the brat is no ordinary brat, promise of death,

Start from the beginning

"man that kid ", Asuma scratched his beard face.

*oh* "I see the Raikage of the cloud and the Kazekage of the sand are with you ", Ashura point, the Kazekage and Raikage's body guard frown angrily.

"that brat ", Karui snarl angrily.

"how dare he? ", Omoi ball his fist.

"( I wanna break that little squat myself )", Kankuro snarled.

"I'm Ashura Uzumaki, and my dream is to surpass all greats Kages and the three legendary sannin, mark my words, I will archive it ", Ashura smile proudly.

"Ashura Uzumaki eh ", the Raikage gazed down at the red haired boy.

"he has a really great dream... hope he survive through the ninja world to archive his dream ", the Kazekage said and the Hokage glared at him through the side of his eyes.

"hey kid ", Genma was tired of the hyperactive kid's behavior.

"who are you?, where's the proctor? ", Ashura eyed the jonin.

"I'm the proctor ", Genma answered.

"what about the other guy? ", Ashura frown.

"he's not around so I have to fill in for him ", Genma informed before looking up at Gaara who had a weird smile on.

( flash back )

"what are you two doing here? ", Ashura walk over to Haru and Jinnai, Haru started scrubbing his eyes with his hands trying to get rid of the tears covering his face, "Haru... why are you crying? ".

"I... I... I... ", Haru could not find a word.

"he lost his uncle ", Jinnai informed.

Ashura looked over at the stone which had lots of names carved in, "( K. I. A, what's that? )", Ashura frown, "Haru... ".

"it OK big brother Ashura, I'm fine ", Haru forced up a smile leaving Ashura amazed, even at a sorrowful moment the kids was still smiling, even though it wasn't that real, "he was a great uncle, he was always there for me... I'm just glad and I don't know why... Maybe it's because he died an hero ".

"( Haru )", Ashura smile.

"so how is your training, got any new jutsu for me? ", Haru grin.

"you must be out of your mind, all of my jutsu are beyond your reach ", Ashura crossed his arms.

"c'mon big brother Ashura ", Haru plead.

"don't even think about it ", Ashura look away *ugh* "( that chakra... what is he doing here? )", Ashura look into the trees, "Haru... Jinnai, stay behind me ", Ashura took a stance.

"( something is going on for big brother Ashura to be this tense )", Jinnai was eyeing the area.

"hey, big brother... is everything OK? ", Haru ask but Ashura was busy glaring at an approaching figure.

"you... what do you want? ", Ashura growl.

"big brother, who's this guy, he look weird ", Haru whispered to Ashura but Gaara wasn't deaf, his creepy eyes slowly crawls to Haru who instantly froze.

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