Take the Weather With You

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When I was younger, there was an annual concert of a Jimmy Buffett tribute band at our local Amp. They called themselves Fins. They retired a few years ago, but I'm hoping they'll come back at least one more time next year to send Jimmy off the right way!


At the concert there were prizes for best dressed or most enthusiastic. My favorite part of all of it was the parrot adoption agency that showed off all of their rescues to everyone!


I remember the year I won the best dressed competition. I was a competitive dancer growing up, and I was stoked to have the opportunity to get on stage with Fins and dance- and that is exactly what I did!


I was dressed in an old yellow flowery tropical sundress that belonged to Grammie. It was 12 sizes too big but I didn't care. We were having fun! 

I had a ton of lays all over me. I had my hair pulled back with one, one as a crown, one around my neck, and one on each wrist and ankle. I was little. And I was having a blast!

That concert won me my first camping tent. I used it in my backyard all summer with my best friend and my sister. The fun never ended!

This is the kind of joy that only Jimmy's music can bring.

Bubbles Up : A Tribute to a LegendWhere stories live. Discover now