Chapter 1: Astrology

Start from the beginning

(4): Attraction, Love
Zodiac: Tarus ♉
Stones: Medius, egyptilla, Sapphire, rhodonite, chrysolite, rose quartz.
Herbs: catnip, eucalyptus.
Body part: throat, kidneys, lymph nodes, veins, reproductive system

(5): Action, challenge
Zodiac: Aries ♈
Stones: Hematite, sard, emerald, garnet, red jasper, aquamarine, unakite, carnelian.
Herbs: bergamot.
Body part: muscle system, adrenaline

(6): Expansion, happiness
Zodiac: Sagittarius ♐
Stones: Ceraunia, herbosa, sard, jasper, blue lace agate, malachite, turquoise.
Herbs: saffron, clove.
Body part: liver, hips, pancreas

(7): Responsibility, maturity
Zodiac: Capricorn ♑
Stones: Ostrachite, agate, sardonyx, sard, howlite, tiger's eye, rutilated quartz.
Herbs: cedarwood.
Body part: skeleton, bones, teeth, joints, gallbladder

(8): Change, progress
Zodiac: Aquarius ♒
Stones: amethyst, hematite, aqua howlite, sodalite, apophylite, herkimer diamond.
Herbs: neroli.
Body part: brain, nervous system

(9): Imagination, inspiration
Zodiac: pisces ♓
Stones: Tanzanite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, azurite malachite, larimar, amazonite.
Herbs: lavender.
Body part: endocrine, urinary

(10): Transition, renewal
Zodiac: Scorpio ♏
Stones: sodalite, obsidian, snowflake obsidian, blue calcite, tourmaline.
Herbs: Palo Santo.
Body part: DNA

Each day of the week can have a correspondences with the planets and some days have stronger energy for each sign

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Each day of the week can have a correspondences with the planets and some days have stronger energy for each sign. Astrology can be used to plan your week or make predictions basics on your personal charts.

Zodiac: Cancer ♋
Planet: Moon
Color: silver
Reflect and plan new intentions

Zodiac: Aries ♈ & Scorpio ♏
Planet: Mars
Color: red
Put plans and intentions into action

Zodiac: Gemini ♊ & Virgo ♍
Planet: Mercury
Color: purple
Brainstorm long term planning

Zodiac: Pisces ♓ & Sagittarius ♐
Planet: Jupiter
Color: blue
Practice gratitude, work towards goals

Zodiac: Taurus ♉ & Libra ♎
Planet: Venus
Color: pink
Practice self love, treat yourself

Zodiac: Capricorn ♑ & Aquarius ♒
Planet: Saturn
Color: black
Tie up lose ups on projects

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