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When I almost came back into the room I heard my phone was ringing.

I made my way to my phone and picked it up from the table, it was a unknown number. I looked at my phone deciding if I should answer or not

I shake my head for myself laying down my phone on the table but my gut feeling says something else.

I sighed and picked up my phone to the ear answering

"Hello?. Hello?" It was so quiet and then I realized. "Stefan?. Stefan, if this is you, you'll be okay. I love you Stefan. Hold on to that. For infinity. Never let that go" I hang up

I was smiling at my phone thinking. He's still in there somewhere....I just need to find him.


I woke up next day going down the stairs still having my pajamas on, Damon stood by the fire.

"You just woke up? The clock is almost 3 pm" he says taking a sip out of his bourbon

"Yes. Right now sleeping is only about seeing the life I've could of had...with Stefan"

"Tara...someday you need to forget about him. You will age and when you die you will realize that you wasted your life waiting for someone who doesn't want to be found or even want to come back"

"I'm not giving up on him. He called me last night"

"What did he say?"

"...nothing...but I know it was him"

"Uhhu..." Damon says not believing me.

I sighed as I walked upstairs again to change clothes. When I came up I saw my phone was laying on the bed ringing. It was a unknown number, I fast took up my phone and answered.


"Stefan? No...he's not here right now but I'm here"

"Klaus" I say disappointed

"Well I know I told you, you would get the honor to be the first ever turned hybrid but you're far away. I already found some replacements. I found a whole pack of wolves"

"'re telling me this for what? Should I be grateful?"

"No you should watch that attitude. I'm telling you this because I actually like the hunt so let's see. You're free to go wherever you want in the whole world. You're not compelled anymore".

The compulsion disappeared

"Tara...this doesn't mean that you're really free. I will get you. Someday" Klaus sighed "if I were you I would run as far as I could. You better hurry if you don't wanna end up like a monster"

"Bye Klaus" I say and hung up on him.

I put down my phone feeling the frustration spreading out in my whole body.

I changed clothes to black jeans and a red tank top with lace, I took my black purse hanging it over my shoulder walking out and closing the door after me.

I felt the confidence I had and how fearless I felt right now, I took up my phone and called the number that Klaus called from

"Hi again. Klaus, just so you know. not over. I will found him"

"Ohh tell me little wolf"

"I don't care if you kill me but let him go"

"You're so brave going against me like this. Stefan won't want to come back when I'm done with him"

"Bye again...maybe I'll see you soon" I hung up.

After we hung up I made his phone number in my list of friends and names him Klaus and a devil emoji.

Elena send me a message saying "me and Alaric are taking a trip to Smoky mountains to find Stefan. Would you like to join?"

I replied "yes of course. Where are you?"

"We're at mystic grill"

"I'll meet you there".

I made my way to mystic grill seeing Alaric and Elena stand there talking


"Hi...let's go" Elena says

We all walk out to Alarics car. Elena was driving and Alaric sat beside her so I sat alone.

During the trip I was thinking about if we go there. Think if I just make my own death. Klaus is there and he still want to make me hybrid so this might be the last day alive. It's also a full moon tonight.

When we arrived Alaric parked the car and we walked out with the things.

"In a couple of hours, the full moon's gonna rise just above that ridge" Alaric points "that where the pack will be"

"You were a Boy Scout. Weren't you?" Elena asks

"Shut up" Elena took a sip of her water bottle "a Boy Scout-slash-vampire slasher"

"Slash-whiskey-drinking all around lost cause".

I was walking behind them with a bag full of things, Alaric sat down on one knee and opened his bag and gave Elena some kind of grenade.

"Here. Put that in your bag"

"Vervain grenade?" She asks taking it


Elena nods putting it in her bag.

I stood there looking around seeing if I could see someone.

"We'll. Since we're exchanging gifts" Elena held up the ring that saves him from dying

"That's John Gilbert's ring"

"It was yours once. Go ahead. Take it. It'll protect you from whatever danger we're about to get ourselves into"

"He gave it to you"

"I'm a doppelgänger, it's not gonna work on me. He left it for if I ever have kids"

"Why don't you save it for future generations of stubborn, relentless baby Gilbert's?"

"How about you borrow it until after we survive this? I'd feel bad if I got you killed before happy hour".

I rolled my eyes at them thinking. Someone just take it!.

Alaric takes it and set it on his finger.

I sat bent down to my bad and Alaric to his, while Elena took of her shirt and was about to go into the water.

"I don't know why you think that you're a lost cause-" she says to Alaric but get cuts off

I heard Elena screaming so I turned around to see Damon who made her fly into the water.

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