He's gone

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"If you know then stop"

"You wanna come with me and Stefan? Love"

"Stefan's not going anywhere with you...he's going home"

"Stefan gave himself to save his brother...he's a rippah" Klaus smilies placing his arm around Stefan

Klaus vampire ran away with Stefan and I stood there not knowing what to do.

I looked around in panic

I took up my phone with shaky hands trying to call Damon

My hands kept clicking wrong and I was struggling to just call a number

"What's wrong with you!? Just....aahhh" i says loudly to myself

I then successfully clicked to call Damon


"Damon are you okay?"

"Yes...Katherine came with the cure...Stefan's there?"

"No...Klaus made him drink blood and now he's gone"

"What do you mean he's gone?" Damon says frustrated

"Klaus took him"

"Okay come back and we'll figure out a way to get him back"

I nods saying "yes....we need him".

We hang up and I walked on the street on my way to the Salvatore mansion.

"Sister" Katherine says standing there out of nowhere


"You're going to Stefan? Don't you"

"Klaus has Stefan so no"

"He has Stefan?"

"Yes and now me and Damon have to figure out a way to find him and get him back"

"Oh...you're in danger of losing the love of your life" she says mean

"I'm gonna go" I began walking

"No" she appeared right in front of me

"Katherine this is not a good time to joke around"

She frowned her face at me

"Stefan's in danger. Let me go....please"

She looks down and then walks past me with a arrogant look.

I ran the rest of the way to Damon, I rushed in through the door

"Where did they go?!" Damon says making his way to me

"I don't know"

"You don't kn-!" He puts face in his hands

I stand there waiting for some kind of rage attack

He look up from his hands and his eyes were screaming at me

"You could've stopped this! It's your fault....only...yours!" He screams at me

"You're blaming me?" I pointed at myself "so who was the one who got bit?" I say quietly to myself but Damon heard

"Tara...I'm so-"

"No...no. Don't apologize....it was my fault" I nods for myself

"It's not...I was just angry"

"No...you were right. I was the one who was going to Klaus and Stefan...I let him follow me. I shouldn't have"

"You did it to save me....blame me" Damon tried convincing me.

The door opens and Caroline Elena and Bonnie comes in

"What happened?" Care says as them all walks closer to us

Damon's eyes jumped at me and then he looked at them

"Klaus took Stefan with him somewhere. We don't know where"

"What are we gonna do?" Elena asks

"I don't know" Damon says shrugging his arms.

We all stood there looking around at one another not knowing what we're going to do.

"Well we need to do something...we can't just stand here" Caroline says

"Bonnie...do you know how to do a locator spell? We could be in a need of one of those right now" I say

"I could try but I don't think I'm that strong yet. We'll give it a try. Can someone get a map?"

"I'll get it" Elena says.

Me, Bonnie, Caroline and Damon sits down on the couch

"What's a locator spell?" Damon asks doing his eyebrows thing

"It's a spell where we can find Stefan's location. Or at least witch town his in...not specifically where he is" I say

"And how do you know that?"

"I've lived a long time and I....been friends with witches and they would sometimes do these spells to find someone"

"Here's the map" Elena says sitting down and spreading it out on the table.

"Now there's one more thing we need....Damon...your hand" I held it my hand

"You need my hand? No...I'm not giving a body part to you for this spell. What if it doesn't work?"

I roll my eyes "lay your hand on mine"

He looks dubious at me as he slowly lay the weight of his hand at mine.

I took up a knife and his face fully changed

"What are you doing?"

"I need blood from someone who's related to Stefan...and you are"

"Could've said that sooner. Don't you think?"

I made a cut in his hand and he made a face

"It was just fun to see you scared" I say smiling.

"Turn your hand upside down over the map" Bonnie says

Damon does what she said and the blood drips down in a lump on the map.

"Now. I don't know if I'm strong enough but I'll give it a try"

She starts talking in Latin and the blood doesn't make a move.

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