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Peter woke up but he had no idea where he was he realized he was lying in bed and then he remembered yesterday didn't he!? He fell asleep in the tower, in front of Tony Stark and wasn't in the orphanage for the evening meal! It can't be worse, damn it's worse, someone had to take him here because he wasn't out enough to forget, he fell asleep on the couch, GOD it's so embarrassing and why didn't they wake him up at all, he sighed, there's no point in panicking, it happened, he looked looked uncertainly at the ceiling, "FRIDAY?" he thought he wasn't going to answer, but then "yes Peter? By the way Mr. Stark says to stop by the workshop when you wake up" Peter rolled his eyes, if Mr. Stark needed him then why didn't he wake him up ? "Thanks FRIDAY" he said smiling at the ceiling, he should probably slap himself why is he smiling at the ceiling, the AI ​​is in the walls, so not only on the ceiling and probably can't register the smile anyway, so probably, "You're welcome Peter, I'd like to smile at you too" Peter rolled his eyes, she could have seen the smile, but he decided to go see Mr. Stark, he left the room and then he realized he had never been in the room, so he didn't know where-, he didn't even think and FRIDAY had already navigated him to the workshop, when he got there he thanked her and opened the door.
"Mr. Stark?" he looks around the workshop, "good morning Pete, how did you sleep?" "Y-yeah ok and um-sorry for falling asleep" Peter said he didn't like how he stuttered and was surprised when Stark laughed "Please it's ok kiddo if I minded I would have you woke up" Tony said with a kind smile, Peter thought about his new nickname, "could you use your mobile to create a new contact?" "and why Mr. Stark?" Tony looked at him with a look that said _seriously?_ "So that I can ride you there with who you're calling!" No, I want to save my number there" he said with humor, without further ado Peter clicked everything that was needed and handed the mobile to Mr. Stark, Stark saved his number there, "So now you can call me if you ever can't come or I can call you if I have some kind of meeting, maybe with the Avengers" said Tony, "Mr. Stark do you need something or boo" "if you have to go back home then you can, we did more than enough yesterday" Peter nodded, "bye Mr. Stark" "Hello" said Tony back and waved at him.
Peter came out of the tower and headed to the orphanage, he was already preparing for the pain that would probably come in a few moments and if she was still drunk, but he shouldn't have fallen asleep yesterday, he kept reminding himself of this all the way to the orphanage, he reached the door, swallowed and grabbed the handle , the teacher was already sitting on the stairs, "Damn", she immediately kicked Peter, he could have defended himself, but why risk his identity and he has accelerated healing anyway, so he could endure it, after five minutes she left, "Finally" and he went up the stairs to his, how do you call it, abode, yes that would be possible, he went to his abode and threw his backpack in the corner, immediately after that he slapped himself on the bed, suddenly his mobile rang, he looked at the screen it was a message it was a message from Mr. Stark.Mr. Stark: Pete, I forgot to tell you, you have another internship tomorrow :).
Peter immediately wrote back, grateful for how he would get out of the place he is forced to call home, if he had a choice between an orphanage and a dustbin full of spiders, he would take the dustbin with spiders, that was clearer to him than how he would hide the bruise on his right hand, he doubted about the fact that he will even get to eat today if he came later, LATER!? ok maybe he was about eight to ten hours late but that doesn't matter now, not getting food will slow down his healing and so it will take more than a day to recover, he just hoped he could hide it from Tony Stark a.k.a Iron-man , so he was hoping for it, but now he can't do anything about it and he took out of his backpack an assignment he had to do for school, it was from chemistry so he didn't have a problem with it, he had it done in fifteen minutes, he decided to go on patrol like Spider-man, after all, he had nothing to do now, he put on a suit and jumped out of the window, now you could they just see Spader-man swinging on his webs around the city, he arrived back at his abode and put on his pajamas it was already evening and so he went to bed, after hygiene of course, he slapped himself on the bed and covered himself with a duvet or a blanket? If it's at least one of those, he fell asleep in a few moments.

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