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I woke up and felt Alessia laying on my chest. I gave her a couple of kisses and moved a little. I stepped out of bed and rubbed my head. I stood up and laughed at the fact i was still naked. I went to the shower and turned it on. "Good Morning" i heard Alessia say. "Morning love" i said and stepped in the shower. Couple second later Alessia joined me. We made out and showered. After i was done i stepped out and dried myself. I handed Alessia a towel and she smiled. I put on some underwear and she walked over to her bag. She put on her clothes and i went to my closet. Alessia followed me and sat down on the island while i put on my clothes. "Anything planned today"? I asked her while we made our way down. "Well, i wanted to pack for italy tommorow, and i have a dinner with the team tonight" she said and i smiled. "If you want, you can join me" she said. "Yeah sure, i will come" i said and she smiled. We walked to the dinning area and sat down. Soon Justin and Hailey joined. Food was laid down and we all started eating. "Morning everyone" mandy said and gave me a hug from behind. "Good to see you Alessia" mandy said while she sat down. We all ate and talked a little. "You want to hit the studio after this"? Justin said and i looked at Alessia who just smiled. "You can see her in action, it's really amazing to see" justin said towards Alessia. "Okay okay" i said and shook my head while i laughed. After breakfast Justin, Alessia and i walked to the studio. I opened the door and opened everything. I looked at the templates let them here. Alessia smiled while we both watched justin sang allong and danced with it. I got a FaceTime request and i looked at it. "what up Dua" i said and put the phone down. "Is that the ocean eyes behind you" Dua said and i turned around. "Yeah it is" i said and smiled. Hailey walked in and sat down next to Alessia. "Good for you" she said and i smiled. "I need your help" Dua said. "You safe"? I asked. "Yeah not like that, I'm stuck on writing and composing" she said. "You want me to make a song"? I asked. "Can you help me"? She asked. "What do you need to have? Upbeat or?" I asked. "It's the new barbie movie, they asked like a club themed song but in a like adult version" she said and i stood up. "Watch this" i heard justin say. I grabbed a violin and started humming something. I stood infront of the phone and opened a new template on the imac. I placed the violin and begand playing something. I smiled and sat down. I put the notes in the template and started making the beat. I played it and Dua nodded. "Think you can make something out of that"? I said. "You are an angel" she said. "I'm sending it to you now" i said. "Let me know if you got something" i said. "Bye love thank you" she said and i waved. The call ended and i kept on messing with the song. "Drink" hailey said and handed me a smoothie. I took a sip and spat it back out. I turned around and looked at justin. "What the fuck is this" he said and i put down the drink. "I want you guys to be healthier" she said. "Taste like absolute shit" i said and turned back around. I still had my phone in front of me and a message popped up. "Is that me on your lockscreen"? Alessia said. "Yeah it is" i said and showed it to here. "Owh that's so cute" she said and i motioned her to come. She sat down on my lap and looked at the screen while i was messing with the song. "You know how everything works"? She said and looked around at all the buttons. "Yeah i do" i said and smiled. She had her arm wrapped behind me and i played the song. "Hmm" i said and listened to it. "You want to go home and pack"? I asked her. "No i can pack tonight" she said. "You can also let mandy get you some clothes and just stay here" i said and smiled. "Do you think she wants to do that"? Alessia said. "You guys had a dinner tonight right"? Hailey said and we both nodded. "I will go with mandy, i love shopping for other poeple" she said. "My card is upstairs but mandy also has one" i said and Hailey nodded "i will use mine tho". "Alright stand up" hailey said and alessia stood up. Hailey walked around her and justin and i started laughing. "You scaring the crap out of her" justin said while we both were dying of laughter. "I'm just checking your size" hailey said. "Alright, i'll see you in a couple" hailey said and waved off. "Do you think she can send me the recipt later"? Alessia said. "Don't worry about the money" i said and smiled. I stood up and grabbed my macbook. I walked into the recording area and i nodded at Justin. I played the song and began singing a little. I saw Justin writing while i sang. I stepped out and Justin handed me the notes. "What do you think"? I asked and looked at Alessia. "It's wonderful" she said and i smiled. I send the song to Dua and sighed. I let roll the other template and justin started humming with it. "Go in" i said and grabbed a noteblok. "So this is like a studio session"? Alessia asked. "Kind off this is just us messing around more" i said and laughed. "Can you give me a do do do" i said and he nodded. He sang it out and i started messing with it. "It's really something else seeing this live" alessia said and i laughed. "Yeah when i made my album, i slept on the couch" i said and she looked shocked. "That wasn't your best time" Justin said while leaning on the doorframe. "It wasn't but it helped me cope with everything" i said and he soflty nodded. "Lunch"? Justin said and i grabbed my phone. "Owh shit" i said and laughed. "Its already two" i said and laughed. We walked out the studio and went outiside. We sat down and servers came in with food. "So you don't have to ask for anything they just give it"? Alessia said. "The have a book in the kitchen for each one of us, what we like and don't like" i said and she nodded. "I should get you the papers aswell" i said and she smiled. "Be aware it's a lot" Justin said and i laughed. "So you ready for the world cup"? Justin asked. "I am really exited to go, after winning the euros this would be a new adventure" she said and i gave her a soft smile. "Think you wil win it" he said and she smiled. "But what is it like, going to that"? He asked. "It sometimes really lonely, but with the team it's also really fun" she said. "But are you two allowed to see each other"? Justin asked. "We have a little time after the games to see family" she said. "I will be there every game" i said and she smiled. My phone went off and i looked at it. "Yeah Dua" i said. "Am i interupting"? She asked. "I'm just eating lunch" i said. "Can i maybe finish the song with you"? She asked. "Owh uuh, i'm having a dinner tonight and tommorow i'm flying to italy" i said. "Give her a break Dua" Justin said. "Ha ha ha very funny" Dua said. "So you can't sqeeze me in"? Dua said. I went to my agenda and looked at it. "Euhh" i said. "The dinner is done at 11 so we can leave then if you want or you can stay here" Alessia said. "No no, i'll go with you. Dua just needs to stop being a pain in my ass" i said and sighed. "Dinner is done at 11"? I asked and looked at all of the timestamps. "Yes" alessia said. "Dua come by at 12, i can hook it up until 5 because were flying at 6" i said and Dua began screaming. "You are the best" she said and i saw Justin shaking his head. "I'll be there at 12" Dua said and hung up. I stood up and walked away. "No no no" i heard justin say and i stood infront of the pool. "Not again" he said and i let myself fall into the pool. I screamed underneath the water and fought with it. I went back up again and pulled myself up. Justin wrapped a robe around me and handed me a towel. I sat back down and so did justin. All my clothes were dripping but I didn't care. "You said you wouldn't do it again" justin said. "I said, i will try and talk about it but if i can't i will do it" i said and he sighed. We both just looked mad down. I sofly felt Alessia her hand coming towards mine. I held it and gave it a kiss. "What is going on in your mind?" She soflty said. "I want to say no but i just don't know how to say it. I just don't want to disappoint people" i said and she softly rubbed my hand. "I can get that, but sometimes you need to say no. Because if you keep saying yes, there will be a point sooner then you think that you have to say no because you can't say yes anymore" alessia said and tried to make eye contact. "It's almost the same with football, sometimes you want to keep and keep on going until the point you tear your hamstring" she said and i soflty laughed. "So before that point happened saying no isn't that bad" she said and i gave her a soft smile. We both leaned in for a kiss and i smiled after it. "Wow" justin said and we both looked at them. "I need your number" justin said while laughing. "hailey and i have tried everything, and with you she just listened" justin said and laughed. He handed the phone to Alessia and she put her number in. "Guess who's back" Hailey said while she walked in with Mandy and a lot of bags. "Awhh baby did you have a break down again" hailey said and pouted while she lowered her arms. "It's okay now" i said and gave a smile to Alessia. "Hmm okay, you know if you want to talk" Hailey said and i softly nodded. "Dua comes by at 12, need to help her with a song" i said and Mandy tilted her head a bit. "So that's what the break down was about" Mandy said and gave me a soft smile. "It okay" i said and nodded. "Alright lessie, do you mind if i say lessie"? Hailey said. "No everyone calls me that" Alessia said and smiled. "Okay lessie let's go to the closet and first make some space for you" Hailey said and pulled out her hand. Alessia gave her hand and she was almost dragged away. "Bye love" i said and she gave me a quick smile. "Can you promise me something"? Mandy said. "No work? No nothing when we are in italy" Mandy said. "It's hard not to be around music" i said and laughed. "You know what i mean" she said. I stood up and grabbed some fries. "Alessia is a good person" justin said. "I can see the way she looks at you, they was she is concerned about you, they way she cares about you. It really shows that she loves you" justin said and i smiled. " I haven't said it yet" i said and he looked confused. "I haven't said that i loved her, neither did she" i said he furrowed his eyebrows. "Do you love her"? He asked. "Yeah i do" i said and smiled. "It doesn't matter if you say it, it does matter if you feel it" he said and i smiled. "Thank you" i said and he smiled at me. I turned around and started walking up the stairs. I went to my room and heard Hailey and Alessia laughing from the closet, i smiled as i walked through the door. I went to the shower and tried to get my clotes of me. Once i finally got everything of me i stepped into the shower and cleaned myself. Once i was done i stepped out and dried myself off. I put on some underwear and walked to the closet. Forgetting Alessia and Hailey were there. I swung open the door and the three of us looked scared as fuck. "Sorry i will come by another time" i said and turned around. "No you stay here" Hailey said and i turned around again. "So i have bought this dress for Alessia" she began and laid it down on the island. "Owh that's gorgeous" i said and looked at it. "This will look stunning at you" i said and Alessia gave me a smile. "But does this mean i have to wear a suit"? I said and Hailey softly started clapping. "I bought you this" she said and laid down a suit next to it. "Owh that's stunning" i said and looked at it. "How late do you need to go"? Hailey said. " we need to be there at 5" alessia said. "Oh fuck it's half passed 3" i said and showed them the time. "Shoulf i do your make up"? Hailey asked. "Don't forget it's okay to say no" i said jokingly. "I just want to spend some time with my daughter in law" Hailey said and the both walked away. I put on the suit and looked at myself in the mirror. I put some jewerly on and sprayed some perfume on me. I fixed my hair and grabbed some sunglasses. I walked down and justin whistled. "Damn D you looking good" he said and i made a little spin. "Thank your wife" i said and smiled. I sat down next to him as we were both on our phones. We showed each other some funny tiktoks and laughed. I heard heals coming down the stairs and i turned my head. I stood up and walked to the stairs. "Oh my god" i said and took of my sunglasses. "You look absolutely stunning" i said and she gave me a soft smile. I gave her my hand for the last couple of steps and she smiled. "You are and look really beautiful" i said and we gave eachother a kiss. "Aww feels like my kid is going to prom" Hailey said. "Guys pose" Justin said and we posed. I looked at my watch and saw the time. "You have the address"? I asked and she nodded. "Alright then bye guys" i said and waved. "Be home at 12" Justin said. "Owh i always wanted to say that" he added and i shook my head. We walked over to the garage and i stood still in front of the cars. "Pretty lady needs pretty car" i said and she shook her head but smiled. I held my hands on the keys and looked behind me. "Lambo" i said and nodded i grabbed the keys and unlocked the car. I held the door open for Alessia and she stepped in. I carefully closed the door and stepped in the other side. I turned on the car and felt the steering wheel. "Never been in a Lamborghini" she said. "I actually never had been in a G since you" she said. I began driving as she smiled. She took some pictures of us in the car. She directed me to the address in between. "is there a carpet"? I asked and she looked at what I was looking at. "apparently" she said and there was a knock on the door. I rolled down the window. "name please" a guy said. "Alessia Russo" Alessia said and he looked. "okay" he said and motioned us to go further. I rolled up the window and saw a staff memeber waiting. "wait for me" I said and she nodded. I stepped out and got flooded by camera flashes. I walked around and held the door open for Alessia. I held out my hand and she took and I helped her out. I closed the door and gave the key to the guy. we walked through the flashes to the carpet. Alessia said her name and I just stood next to her while we held hands. we walked to the mark an smiled as the camera flashes went on. we walked further to the fans and everyone was asking both of us for pictures and autographs. we did that and walked in and I took my glasses off. within second of walking in all eyes fell on us. "Alessia"? Lotte said while she walked closer to us. "Almost didn't recognise you" she said and the shared hug. "Daan Katuin" I said and held out my hand. "Lotte wuben-moy" she said and shook my hand. "what a lovely suprise to meet you" Lotte said. "OH MY GOD" we heard someone yell. "Daan Katuin" Laura said and I smiled. "why are you here, are you here to preform"? she asked while she held onto my hands. "I'm actually here with Alessia" I said and Alessia laid her head on my shoulder. "I love your music, it really helped me through my recovery" she said while still holding my hand. "that is really good to hear, I'm happy to know that I helped" I said and smiled. "how is you recovery going"? I asked and I tried to get my hand loose but she tightened it. "I ran today for the first time, so it going great" she said. "owh I'm really happy, can't wait to see you on the pitch again" I said. "Daan" "Alessia" I heard Leah say and I turned around. "lovely to see you both"? Leah said with an eyebrow raised. she gave us both a hand and Alex stood behind her. "hi Alex" I said and gave her a hug aswell. Laura who was still holding my hand decided it was a good idea to also give me a hug. she held me like a little child. I stood there like an idiot. I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a tight hug. when I let go she still held onto me. I looked at Alessia and saw Beth and Vivianne coming towards us. "Laura" Beth said and everyone started to get Laura loose from me. "you smell so nice" She said once they got her of me. "I get that a lot lately" and I looked at Alessia who smiled and rolled her eyes. "Owh sorry, Daan Katuin" I said and stuck my hand out out for Beth. "Beth mead" she said. "Kom hier viv" I said and we shared a hug. "Alles goed? Ook met herstel"? I asked. "Ja alles gaat goed alles loopt en rent weer, maar jammer genoeg net niet optijd fit genoeg voor WC" she said and i nodded. "Als er iets is wat ik kan doen, zeg het" i said and smiled. "Alles okay met jou?" She asked. "Ja ja alles gaat zn gangentjes" i said and smiled. "wait you too know each other"? Beth said and we both started laughing. "yeah we met a couple of years ago, we both played for the dutch national under 12" viv said and I nodded. "wait you played football"? they all said confused. "And she was pretty good" Viv said. "Why did you stop"? Leah asked. "Parents died, grandparents didn't had much money, so I had to quite" I said and they were all still shook. "Damn Daan, we could've played with each other" Leah said. "Daan Katuin"? Jonas said as he walked towards our little group. "Alessia Russo" I said and pointed to her. "the reason we are all here" I said and everybody started laughing. "Can't believe you are here" he said and we shared a hug. "you have to thank Alessia for that" I said. We all got directed to our seat and I sat down next to Alessia and had Leah next to me and Laura on the opposite side of me. "is she going to keep on staring at me"? I asked Alessia and he looked at Laura who hadn't blink for the past couple of minutes. "Laura" Leah said and she got out of her trance. "Thank you" I said and first course was being laid down. I looked at the food and decided of it was a good idea or not to eat it with my allergies. "you not hungry"? Alessia asked. "no I don't think I can eat this" I said and she looked confused. "I'm allergic to food coloring, like the chemical ones" I said and she nodded. she laid down her utensils. "can it cross over if I eat it"? she asked. "yeah it can but you can eat it" I said. "no, because then I can't kiss you anymore" she said and I smiled. "thank you love" I said. "Serouisly"? I said and looked at Laura. "Laura" Leah said. "Stop it" she said and I laughed. "Are you going to sing"? Laura asked. "not that I know of" I said. "she on a break form preforming" Alessia said our plates were all being taken away and the main corse was laid down. I looked at it and nodded. Me and Alessia both started eating. servers came by with Champagne bottle but I held my hand over my glass. "you not drinking"? Leah asked. "no I'm driving" I said. "you can take a glass tho" she said. "no I won't be taking risks" I said and smiled. "I could bring you home" Leah said and I softly ticked on Alessia her leg. "I can drive myself" I said and smiled. I turned back and saw Laura again staring at me. "3 questions" I said and held Alessia her hand under the table. "when are you bringing out new music, can we hang out sometime and who is the ocean eyes girl" she asked and I started laughing a little while the plates were being taken away. "I don't know when I'm bringing out new music, but I have some songs laying around" I said. "we can sure hang out sometime, but only if you don't stare" I said and she nodded. "and the ocean eyes girl? is she famous? Are you still looking for her"? Laura said. "that were two more questions" I said and smiled. "the ocean eyes is pretty famous and I'm not looking for her anymore" I said and smiled. "Did you find her"? Leah asked and I held up my hand that was holding Alessia. she also turned her head towards me. "OH MY GOD" Laura screamed. "Laura" I said. "wait you two are together"? Leah asked. "yeah we are" Alessia said. "oh my god" Laura said again. "what's going on" Beth said. "Alessia and Daan are a couple" Laura said. "oh my congrats" Beth said. "zie je wel, Alles met de Tijd" Viv said and I smiled. "so ocean eyes is about Alessia"? Leah asked. "yeah it is" I said and smiled proudly. Dessert was laid down and I looked at Alessia looking at it and shaking her head a little. it was a bit awkward because Leah brought out a tension. but the rest of us just talked a little. Jonas began talking to a mic. He gave a little speech at how proud he was at the team and everyone. we all clapped after it was done. we got directed to a different room. soft beats were flowing through the boxes. everyone got handed a Champagne glass and I declined mine. Alessia some how got a hold on a red bull. "Aww thanks love" I said and opened it. everybody was talking to eachother and I felt arms wrap around me form behind. I turned my head and looked at it and saw Laura. I laughed and just let it go. Alessia saw it too and we both just laughed. we walked to some other people Alessia wanted to talk to. and with every step I took Laura took with us. "so are you going on a vacation"? Katie asked. "yeah I'm flying tommorow morning to italy" alessia said. "owh we are going to italy too" Caitlin said. "are you guys going togeter"? Lia asked. "Tooney and Mandy are joining us too" Alessia said. "think Justin and Hailey wil do a suprise visit too" I said and laughed. "Justin and Hailey Bieber"? Manu said and I nodded. "I heard you are really close" she added. "yeah we are, they are like my parents. they call Alessia. the perfect daughter in law" I said and smiled. "you really going strong" Katie said towards Alessia who smiled brightly and we all laughed. "how did you keep this a secret from us"? Lia said and smiled. "yeah why"? Laura said and finally let go of me. "think the both of us were not really speaking about it to anyone" Alessia said and I nodded. "when did it happen"? Katie asked and Leah and Alex joined us. "what are you guys talking about" Alex said. "we were just asking Alessia and Daan how they got together" Katie said. "oh I want to know that too" Alex said and Leah leaned on her. I started laughing and Alessia pushed me. I wrapped my arm behind her. "to be fair, your lovely teammate sucks at hints" I said and they all laughed. "oh now I really want to know" Lia said. "well at the after, I finally drank enough to go talk to her" I began. "I asked the girls what there favourite part of the show was" I said. "And then tooney said that I cried at Ocean eyes" Alessia said. "so I then whispered she had the ocean eyes" I said and smiled. "ohh that's so cute" Manu said. "no that's that's not all because she still didn't figure it out" I said. "oh my god Lessi" Caitlin said. "so at the after I sang ocean eyes again and I cried a little" I said. "I went to the bathroom to throw some water in my face and then Alessia walked in" I said. " I asked about the inspiration for Ocean eyes" Alessia said. "my stupid ass still couldn't figure anything out and I asked if she and the girl ever got together" Alessia added. "for some reason Alessia still wasn't aware about anything and started asking more specific questions" I said. "so I said to her, she has blond hair, blue eyes, she had the same hight as her. she plays for Arsenal, Is a forward for the Lionesses and she wears 23" I said and I held my laugh. "and she still couldn't figure it out" I said and everybody started laughing. "you really bad at hints" Lia said. "we extended numbers and Daan asked me on a date, which was really cute by the way" Alessia said. "second date I asked you to be my girlfriend"? I said and she nodded. "when was that"? Leah asked. "day before the final" Alessia said. "so that's why you were wearing her last name" Laura said and I nodded. Alessia her phone went off and it was a alarm. "you really set an Alarm"? I said and she nodded while she turned it off. "that's so sweet" I said. "guys I will see you all soon, we have to go" Alessia said. "were are you going" Leah asked. "Daan has got an appointment and I'm flying tommorw" she said and started giving everyone a hug. "wish you all the best at the World Cup" she said and she grabbed my hand. "good luck guys, was nice talking to you all" I said and Alessia grabbed my hand. "bye guys" I said and waved while me and Alessia walked the other way. we walked back out and both breathed out. "sorry to say, but that was kind of weird" I siad. "I felt that too, think the just need a minute to get used to it all" she said and I nodded the car was pulled up again and I opened the door for Alessia. I went around the other side and stepped in. I started driving and felt Alessia her hand on mine as I drove. "I love you" I said and kissed her hand. "I love you too" she said and smiled. the rest of the car ride was kind of silent but it wasn't awkward. Once back home, I parked the car infront and leaned my head on the steering wheel. "you okay babe"? she asked and made circles on my back. "just a little tired" I said and sat back. "Let's go for another 5" I sighed and stepped out. I went around the car and opened the door for Alessia. we walked in and I opened my jacket. "hi guys" Justin yelled. we both walked to the couch and I saw Hailey laying on his chest. "how was it"? Justin asked. "wasn't what I had expected" Alessia said. "it definitely wasn't" I said. "GUESS WHO'S HOME" I heard Dua yell. "not so loud" I said and turned around. "hi babes" dua said while she walked closer. "thank you for helping me out" Dua said and gave me a hug. "want to start now"? I said and she nodded. "I'm going to grab a shower" Alessia said and I nodded. We gave eachother a quick kiss and Alessia walked off. I sighed and rubbed my face. I started walking to the studio and opened everything. I took of my jacket and threw it on the couch. I grabbed a red bull and chugged it down. I sat down on the chair and Dua pulled out a chair next to me. "So tell me what did you need again"? I asked. "club, barbie, adult, kind of selfish" she said and I nodded. "you like the beat"? I said and she nodded. I listened to it and started editing it more. "Cause every romance shakes and it bends. Don't give a damn. When the night's here, I don't do tears. Baby, no chance. I could dance, I could dance, I could dance" I sang out and Dua nodded. I grabbed the noteblock again and wrote it down. "owh I really like this" Dua said. "Watch me dance, dance the night away. My heart could be burnin', but you won't see it on my face Watch me dance, dance the night away. I'll still keep the party runnin', not one hair out of place" she sang out. "kind of barbie and selfish" she said and I nodded. I stood up and played the beat on repeat and started pacing in the room. I started humming with it and sang the parts we already had. I opened the tops buttons of my shirt and grabbed my phone. I texted a staff member to get me something. "Baby, you can find me under the lights. Diamonds under my eyes. Turn the rhythm up, don't you wanna just. Come along for the ride? Oh, my outfit so tight. You can see my heartbeat tonight. I can take the heat, baby, best believe. That's the moment I shine" I sang out and a server came in with drinks and some snacks. I opened the vodka bottle and took a couple of sips. I sat back down and leaned back in my seat. I wrote some things down while took some sips. I turned of the song and started putting everything in order. I heard a knock on the door "yeah" I said while i was still writing. "mind if I join"? Alessia said. "no of course not" I said and smiled. she walked over to me and i turned around a little so she could sit down on my lap. I put down the vodka bottle and handed Dua the lyrics. "sing when you think you know it" I said and she nodded. I copied and paste the template and swiped on to the side. I played the song and I leaned back. "you tired"? Alessia said and softly scratched the back of my head. "yeah but, I can sleep on the plane" I said and smiled. I heard Dau singing and I bopped with it after she done her part I started editing in and grabbed another notebook. I started writing down stuff and bit my nails a bit. Alessia grabbed my hand and held onto it. "this is like a studio session" I said and she laughed. I took a sip of the vodka and wrote done more things. Alessia started yawning. "you tired love"? I asked her. "just a little" she said. "you can go to bed if you want to" I said. "you sure"? she asked. "yeah of course" I said. she stood up and gave me a kiss. "night babe" she said and gave me another one. "night love" I said and smiled. Alessia went and I stood up. I grabbed a red bull and went to the little cabin. I lighted up a cigaret and sat down. I bopped my head while Dua was still singing. "You want to hear"? I said and she nodded. she went back to me and sat down next to me. She also lighted up a cigaret and we listen to the song. "that's awesome" she said and I started editing it in. "want to use me as back up vocals"? I asked and she nodded. I ripped down one of the pages and stuck it one the iMac. I grabbed her notebook and started writing down the whole song. "so I want her your back ups and here mine" I said and she nodded. Dua stood up and I lighted up another cigarette. I took a couple of more sips and played the song. she did her vocals. we did that a couple of times and I almost fell asleep. I grabbed my MacBook and connected it to the iMac. I walked in and Dua walked out. I did mine vocals and went back out again. I perfected the whole song and Dua went in again to perfect her Vocals for the main of the song. she went in and I opened another redbull and I chugged it down. I lighted up another cigarette and drunk danced with the song. After Dua had perfected it I went on with editing it more. Dua grabbed a usb from the cabin and I plugged it in. After I had perfected the song to it's max I lighted up another cigarette. Think by now I smoked a whole package. I played the song and leaned back. Dua and I both bopped with it and she gave me a hug after. "D"? I heard Mandy say. "it already passed 5" she said and I looked at my watch. "I'm done, let me grab a shower really quick" I said and smiled. I uploaded it to the usb and gave it a kiss before I handed it to Dua. "there you go, no I have to go" I said and we both stood up. "bye D" Dua said and gave me a hug before she walked out. I walked up the stairs and fell half asleep. "why was it mine idea to get the top floor" I said to myself. I went into my bedroom and saw Alessia getting ready. "hi" she said and I gave her a smile before I took of my shirt and my pants. "how was it"? she asked and followed me to the bathroom. "it's done and I'm done" I said and went under the shower. I washed myself and washed my hair. Alessia already went back to getting ready. I stepped out and dried myself. I put on my underwear and walked to the closet. I put on some sweat and sunglasses and went back down. "you ready"? Mandy asked. "Alessia"? I asked. "I'm here" she said. "you packed for me right"? I asked to Mandy. she rubbed my head and pushed me outside while we both laughed. I stepped into the van and leaned back. "tooney is getting picked up to right"? I asked. "yeah she already on her way" Mandy said and I nodded. I leaned against Alessia and closed my eyes. My phone started buzzing. "Yeah tay"? I said once i answered the call. "I was wondering if maybe you can help me with my album" Taylor said. I laid the phone down on my chest and put it on speaker. "Sorry what did you say"? I said. "Can you help me finish my album"? She asked. I looked at mandy who shook her head. "When"? I asked. "When do you have time"? She asked. I opened my phone and went to my agenda. "What about 2030"? I said and laughed. "Serious D i need you" she said. "I'm on my way to italy right now and after that i'm flying to Australia" i said and sighed. "Plus i see now that i have Justin and Arianna also planned after that" i said and Mandy looked shocked at me and i just smiled and shook my head. "Alright text me when you can find me a spot okay" she said. "Okay tay" i said and she hung up. "I don't see any albums planned after Australia" Mandy said. "I know" i said and smiled. "So you kind of said no" Mandy said and i smiled and nodded a little. "Damn D you growing up" she said and Alessia gave me a kiss on the head. We pulled up to the airport and we went out. Cabin crew already came to us to get the bags and we walked towards tooney. Alessia ran towards Tooney which made me laugh a little. "Hi Ella" i said and gave her a hug. We all walked to the plane and sat down. "Oh my god i have never flown private" tooney said and i laughed. "Yeah i have not missed this plane" i said and went on my phone. The plane was ready and i just sat back while i looked outside. "Are you not going to click"? Alessia said and i looked at her. She rolled her eyes with a smile and clicked my belt. Once up in the air i clicked of my seatbelt and stood up. I laid down on the couch and laid my phone on the ground. I half layed over the edge and scrolloed through tiktok. With a couple of minutes my eyes closed and i fell asleep.

OCEAN EYES III Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now