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I woke up the next morning with my arms wrapped around Alessia her pillow. I looked for my phone and took a picture of myself while holding Alessia her pillow. 'Waking up alone sucks now' i put under it and posted it to my story. I went out of bed and hopped into the shower. Once i was done i dried myself off and put on my underwear. "D before you get dressed" mandy said and i jumped. "Fuck M, you scared the shit out of me" i said and held my heart. "Sorry D thought you heard me" she said and i laughed. "Want to head down for the blood take" she said. "Owh yeah right" i said and i followed her down. I saw two guys alrady waiting down by the couch for me. "Hi" i said and waved my hand. I shook hands with the both of them and sat down. "Your first time doing this"? He asked. "No have done this a couple of times so i know it" i said and gave him my hand and opened up my elbow. The needle started to go in and i went on my phone with my other hand. I flimed them doing it and then Mandy who was about to faint. I texted it to Alessia with a 'morning' underneath it. I looked at the tubes being filled up. "All done" he said and put a band aid over the spots. "Thank you" i said and mandy handed me a drink. "So i can get dressed now" i said and drank the drink. "Yeah we will have everything you need tomorrow" he said and we both nodded. Mandy showed them the way out and i drank up the cup. I slowly stood up and walked into the merch closet. I picked out some clothes and put it on. 'Morning babe, sorry is a big media day' 'how are you doing? everything went well with the blood test?' alessia had texted. 'Everything went smooth so nothing to worry about' i texted back. 'You have open training tonight or afternoon?' I asked. "You ready for the interview"? Mandy asked. "I have an interview today"? I asked. "Yeah just a interview with you eating chicken wings" she said and smiled. "Are those the spicy wings"? I said and she started laughing. "You fucking bitch" i said. "Vegan tho?" i said and she nodded. "First breakfast and then we go" i said. "Two hour car ride, you eating in the car" Mandy said. I groaned and followed her. I stepped inside the car with her and i got handed a wrap and a red bull. I pushed the middle console down and put my drink in. Mandy did the same and the car started driving. I connected my phone to the car and put on some music. 'Apparently i'm going to eat some spicy wings' i texted alessia. "It feels so lonely with no tour" i said and Mandy started laughing. "It's been a little over a week" Mandy said. "Really"? I said shocked. "Feels like half a year ago" i said and she laughed. "Maybe if you bring out new music and do the video clips it won't be so lonely again" she said. "Or you just miss Alessia" she added and i laughed. "Think both"? I said and she laughed. "Want to have a dinner with atlanic while were in Australia"? Mandy said. "Owh yeah, that would be nice" i said and smiled. 'Owh really, that's going to be hilarious. You have a good spice tolerance?' Alessia asked. 'Think we are about to find out' i texted back. 'I'm off to open training i text you after' 'i love you' she texted. 'Have a good practice love' 'i love you too' i texted back. "I went through my gallary and looked through the pictures i had with Alessia and scrolled down through pictures of the tour. There we so many pictures. I went to insta and picked out ten pictures. I thought about writing a caption. 'I'm still taking everything in, last year was amazing to do all of these sold out shows with The Amazing Team. I can't describe in words how thankfull i am to them and all of the fans. If you were attending one of my shows or didn't, i'm still more than thankful for you. The person i'm most thankful for, is my lovely sister in law. Mandy you have been my rock for the past couple of years. I really appreciate everything you have done for me and helped me with. I couldn't wish for a better one than you. Tour is now officially done and i'm already exited to bring out new music, stay tuned guys this is just the beginning' i put down and posted it. I opened the can of red bull and got attacked by a hug. "Thank you D" she said once she let go. "M you are more than anything i could wish for, you don't know how thankful i am that you stayed around and stayed with me" i said and a tear rolled down her cheek. "I love your brother very much, i think he would turn in his grave if i left you" she said and i pulled her into another hug. "Thank you M, i love you" i said and let go of her. "I love you too D, thank you for still taking care of me" she said. "Think my brother would turn if i did you dirty" i said and she smiled while she wiped her tears away. I took a sip of my red bull and sat back in my seat. I listened to the song and sang along a bit. After an hour of scrolling through TikTok we made it to the place. We both stepped out and got directed into the building. "Hi Daan nice to finally meet you" a guy said and stuck his hand out. "Hi thank you for having me" i said and smiled while i shook his hand. "Have you ever seen one of the videos"? He said and pointed to the table with the wings. "Not really, but it's eating hot wings and answering questions"? I said and he nodded. "Want to get right to it"? He said and pointed to the seat. I sat down and looked at the sauces. "M has this been checked"? I said and she widened her eyes. "Oh god no" she said and walked over to me. "Is there any problem" the guy said. "I have a severe allergy for chemical food colouring" i said and Mandy started looking through the bottles. "Oh shit, we didn't know" he said. "No worries" i said and Mandy started putting aside bottles I couldn't take. "Oh damn" i said and smiled. "Let me talk to the directors real quick" he said and other people started to join in and we started discussing the new program while Mandy read the bottles another time. "So we are going to explain why you can't take the bottles but i think if you are willing to do it, we have pepper's with the same Scoville here. We thought maybe you want to take a bite with Sean instead of a wing" he said. "Yeah sure" i said and nodded. I read the bottles again just to make sure and nodded. there were now wings and peppers on my plate. "You ready"? Sean asked and i nodded. He began doing his intro and once he introduced me i waved my hand up. He began explaining because of allergies we had peppers. "Ready to take on the first wing"? He said. "Yeah sure" i said and i opened the bottle. "So i should dab it or"? I said. "You can just put a dap on there" he said and i nodded. "Ready" he said and we took a bite. "Oh that's lovely" i said and smiled. "Is more like a sweat and sour kind of sauce" i said and he nodded. I took a sip of my red bull and he began talking. "We all know that you are making songs and writing songs" he began and i nodded. "What song do you love the most out of everything you have ever made" he said. "Oh i have two" i said. "So if you could pick one" he said. "Think i rather chug down that bottle" i said and he started laughing. "Alright your two top songs then" he said. "Heroes is really close to my heart, it was my brothers favourite song and it was my first song i had ever brought out" i said and he nodded. "And ocean eyes is something, it's really close to my heart since i wrote it a couple of years about my crush who is now my girlfriend" i said. "Should we take a pepper and then talk more about that" he said and i nodded. "Are we gonna clutch pepper's"? I said and we laughed and clutched pepper's. I took the whole thing in and started chewing it. "It's not that bad" i said and smiled. "So you are now dating Alessia Russo" he said and i nodded. "And you wrote ocean eyes about her, how did that happen"? He said and i laughed. "M can you look up that picture from uni" i said and she nodded. "So before i got into music me and my brother had a construction company. We were asked to build a building with our crew close to the university of north Carolina. So on the last weekend there, The three of decided it was a good idea to watch a football match there" i said and Mandy handed me her phone. So while i was watching i fell in love with this girl who had blue eyes" i said and showed him the pictures. "Do you mind if i" he said and pointed to the camera. "No go ahead" i said. "So when i got back to the little apartment i wrote ocean eyes. I knew Alessia her name and last name. But apparently what also happened that game was that Alessia had also developed a crush on me. I finished the building and went back to the uk and released heroes. Then i saw Alessia playing for the lionesses and i knew it was mend to be so i brought out ocean eyes" i said and he nodded. "I laid the connection that it was her who i saw at north but she didn't laid the connection it was me in the stands. So i think it was the last night of Italy"? I said and looked at Mandy. "Think it was the night before that" she said. "Mandy showed this picture to Alessia and me and Alessia showed me a video of her filming me in the stands" i said and he laughed. "So how long was that ago"? He said. "Think 4 years ago" i said. "So you guys have been in love with each other for 4 years and you have finally found each other" he said and i nodded. "That's the sweetest story i have ever heard" he said and i smiled. We both picked up the second pepper and clutched it. I took in the whole thing. "It's quite nice actually" i said and he laughed. "You sweating up"? I said. "Yeah i usually take the wings not the peppers" he said and laughed. "Sorry about that" i said and he smiled. "So this post" he said and turned around to show me the post of me and the biebs hugging. "Can you tell me a little background of this picture" he asked. "Yeah the Biebers and i are really close, they see me as their daughter and i see them as my parents. So this picture is really me being grateful for them to have them in my life" i said and smiled. "I see Justin and Hailey posting you a lot with proud father or proud mother" he said. "Yeah after my brother passed away, they really have been there for me a lot. After my brother passing, i locked myself up in the studio and went through a really dark time, i began being suicidal and just really didn't understood life anymore" i said. "You know the song purpose for his purpose album" i said and he nodded. "That song is mostly my suicidal note" i said and his eyes widen. "Justin want to show me that after everything bad that happens there is something good coming out of it" i said. "Oh wow" he said. "That's wonderful of him" he said. "Yeah all three of them helped me through a lot with everything going on so i am really grateful i'm here today" i said and he smiled. "Should we take a wing" he said and i grabbed the sauce. I put a dab on it and we both took a bite. "You really have shown no emotions while eating them" he said. "There nice" i said and smiled. "You like spicy food"? He said. "It's not my go to thing, but i can handle the spice" i said and smiled. "Alright then we have this picture" he said and showed me a picture of me and Mandy hugging. "Oh that's a lovely picture" i said and smiled. "You have anymore background to it"? He asked. "Think it was the second we released the tour tickets and the first 15 shows were sold out within seconds" i said and smiled. "We were both so starstruck by it that after everything that went down the past couple of months we broke down in each other's arms" i said. We both took the sauce for another wing and we clutched it and took a bite. "That sweet" i said and smiled. I put a little more on it and ate the rest. "I'm really surprised to how you take it in like it is nothing" he said and i smiled and took a sip of the red bull. "So you own your own record label and have signed some of the biggest names there are, tell me what's it like producing songs with them" he asked. "Oh it's lovely? I have always loved writing and making music so to do it now with some of the biggest names there are is truly a dream coming through" i said. "You now hold the top 5 spots with your own songs and the 5-10 spots with songs you written and produced" he said. "Do i really"? I said and looked at Mandy who laughed and nodded. "I Didn't even knew that" i said and laughed. "Oh yeah, I'm thankful for everything but I actually don't keep up with were my songs end or the songs i write, i keep up with the people it helps and the people that love it" i said and smiled. "Should we take another pepper" he said and held it up. "Sure" i said and held mine up. We both took the peppers in and i just ate it. "You hold the record of most liked instagram post" he said and turned the MacBook around. "I know it's crazy right" i said and laughed. "Oh, Alessia looks gorgeous in this picture" i said and smiled. "So what's it like dating a football player because i think it must be hard having such a different schedule" he said. "Alessia is now on her way to the world cup, so i won't be seeing her as much as i would like too but we try our best to keep in contact as much" i said and smiled. "Okay this is the second spiciest pepper there every is" he said and i nodded. I picked it up and took the whole pepper in while Sean only took a bite. "You not even taking in the whole pepper"? I said and laughed. "Oh this one has nice kick" i said and smiled. "So you are the youngest and richest female billionaire" he said and i laughed. "How did you do it"? He said and i laughed. "I don't know how i did it, once we got money from the music we made, we kept on investing the money and buying businesses and setting up businesses" i said and took a sip of the red bull. "I heard you own a lot of daycares what the story behind that"? He asked. "Oh my god, how did you know" i said and laughed. "We did our research" he said. "Well the reason behind the daycares is really we didn't want people who have a kid and need to work having a struggle with paying for daycares and everything. We have an international construction company and we try to build a lot of daycares at places the people work so they don't have to struggle" i said. "So there all non profit" he said and i nodded. "That awesome" he said. "Like being the youngest billionaire and stuff is all fun but i care more about how much i can give back to the people who need it" i said and i stood up and walked to the camera. "And no i will not be handing out money or saying i'm changing the world. I'm using my power and the things god have given me to help the people who are willing to do the work too" i said and sat back. "Period Daan, that's the best thing i have ever heard" he said and i smiled. "Are you ready for the last one" he said and i nodded. "Wait i heard about this" i said and laughed. I took of my sweater. And sat back down. "Are we going to like drench it or a little dab" he said and i took a sip of the red bull. "What ever you want" he said. "Or you going to drench it"? I asked. "If you are doing it them i'm doing that too" he said and i laughed. I picked up the bottle and began putting a lot of sauce on it while he did the same. I made sure every little bit was covered in sauce. I held it up and so did he. "You ready" he said and i nodded. I ate the whole thing in once and began chewing it. "Oh my god" i said and he started laughing. "You finally feeling the spice" he said while he was sweating. "No i'm just fucking with you this is good" i said and laughed. He started laughing and drinking the milk. "Oh this is delicious" i said and smiled. I took a sip of the red bull and just looked at him. I looked at Mandy "you want to try"? I said and motioned her to come. I stood up and she sat down. "Just a little dab" i said and she put a bit on a nugget. "You okay Sean"? I said and he was still drinking the milk. Me and Mandy were laughing at him. "Okay M" i said and took a sip of the red bull. She took a bite and she smiled. "Oh that is indeed tasty" she said and i smiled. "You not feeling anything too" Sean said. "No it's delicious" Mandy said. "See" i said and she nodded. "Oh it's been lovely doing this with you, thank you for coming" he said and we both smiled. "I'm go drink some more milk" he said and smiled. "Cut" a director said. "How do you do it"? Sean said. "I'm Asian? Would weird if I didn't take the heat" i said and smiled. "Was lovely shooting with you Daan" he said and we shared a hug. "Bye guys" i said and we both walked back to the car. We stepped in and sat down. I looked at my phone and saw Alessia had texted me. 'Done with open training, there were a lot of questions about you from the fans' she texted. 'How are you doing with the spicy wings' she texted. 'Spicy wings weren't that spicy but I couldn't taste half of the sauces due to allergies' 'wait people were asking for me?' I texted and opened a water bottle. "So i'm sorry about the allergies" Mandy said. "Oh no worries, it can happen" i said and smiled. "So tomorrow the results come back and a nutritionist will come by and a personal training to help with the schedule" Mandy said. "And the day after we are flying to Australia" she said and i nodded. "Alessia is flying tomorrow"? She asked. "Yeah she is" i said. "You coming to her to wave her out"? Mandy said. "Yess and you are coming with" i said and she smiled. I went on TikTok and started scrolling through my for you page. I came across videos of Alessia and me. I started laughing once I  heard a media platform asking her question about me. I got a text incoming and looked at it. "Thank you" i said once i saw that Mandy had texted me the picture of young Alessia and me. I put it as my background and showed it to Mandy. "You waited 4 years for her" Mandy said. "And it was goddamn worth the wait" i said and smiled. We went back to our phones and i think once we were at the house again we looked up. We both stepped out and walked inside. I went back to the studio and started messing with things i had laying around. I started bopping my head with the beat and began singing the lyrics and writing it out. I started recording the song. "Time for a break"? I heard Mandy say through the mic. I put of my head phones and walked out while Mandy grabbed another chair. "How late is it"? I asked. "Little over 7" she said and took a bite. "Damn" i said. "Can i hear" Mandy said and i nodded. She clicked on play ant i went on my phone while i ate. 'Yeah people were asking a lot about how we met and things' 'plus everyone in the squad is asking a lot about you' 'you coming tomorrow right?' She had texted. 'Saw a couple if interviews about you talking about me' 'of course i'm coming tomorrow' i texted back. "You dissing Kendall"? Mandy said. "Maybe" i said with a smile "maybe"? Mandy said with a smirk. "Hey it's not like it's released already" i said and she smiled. "Got other work ready"? Mandy asked and i scrolled through tabs. I put on the song me and Justin had made. I stood up and grabbed an electric guitar. At the drop i started riffing it and Mandy bopped with me. "That awesome" Mandy said. "Yeah i'm trying something different with Justin his vocals" i said and showed her the template. I let her listen to his original vocals and she smiled. "So i tried to make a drop out of it, almost like what i did with mine with were are u now" i said and she smiled. "You should put some in a file and send it to Alessia" she said and i smiled. "You can read minds now too" i joked out. We both finished our food while we listened to the songs. Mandy grabbed her MacBook and worked from the couch while i was recording, my phone was buzzing and i saw a FaceTime coming in from Alessia. "My love" i said and answered. "Hi babe" she said and i placed the phone against the iMac. "Hi Mandy" she said and Mandy moved closer. "Hi Lessie" she said and waved. "How are you doing"? I asked her. "I'm fine everything is going great here, i miss you babe" she said and pouted. "I miss you too love" i said and smiled. "I'm so surprised that you called didn't expect it" i said she laughed. "I had a couple of minutes to spare so it instantly thought about calling you" she said and i smiled. "So having another studio session"? She asked. "Yeah, kind of just going through things i still have laying around" i said. "How is campus"? I asked. "It's been a lot with a lot of girls asking about us" she said "but it's fun here" she said. "You exited to fly tomorrow"? I asked. "Yeah think when I'm there everything will be kicking in and the world cup can officially began" she said. "I miss you babe" she said. "I miss you a lot my love" i said. "I have to go, i will text you" she said. "Okay i love you" i said. "I love you too" she said and hung up. "That was a surprise" i said and smiled. "I love how she just straight up thought about you" Mandy said. "What you think about after we wave Alessia out we go and eat at eve"? I said and she nodded. "Great" i said and smiled. We both went back to what we were doing and i think a couple hour later Mandy closed her MacBook and i looked at the time. "Bed time"? I said and we both stood up. "Bed time" Mandy said and we laughed. We walked out and said night to each other. I went to my room and took of my clothes. I plopped onto the bed and texted a couple of times back and forward with Alessia. We both texted night to each other and i put my phone on the charger. I think within seconds i fell asleep.

OCEAN EYES III Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now