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I woke up and opened my eyes. I looked around and didn't saw Alessia. "Looking for me"? She said while she was dressing up. "Actually yeah" i said and laughed. I rubbed my face and stretched out. "You slept well"? I asked. "I always sleep really good when I'm with you" she said and i smiled. "And you"? She asked. "Awfull like the worst night of my life" i said and she widened her eyes. "Just kidding love, sleeping with you has finally let me sleep" i said and she walked over to me. I sat up straight and she climbed onto of me. "Maybe we should do that more often then" she said and gave me a couple of kisses. "Aren't you like going to the world cup in like 3 days"? I said and she pouted. "You really know how to make me cry, when you give me those ocean eyes" i sang out and she smiled. "Can't believe my favorite song was secretly about me" she said. "It's not a secret anymore" i said. I grabbed my phone and so did she. "Love" i said while i filmed the both of us, "you know which song has hit the number one spot again"? I said. "Ocean eyes" she said and started cheering. I laughed and stopped it. I looked at it and tagged Alessia. 'Ocean eyes is back on top the billboard and on top me' i wrote and posted it to my story. "Can't believe we hit over a 100 million likes" Alessia said. "Did we really"? I said and she showed me her phone. "Owh damn, Mandy is a good photographer" i said. "She really is, she really knew what she was doing" Alessia said. "When she was younger Mandy wanted to be a photographer" i said. "Really, that's why she's so good at it" Alessia said. "But then everything turned around and now she helps me a lot" i said. "I always say to her, can you please take pictures of me in the show and stuff because i know she loves doing it" i said and Alessia nodded. "That's so sweat" Alessia said. Shall we head down and eat breakfast"? I asked. "It's 3, in the after noon" she said and i laughed. "Lunch"? I said and she laughed. She went of me an i stood up. I changed clothes while Alessia just sat on the edge of the bed and just kept on looking at me. "Love you dripping" i said and pointed to my cheek. "Fuck u" she said. "First lunch" i said and smiled. She rolled her eyes at me. We started making out way outside to the rest. "Morning all" i said. They all said morning back and i sat down by the table. A plate of food was put in front of me and the same for Alessia. "D" mandy said and i turned my head. "Jeffree has spoken about you" she said. "The rich make up guy"? I said and she started walking over to me with her macbook. She put it down between me and Alessia and let the clip play. 'So what do you think about this new artist who is breaking the industry' a guy said. 'Daan katuin is really making a real good name for herself, i love her, i love what she is doing, i love what she is doing behind the scenes. I just love how she also invest a lot of money into different things' Jeffree said. 'Have you met Daan katuin'? The guy asked. 'I have met her once at an event, about two years ago. She is such a nice wel mannered girl. She is really sweat' jeffree said. 'What do you think about her life story because you met her i think with her brother'? The guy asked. 'It's such a fucked up story, if you ever met Daan you will see how humble and talented she is. I don't think she has a single piece of hate in her' jeffree said. 'But it's hard don't you think. Loose you parents at a young age, then lose you grandparents at a young age and then last year her brother' he said. 'I can't imagine what she has been going through, but what i have seen she is still such a sweatheart to her fans and her surroundings. But I can't imagine going through all of that and then still keep on going' jeffree said. 'You said she invested money do you want to explain that more'? They guy asked. 'Like me when i came into the music industry before i went to make up, i could invest the money in like real estate landscape and the merch company ,i did that because i knew if i invest now, more would come out' Jeffree said. 'And for such a young woman, she is like what 20"? Jeffree said and the other guy nodded. "And she is the youngest billionaire in the world and the richest woman" jeffree said. "So she has more money then you"? They guys said. "Oh definitely, not a doubt in that' Jeffree said. 'She is running almost the whole industry with her record label' jeffree said. 'Yeah i see so many artist working now with RDK Codes' the guy said. 'That's her record label, think she almost has all of the biggest artists world wide signed with her' jeffree said. 'Are you signed with her'? They guy asked. 'I would love to be but i am not' jeffree said. 'Daan if you are watching Jeffree really want to be signed with you' he said. 'No but she is a amazing talented, thoughtful kindest person you will ever meet' Jeffree said. 'You know any more thing she does'? The guy asked. 'I know she has a construction company and offers homeless people a job and housing so they can change there life up' jeffree said. 'Owh that's something i did not expect' they guy said. 'I know she also owns a lot of day cares and she has some restaurants, clubs' Jeffree said. "So she invest money into a lot diffrent thing things" the guy said. 'And that's what i love about her, she thinks about what she is doing and tries to give so much back to the people who need it' Jeffree said. 'I know what it's like to be poor like really poor, and she knows that too, her and her brother build something out of nothing so that she has invested so much means she can never go back to that' Jeffree said. Mandy stopped the clip and looked at me. "Nice words" i said and smiled. "Can you get his number"? I asked. Mandy smiled and nodded. She went away and i looked at Alessia. "Mandy has tried for two years to get me to sign Jeffree, she a fan" i said and Alessia laughed. I got a notification on my phone and i looked at it. Mandy had send me his number. I put my number in my phone and face timed Jeffree. "Oh hi" he said surprised. "Hi, how are you doing"? I asked. "Great, bit shocked but it alright, how are you doing"? He asked. "Great just on a little break, i saw the interview you did" i said. "Oh you did really"? He said. "Yeah i did, thank you for the kind words i really appreciate it" i said. "No need to thank me, was all honest truth" he said. "I'm flying next to Australia for an month, because my lovely baby is going to win the world cup" i said and pulled Alessia closer who was still eating. "If you want you can come too, we can have dinner and discuss a contract" i said and he smiled. "Yeah sure of course" he said. "I will bring a couple of contracts with me and you can see which one suites you the best and if you don't like any we can always find a way" i said and he smiled. "Owh god thank you so much" he said. "No worries, Mandy or i will contact you with more details" i said. "Yeah of course, enjoy your vacation" he said. "Thank you" i said and we bood did our goodbyes. I hung up and looked behind me at mandy. " i will set it up" she said. "Thank you" i said. I stood up and took of my sweater. I laid down on one of the sunbeds and just layed. "So today were going to do nothing"? Ella asked. "Do you want to do something"? I said and turned my head. "Not exactly but me and Joe wanted to go have dinner together" she said. "Then go"? I said and laughed. "You can always take the driver" i said and smiled. "You sure"? She asked. "Yeah of course, you can do whatever you want" i said and smiled and she squeeled. I turned my head back and closed my eyes.

OCEAN EYES III Alessia RussoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora