"That blue black is pretty, it matches your hair and eyes." The person next to me said with a smile. I smiled and took it in my hand, I noticed another wonderful dreamcatcher. I looked at the old lady and spoke to her in Italian. She packed the dreamcatchers in a small bags and I thanked her after paying.

"Wow you bought one more of those." The person next to me said.

"This blue black is for you and I like this green blue because it reminds me of your eyes, Blues with a bit of green." I said smiling looking the person in the eyes.

"Happy birthday." I said giving a dream catcher.

"You didn't have to, I already have many gifts from you."

"And you can never have too many." I said taking the person's hand. We started walking along the street.

"Will you tell me what has happened?" The person asked as we stopped to sit on the bench.

"Alice called and asked me for help to save Edward. She dragged me and that human to Italy and only on the plane told me where we were going and what to do." I said looking at my hands.

"Eddie left Bella and Alice saw Bella jump off a cliff, Rosalie told Edweirdo and he decided to kill himself and went to the Volturi and blah blah then he was going to reveal himself and we arrived in Italy." I said sighing.

"And then I found my soulmate there." I said looking up.

"Oh who is he? Does the Volturi know about you?"

"He's the Alec Volturi from the witch twins and he doesn't want a mate, Greetings Mr. Edweirdo who read Alec's mind in the castle and they know what I am but don't know anything else, I only told my two new friends about Stefan and Damon."

"Did you tell them you were married to Eddie?" The person next to me said with a laugh.

"I told, those were the only things I told."

"How long did you intend to stay in Italy, it's not your habit to stay in one place for a long time."

"I don't know, I've been thinking all over my head and I don't know because this whole thing." I answered, putting my hands on my knees.

"I think you should try to take the initiative and see if it leads to anything and if not then leave." The person next to me spoke.

"Alec feels the pull to his mate, if I leave it will show in him in time, I dont want to force him into anything." I said.

"But you stayed because of Alec?"

"Yes, I'm going to do something about it and find out what Alec wants because the reason I stayed was because my mate is here." I said smiling.

"Have you heard of Kol?"

"I haven't since I left New York, I sent him a message, haven't I received a reply."

"I went to New York and I didn't see him."

"Maybe he got tired of that city already." I said laughing.

"Yeah, he ran out of toys." We both laughed out loud.

"I saw that friend of yours Damon in New York." I turned my head in surprise.

"What? What was he doing there?"

"I don't know, he seemed to be looking for something, maybe you?"

"I don't think so, he would have called." I said.

"Has he returned to his brother?" The person next to me asked confused.

"Last time I visited them was in that small town, where they were fighting over a girl who is Stefan's girlfriend."

"What is so wonderful about that girl?"

"Good question, she was a normal 17 year old girl like that Bella."

"Blood bags." The person next to me said rolling their eyes.

"Like what Eddie sees in that human." The person next to me said straightening up and I laughed out loud.

"Good question, maybe they'll get a happy ending."

"Which do you think that girl will choose Stefan or Damon?" I thought about the question for a while. "I bet Stefan." I said turning to look at my side.

"I bet Damon, every girl chooses the bad boy." We chatted for a while until I have to go back.

"I have to get back before someone notices I'm gone and they come looking for me." I said sadly looking at the person next to me.

"That's good, see you soon, I'll go look for Kol if I find him." We hugged and I looked at the person once more with a smile.

"I'll call you and see you soon I promise."

I speed back and looked at the balcony I jumped from, using my speed and jumped to the balcony. I lowered my hood with a smile and took one more look at the street before turning around and freezing in place.


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