of him. "I truly do have to do everything, don't I?" Namjoon's large warm hands popped the button on Yoongi's jeans, helping him push it down.

He had no better defense than just growling out, "Shut up," and claiming Namjoon's mouth in an aggressive kiss before the other man could start working that silver tongue of his, outwitting Yoongi in a battle of wits that he had no idea had started.

It wasn't a good kiss; it could barely even qualify as a kiss if Yoongi was being honest with himself. It was more teeth and tongue than lips. It wasn't soft or sweet; it wasn't that of big romances, of songs sung by lovesick men and women with their hearts filled. This was a fight for dominance, a fight for who was setting the tempo; it was both men showing that even if they were about to engage in sexual activity, they still didn't like each other.

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