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Ahhh my head hurts like hell.

What happened, everything is so confusing, looking around I realize that I'm in a crib, they could have mistaken me for a child on the street and they are simply taking care of me so that my guardian arrives, that must be it, I just need tell them I'm not a baby

Wait, how did I end up here? Then I remember a man kidnapped me from the street

No this can't be happening I'm going to be sold into human trafficking, I need to get out of here so I try to pull the bars but they won't even move, but the worst part is when I look at my arm these aren't the clothes I wear I had dressed in the morning.

This is a baby's clothes, now that I'm analyzing it I see my private parts with a very thick layer of clothes, when I touch them I realize that it's not clothes it's a fucking diaper I don't need a diaper I'm 17 years

I have to get out of here NOW so I start trying to climb over the crib, but suddenly I hear a noise and I don't have time to move until I see a woman enter the room inside.

"Hi, baby, don't try to get out of the crib, you might hurt yourself. If you want to get out, you just have to call me our mama, we'll come and help you, dear." This woman must have gotten confused, I'm not a baby and I certainly shouldn't be in a crib or wearing diapers, maybe she doesn't know about my condition and this is nothing more than confusion.

"Sorry ma'am, but I think you're confused, I'm not a baby, I'm 17 years old.

"Ohhh my baby thinks she's a big girl, so cute

"Ma'am I'm 17 I should be at school" so I was interrupted by her, but looking into her eyes I could see that she wasn't happy with my answers and frankly I was starting to get scared of her gaze.

"You're exactly where you belong with your parents, now I don't want any more arguments"

"But I'm not a baby"

"I said no more discussions we understand" she said in a threatening voice I honestly wanted to continue arguing, but I'm almost absolutely sure it wouldn't take me anywhere and I also don't want to irritate this woman any more I'm afraid of what she could do to me if it continues

"I asked if it was understood" she said again waiting for my answer and I was so scared of her that I could only shake my head silently

"Very well, now let's get this grumpy baby up, mama It's doing the breakfast."She said with an annoying baby voice as she took me out of the crib and put one hand on my butt and the other on my back pressing me against her chest.

She then starts dragging me with her through the house to a kitchen, then I see another tall woman but shorter than the one carrying me now thinking about it they both look like modelsWhen the new woman sees us she also starts talking in an annoying baby voice.

"Hi baby, are you sleeping well?" Before I have time to say anything, the other person responds for me

"She woke up a little grumpy today, but I'm sure that will pass, right?" she said the last part addressed to me

"let's sit down and start eating, mom has already prepared everything"

Wait they're crazy I've never seen them in my life and what does she mean by mama she's not my mother damn she's completely crazy I have to get away as quickly as possible, while I was thinking I was dragged back to another room that had a table full of food and chairs around it, wait, there's a tall baby chair with a table in front and straps to hold the baby in place so he doesn't fall.

No, that's not for me, while I'm in denial in my head I start to be dragged closer to her, then I start to squirm to get off this woman's lap, but without much success she has a lot of strength.

She then tries to put me in the high chair, the key word try, I start kicking everywhere and shouting "I'm not a fucking baby, I'm not going to sit there, let me go"

"Stop this behavior now you can do this the easy way or the hard way, it's your choice" The woman carrying me says

"I'm not a baby, I'm not going to sit there"

"Okay, don't say later that I didn't warn you" then she turns to the other woman and gives her a look, instantly the other self-proclaimed "mama" woman gets up and leaves the room and returns a short time later with something in her hand, just then I realize it's a fucking syringe they're going to drug me

"Sorry, I'm going to sit down, please..." I was going to continue but I'm interrupted by "mama" 

"We gave you an opportunity, you didn't accept it, now you have to deal with the consequences" so without waiting any longer she injects me with the drug Almost instantly my whole body starts to go numb and I can't get my body to obey me.

While I'm still assimilating what's happening in my body, I'm sitting in the highchairI'm sitting at the end of the table with the two women now sitting next to me.

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