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Peter woke up in Avengers Tower, you could say he woke up at home, then he remembered one more great thing, his birthday is in two days, so he will be a year older, but he never celebrated birthdays, not even with May and Ben, usually May she baked a cake and they wished him, but then nothing, they didn't have a lot of money, so it was enough, but Peter was happy even with so little, because for him it meant that they liked him, he would be fifteen in two days, he slipped out of beds, morning hygiene, you know it and he went to the living room, he was wearing a sweater and jeans, Tony was already sitting at the table, he smiled at Peter, "good morning sleepyhead" but again a new nickname, "sleepyhead?" Tony laughed "it's eleven, just a little while and I'm going to wake you up because of your accelerated metabolism" "oh yeah good morning" Tony smiled and pointed to the chair next to him, there was a plate of sandwiches on the table, Peter sat down and then he realized something, hey! When did you even wake up?" Tony smiled, "I was waiting for you to realize, you're a bright boy, at quarter to eleven" Peter burst out laughing, "and you wanted to wake me up" he said through a fit of laughter, Tony laughed too, "don't laugh, I was up before you anyway." Tony said with a smile.
Peter had already calmed down and started eating his sandwich, then they went to the workshop and worked on the gadgets to add to their suits,,Peter? We should tell the Avengers too, about the webbed thing" Tony said "yeah I guess" Peter replied but he wasn't sure how to tell them "I'll tell them today" Peter said in a firm voice Tony just nodded "ok ". They were probably in that workshop for hours, suddenly Friday called, "dinner is ready" "what the hell already!?" scolded Tony then looked at Peter who was stifling a laugh he pointed a finger at Peter "not even bother before Rogers" he said "sure sir *laughs* Stark" Tony was glad he made Peter laugh "so let's go before Nat comes" and gave a scared look, Peter laughed again but he was afraid of how the Avengers would react to the news he and Tony were about to tell them. The Avengers had arrived and were already sitting at the table, Peter had to tell them right now, uhm guys hey I i have to tell you something" they turned to him so he knew they were listening "well you can't tell anyone it's a secret and it's not a small one" he said Tony put a hand on his shoulder the Avengers nodded in unison "okay noo me i'm spiderman" he said extra fast, the avengers looked at him incomprehensively, "probably slower pete" said tony amused, "oh well, i. am. spider-man" Clint's fork fell from his hand, everyone's mouths were hanging open, except for Tony, the he was having fun, eventually they recovered from the shock and started eating again, now with Peter and Tony as well.
Peter expected worse, but the Avengers accepted it and smiled at him the whole dinner, in the end they had a Harry Potter movie marathon, Peter fell asleep on Tony's shoulder after two movies and Tony fell asleep too after half an hour, the Avengers took maybe a million photos and Friday joined in, then gradually the others also fell asleep.

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