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I woke up by my alarm. I shut it off and turned around. "We need to leave"? Alessia said. "Yeah" i said but stayed in bed while Alessia went out. I heard the shower going. "You coming babe" i heard her say. I groaned and got myself out of bed. I took of my clothes and while half sleeping i stepped into the shower. "Tonight i have a family dinner" she said and i looked up. "I would love for you to be there" she said and i smiled. "Of course i'll be there" i said and smiled. "Thank you babe" she said and went out. I washed myself and went out aswell. I dried myself off and put on my clothes. We both started packing up our things and went down with our bags. "You up"? Mandy said shocked. "Yeah"? I said. "You said 6 right"? I added and she still remained shocked. "Less you really having a good influence on D" mandy said and i laughed. "I try my best" Alessia said and our bags were being taken away. Ella and Joe walked down and we made our way to the van. Once everything was ready we started driving. Nobody talked, everyone was still half asleep. Once at the airport we stepped into the plane while our bags were being loaded. "Mind if Mandy comes"? I said and Alessia looked confused. "I thought you two were a one" she said and i laughed. "Of course she can come" she said and i smiled. The plane started to move and i think once in the air almost everyone fell asleep. Mandy and i were the only ones up. We were both going through emails and sending the important ones to each other. We both didn't talk but just went on working. The cabin crew came by to tell us we were landing and we started waking everyone up. Me and Alessia held hands while we watched the plane land. Once we landed we said goodbye to Joe and Ella and i wished Ella good luck. Mandy Alessia and i stepped into the car and greeted Eric. We first went to Alessia her house and i kissed her goodbye. After that we went back to our own house and once we were there we greated the staff. I texted back and forth with Alessia a couple of times and went into the studio. Mandy sat behind me on the couch while we both listened to unreleased songs. We both bopped with it and i made notes about the songs i was listing too. I grabbed my MacBook ad started emailing all the artists I listened too with the notes i had. "Everything is set and ready in Australia" she said and i nodded. "Thank you M" i said. "Oh and we are both meeting the Russo family in a hour" i said and her eyes widen for a sec. "Alessia asked me if we would both like it to join" i said and she smiled. "Of course" she said and i smiled. "How late are we going"? She asked. "In a hour or so" i said and she nodded. "Then i'm going to get ready" she said and i nodded. She walked out and i went back to answering email and putting things in the scedual. Once it was almost time i went out and walked upstairs. I got changed and drenched myself in perfume. I got a text from Alessia with the adress. I called her and walked downstairs "want me to pick you up love"? I said while i saw Mandy waiting for me. "Can you pick me up"? She asked. "Yeah of course" i said and walked into the garage. "Mind if i sleep with you tonight"? She asked. "No of course not" i said and grabbed the keys of the G. "Do you want to go from me to the campus, you can take Eric to drive you"? I said. "Owh that would help a lot" she said. "Alright love i'll see you in a couple" i said and hung up. Mandy and i both stepped in and i started to drive. "You nervous"? Mandy asked. "Maybe a little" i said. "You can do this, Alessia loves you and her family will too" Mandy said. We were both a bit quite throughout the ride to Alessia her home. "Think we need to change the house when she comes living with us" Mandy said. "Will be fine, house is big enough" i said and smiled. I parked infront of Alessia her house and we both stepped out. I opened the trunk door and waited for Alessia. Mandy and i saw her walking out with her suitcases and bags. We both walked to her and took over. Once everything was loaded in Alessia and i shared a kiss and we all stepped in. I drove us to the restaurant and parked the car. We all stepped out and Alessia held my hand. "You alright babe"? She said and looked at our hands. "Maybe a little nervous" i said with a nervous smile. "First of all nothing to worry about" she said. "Second it's all going to be fine" She said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. We walked in and Alessia started waving at her family. She gave each one of her memeber a good hug. I shook hands and said my name. Once we all sat down my feet started ticking, Mandy laid her hand on my knee and gave me a soft smile. "So how did this happen"? Her father asked. "Oh that's a weird story but it al began after the concert" Alessia said. "Or it happened when you were at uni" i said and she laughed. "Wait you met her at uni"? Her mother asked. "Not exactly, Daan was doing construction work there and she went to watch one of the games" Alessia said. "Think it was there we fell in love" Alessia said and gave me a smile. "Owh wait you were the girl with the white written airforces" one of her brothers said and i looked at Alessia. "I still remember Alessia talking about someone in the stands cheering her on" he said and i looked at Mandy. "Could be that time" Mandy said and i laughed. "Guess that was me" i said and we all started to laugh. We orderd food and waited, Alessia got in a conversation with her brothers and her father started asking me questions. "Daan is it true all you family has passed away" he said. "Dad" Alessia said. "Mario" her mother said. "Its fine, but yes. All my family has passed away, got not blood related family left" i said. "But i still have Mandy by my side" i said and wrapped my arm around her. "Can't imagine loosing one of them" Mario said. "How do you deal with that" he asked. "Takes time, think we both never got over the fact my brother passed away but we are trying to learn how to talk about it" i said and Mandy nodded. "She is your"? He asked. "Sister in law" mandy said. "You were married to her brother"? He asked. "Renee passed away before the wedding but we always say sister in law to each other" Mandy said and i nodded. "Daan what do you do or do you only sing songs" he said. "Mario" her mother said and slapped his shoulder. "Dad, did you know RDK construction is hers"? Alessia said. "Really"? Her father said. "Yeah she owns a lot of companies" Alessia said and i smiled. "Like what all"? He asked. "Record label, Restaurants, clubs, daycares, music studio's. Right now we are building a music shool" i said and Mandy smiled. "Why so many different things"? He asked. "We wanted to invest as much as we could so we were like setteled" i said. "Mandy and i know what it's like to not have anything so we wanted to make sure that never happeneds again" i said and he nodded. Food was laid down and we all began eating. After everyone was done eating the plates got taken away. "I read an article about you" her mother said and i was praying to god it wasn't something with kendall. "Read that you were the youngest female billionaire" she said and i nodded. "You don't come of or look like a billionaire" she said. "I try to always think about were i came from and not taking some high road" i said and she nodded. "How much money do you have"? Her father asked. "Dad" the siblings said in sync and started laughing after. "It's a normal question" he said defending himself. "I actually do not know" i said and looked at Mandy. "I don't know either" she said. "So you don't know how much money you have"? He said. "No, i have a whole team behind it so i have to call them" i said. "But can you just buy a car and not think about it" he asked. "Yes" i said. "That's the life" he said and pulled out his hand. We grabbed each other's hands "i like her lessie" he said and smiled. "Thank you for letting us stay with you" her mother said. "If it wasn't for you I don't think we would be able to watch Alessia the whole tournament" her mom added. "Of course no worries about it" i said and smiled. We all got into diffrent conversation and i had a talk with her brothers as how they also run there own business. "It's getting late" her mom said. "Dinner is on me" her dad said. "Owh no worries about that" i said and smiled. "I own this place" i said and we all started laughing. We stood up and said our goodbyes. We walked to car. Once we stepped in we were flooded by paparazzi. "God I haven't missed them" i said and slowly started driving away. Once i could move more i stepped on the gass a bit. "Sorry about my dad" alessia said. "No need to it's all good" i said and she smiled. We got back to the house and i parked the car. "You all done packing right"? I said and she nodded. "Can you put the bags in Eric his car" i said to one of the staff members. We walked in and i walked to the couch. "I'm going to head to bed early" Mandy said. "Night M" i said and she smiled. "Night guys" Mandy said. "Night Mandy" Alessia said and Mandy walked away. "She okay"? Alessia asked while we sat down on the couch. "Yeah she just tired i think" i said and she nodded. "Can't believe tomorrow i'm going off" she said. "Going to miss you so much" i said and pulled her closer. "You think you can handle being with my family for a month"? Alessia asked. "Love, there is nothing to worry about" i said and gave her a kiss. "One last movie together"? She asked and i nodded. I turned on the tv and handed the remote to her. "Liv" i said. "Yes Daan" i heard her say. "Can you get me something sweet"? I said and she nodded. "Hmm what about Narnia" Alessia said. "oh you really stealing my heart now" i said and she smiled. "It's one of my favourites" Alessia said. She put it on and sweets and drinks were laid down. "Last night eating sweats for me" i said and we both laughed. "I will be texting you as much as i can" Alessia said. " i will be too love, i will send you the songs i'm making so you'll be the first to listen" i said and she smiled. Alessia laid down on my lap we watched the movie. "When you back we are going to watch all three of them" i said and she smiled. "Isn't that like 6 hours"? She said. "Think so" i said we both laughed. The movie ended and i sighed. "Want to head to bed"? I said and she sadly nodded. We walked up and i went into the closet while Alessia went into the bedroom. I grabbed sweats and walked back into mine. I laid the sweats down and took of my clothes. I stepped into the shower with alessia and we wrapped our arms around each other. We just stayed like that for a while. We showered and went back out. I put on the underwear and sweatpants and walked to the bed. I went in and grabbed my phone. Alessia layed down on my lap and went on her phone. "Smile" she said and i smiled. We both started laughing as we watched the video. I went back on scrolling through my phone and saw i got tagged by Alessia. I clicked on it and saw the video with the caption 'going to miss you so much babe'. I reposted it and put the caption 'going to miss you more'. "I love you" Alessia said and turned her head to me. "I love you too" i said and Alessia gave me a kiss. The kiss deepened more and....

OCEAN EYES III Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now