Full moon

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"Damon? What are you doing here?" I ask

"I could ask the same thing. There's a full moon coming up and how can you even take a trip from mystic falls? Klaus compelled you"

"I know but Klaus called me and took away the compulsion"

"And the first thing you do is go to him? He's gonna kill you"

"I'm here for Stefan. I don't care if I get killed on the way".

Damon rolled his eyes and looked at Elena who was looking bothered in the water.

"Damon how did you even find us?" Elena asks

"Thanks for the tip brother" he looks at Alaric

"You told him?" She looks at Alaric

"Think I'd take you two to a mountain range of werewolves without backup?".

We all stood there in silence looking at Elena

"Get out of the water Elena" Damon finally says

"If I get out of the water, you're gonna make me go home"

"Yeah. Because I'm not an idiot like you"

"Right now, you're both acting like idiots" Alaric scoffs

"You gave up on him, Damon" Elena shake her head

"I didn't give up on him, Elena. I faced reality. Now. Get out of the water, Elena"

Elena crossed her arms "no"

"What's your big plan, Elena? Huh" Damon jumped down to the water walking closer to her as he talks "gonna walk into a campsite of werewolves, roast a marshmallow, wait for Stefan to stop by?"

Damon now stood face to face with Elena looking angrily at her

"My plan is to find him and help him. Damon, this is the closest we've been since he left. I'm not going home"

"Klaus thinks you died when he broke the curse. That makes you safe. This? This is not safe"

"We're not leaving before we find him"

"It's a fool moon tonight, Elena. Tara can't turn here. Klaus, will find her and then slice out her eyes"

"Then we'll find him before then" they looked at each other "Damon, please"

"Okay. But we're out of here before the moon's full"

"I promise"

"Or you wanna relive the deathbed thing"

"I said I promise"


Damon and Elena walks up, out of the water.

We began walking higher in the mountains trying to find Stefan and like Elena and Damon always do is argue and talking all the time but I didn't listen to them, I mostly looked around.

As we were walking we heard something and we all stopped, Alaric took up his crossbow and pointed at a guy who was drained in blood

He stood and looked at us and then looked at Damon "vampire" he jumped on Damon. He pushed Damon against a tree tried to bite him. Alaric shot his back and then Elena took up the wolfsbane grenade.

"Damon!" She throws it to him and he catches it. It explodes in the hybrids face, he falls down to the ground and Damon kick him. The hybrid stooped moving.

"Let me guess. Hybrid" Alaric says

Alaric and Damon took up his body and tied it with ropes against a tree. Elena held ropes in her hand and poured vervain on them.

"Ric, here take these" Elena says

Damon stood in front of her and took back his hand and grabbed the ropes

"Aaahhh agghhh!" He gets out and turns around to Elena

"I said Ric" she shrugged her arms.

Ric made his way to her and took the ropes "that's the last of the vervain" he tied the rope around the hybrid

"We don't have enough stuff to hold him" Alaric says "I don't think we're gonna make that ridge before the full moon"

"If we can get him to talk, we don't have to"

Elena made her way closer to the hybrid and slowly placed her finger top on his cheek, he moved his head and she jumped back

His head started to break and his bones were breaking.

"Is he turning?" Damon says questioning

"Impossible. It's daylight" Elena says

"Tell him that" Alaric says.

Damon make his way to the hybrid placing his hands on his shoulders trying to make him stay in place

"There aren't werewolves until the moon is full"

"Those ropes aren't gonna hold him" i say

"Damon, we've gotta get out of here. We've gotta get out of these mountains now"

Damon didn't listen he still stood there "Damon now!" Elena yells and we all began to run in the woods.

As we run I looked around and realized that we accidentally split up

We were running and suddenly I saw that Tara's gone.

"Wait where's Tara?" I ask looking around

"I don't know" Elena says

"We need to keep run" Alaric says and we kept running

Elena fell on a stick and a wolf was in front of her

"Don't move" I say looking worried at Elena

"Here, doggy doggy" I say running away and the wolf followed me.

the fool moon was almost up and I ran in the woods. I looked behind me at the moon as I ran and then I tripped on a root.

I stood up and I had cut up my arm. I kept running and then I saw through the woods, a fire, tents everywhere. I made my way closer when I felt someone grabbing my arm hard

"See who liked to join"

"Klaus" I say as my heart raised

"You wanted too bad to become a hybrid that you came here!" He says upset "almost full moon" he looks up at the sky

I didn't get why he was so upset but I looked around seeing people drained in blood everywhere lying on the ground dead.

"It didn't work?" I say terrified

"No, it didn't work!" He takes up a glass bottle of whiskey and throws it on a tree, it splashed and the glass flew everywhere

He looks at me who stands and hold my hand on the blood and looks down at the ground.

He grabs my arm and walks with me in the woods, I look around trying to see Damon, Elena or Alaric anywhere.

I felt how it almost was time to turn but then Stefan caught my eyes

I looked at him not caring about anything else then him "Stefan"

"What are you doing here?" He says

I looked at him with betrayal in my eyes. Seriously? I made all my way here risking my own life and. That's the first thing he says.

"She won't give up, Stefan. I could make it easier and maybe turn her"

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