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I woke up by my alarm and turned it off. I saw the autoplay was on my MacBook. I closed it down and stepped out of bed. I rubbed my face and groaned. I walked to the bathroom and let the cold water run down the sink. I splashed it a couple of times in my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I could see i had cried in my sleep. My eyes were puffy and my body was sticky and sweaty. I turned off the water and dried my face. I walked down and went to the gym. I put on my headphones, and started doing my workout. Everybody knows when you are depressed you train a lot harder. 

When i was done and fully sweaty i filmed my body in the mirror but covered my face with my phone. I watched it and smiled. I didn't had the worst body to begin with. I already had abs and good biceps. I just needed a bit of a touch up. I posted it to my story and ran up again. I took a good long warm shower. 

After i was done i dried myself off and put on some jeans and a long sleeve off white tee. I went down and sat down with the Russo family. I greeted them and we talked about the game and they told me everything they have been doing for the past couple of days. I smiled through everything while i ate. I was indeed exited to hear there stories. "Can you make me a plate like yesterday"? I asked and the girl nodded. We talked a bit more and they invited me and Mandy to have dinner all together after the game. "Don't think Mandy will make it tonight" i said. "Why can't she" Carol asked. "Mandy isn't feeling alright" i said and a plate got put down next to me. "Thank you" i said and smiled. "Let me quickly bring this up and then i think we can go" i said and smiled. I walked up with the plate and the shake and went to Mandy her room. "Hey M" i said and put the plate down on the nightstand. "Got you some food" I said. I sat down on the edge. "You think you'll be alright if i go to the game"? I asked but she didn't respond. "I love you, text me when you need me" i said and stood up. I took a couple if sips while i walked to the doorframe. I leaned against it and drank up the shake. I closed the door behind me and walked to my room. I grabbed an England jersey with my last name and Alessia her number on it. I put it on and walked down. The Russo family was waiting for me at the entrance. We got into a van and i put on my sunglasses. I texted a couple of times with Alessia. I went on my insta and looked through posts. I saw the lionesses had posted a video of Alessia jumping over the fence and jumping into my arms. I reposted it to my story and put the caption 'come on lionesses' under it. 

I closed down my phone and the van parked. We all got out and Gio with his phone lead us the way. We all had to stop sometimes for fans that wanted to take pictures with us. 

Once we got to the stadium we all had to show them our passes but i could just walk through. "Anyone want drinks"? Luca asked. "Water would be fine" i said and smiled. The rest of the family told Luca their drinks and we went to our seat. Loads of fans stopped me for a picture. I still had my sunglasses on but i think that's for the best. Luca came back with drinks and handed me a red bull zero. "I know you are allowed this" he said and i gave him a hug. We all talked a bit with each other and then the music in the stadium changed. We looked at how the all the players came up. The national anthems were sung but i didn't sing at either of them. I don't know why. I know the lyrics but it's not my nationality. The game was about to begin and to the bottom left of us there was the bench of the lionesses. I saw Alessia looking at me. She made a M with her fingers and with my hands i told her she was sleeping. She smiled and then nodded. 

The game started and me and her brothers started screaming as hell. "THATS A FUCKING PENALTY" i yelled out and almost jumped on Gio. I saw the penalty being signed and we all started screaming. Gio, Luca and i intertwined arms on shoulders with each other and watched the penalty being taken. Once it hit the back of the net we all started screaming. We did a group hug and jumped together. 

Half time it was and we all started talking with each other. 

Once the game began again we sat down and screamed a bit. I saw Alessia getting ready to warm up. I saw she had a tape wrapped around her wrist and something on it but. It was to far away. Rachel daly got taken out and Alessia came in. We all started screaming and went on with watching. 

OCEAN EYES III Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now