"D" mandy said and woke me up. "Turn around" she said and i groaned but turned around. I went back to sleep within seconds.

"Babe" i heard Alessia say and i openend my eyes. "I really like all of your tatoos" she said and i smiled. "You do"? I said and smiled. "Yeah of course they are lovely on you" she said. "Thank you love" i said and smiled. "How late is"? I asked. "7" she said. "Tooney Joe Justin and Hailey left to eat somewhere else" she said. "Owh so we three are left" i said and laughed. "Guess so" alessia said and i sat up straight. Alessia laid down with me and I wrapped my arms around her. "Sorry that i slept so much, think the lost sleep from the tour is kicking in" i said. "No i get it don't worry" she said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Where is Mandy"? I asked. "She is inside, doing work" she said. "I am not allowed to work but she is"? I said and sighed. "She needs the rest more then me" i said and stood up i walked inside and and saw mandy sitting on the kitchen island with her MacBooks around her. "I am not allowed to work but you are" i said and she closed the MacBook. "You were sleeping" she said. "Still not an excuse, you need the rest more then i do" i said. "Just one more night here, let's make the most of it" i said and she smiled. She puts her MacBook asside and walked over to me. I pulled her into a hug. "Thank you D" she said once we let go of each other. We walked back out and my stomach groaned. "Dinner"? Alessia said. "Yeah think that would be a great idea" i said and we sat down. We started talking about the world cup and Mandy and i all started asking questions. I went on my phone and scrolled through my insta. "People are really mad at the fact I don't do break up songs anymore" i said. "I just finished a tour" i said and flipped my phone over. "Maybe you need to stop reading them" Mandy said. "But i care about what the think" i said. "When we are home again, you can read through them not now" Mandy said. I rolled my eyes and leaned back. "But i have some news" Mandy said and i sat back straight up. "Good or bad"? I said. "I don't know until i see you reaction" she said and i just blinked. "It's about the construction company" she said. "Yeah well go on, keeping me waiting is not letting me having a better reaction" i said. "You need to approve some new buildings" she said. "That's not that bad" i said. "I know i just wanted to know how scared i would get ya" she said. "One click and the video goes up" i said. "You are a horrible person" Mandy said. "You love me" i said. "I love your brother not you" she said and i faked the pain in my heart. "So tommorow is the last day" i said and sighed. "Then i'm going to miss you" i said and looked at Alessia. "Yeah about that, think we kind of missed a step. You are meeting my family on the day i leave, then when i leave to go to Australia you leave the next day with my family and then you will life with my family for hopefully a month" she said. "Owh you right, i will be seeing your family more then i have seen you" i said and she laughed. "Are you sure you okay with all that"? She said. "That I don't have blood related family left doesn't mean I don't want to meet yours" i said and she smiled. "Don't worry about it, plus when I'm not going to see you play i will probably work" i said. "Don't work to much have a little rest now and then" she said and cupped my cheeks. "I promise i will" i said. "Sleeping two hours a night is not enough" she said. "You already know me to well" i said and smiled. "Well if you don't mind, i have some work to do" Mandy said. "No come on, you need to rest too" i said and she sighed. "What do you want to talk about then"? She said. I grabbed my phone and i went on snapchat. I scrolled down and saw the memories with my brother. I clicked on the snap i had from mandy and my brother fake fighting. I sighed and pushed the phone to her. She grabbed it and her eyes started to water. "You really chose a topic" she said and handed me the phone back. "How are you today"? I asked. "Still hurts, but it's getting easier to talk about" she said. "You know, brother and i had a superstision on new years eve" i said and looked at alessia. "At exactly 12 we would throw cake in each others face, for good luck" i said and she laughed. "That's the weirdest thing i have ever heard" she said while she laughed. "It's a Katuin thing" Mandy said. "We never would celebrate a birthday or anything, we celebrated that" i said. "I still remember when you got your first cake" i said and laughed. "Oh god, where were we" she asked. "Think we were in The Netherlands" i said and she nodded. "Me and my brother had decided it would be a good idea to throw a cake in Mandy her face" i said and laughed. "But Mandy being Mandy she was sleeping" i said and laughed. "Literally those two, had smashed the cake in my face while i was sleeping" Mandy said and the three of us were laughing hard. "The whole fucking bed was covered in cake" Mandy said and i laughed hard i had tears rolled down my cheek. "Three months after i still smelled the cake" she said. "Owh god, how did you got rid of it" alessia said. "Think we then officially moved to England" i said and Mandy nodded. "Why did you leave The Netherlands"? Alessia asked and i pointed to mandy. "Not only me, you wanted to get a chance with ocean eyes" Mandy said. "You moved to England for me"? Alessia asked. I nodded "but it was also a mutal descission" i added. "No no no" Mandy said. " 'please Renee, I don't know how else to get closer to her' " she mimicked out. "That's so sweet of you" Alessia said and i smiled. "I knew one day, you would come into my life" i said. "You couldve just texted" Alessia said. "See Renee was right" Mandy said. "Okay okay enough with the coming after D" i said and laughed. Alessia gave me a kiss on my cheek. We all went into a little silence and watched how the sun was going down. "Do you remember that day we went to Thailand and you and you brother got those braids" Mandy said. "Ohh that was the dumbest decision we ever made" i said and laughed. "Think both of our scalps were burned to hell" i said. "Remember when he took them out" Mandy said. "Owh his hair was standing straight up for two days" i said and we all laughed. "Think i still got a picture of it here" Mandy said and scrolled through her phone. "Here" Mandy said and handed me her phone i showed it to Alessia who started laughing. "Oh my he is so burned in his face" Alessia said. "Yeah imagine that on your scalp too" i said and handed Mandy the phone back she went on scrolling through it. "Oh that's so painful" Alessia said. "Oh my god" Mandy said and handed me the phone. "Oh my god" Alessia and i both said in sync. "That was you"? Alessia said. "You have this picture" i said. "I still have it saved for one day you two will cross" Mandy said. "Can i"? I said and she nodded. I airdropped the picture to my phone. "You went to one of my games when i was in north"? Alessia said. "That's was the firs time i saw you, i knew you would come far" i said and laughed. "But not to be rude but how"? Alessia asked. "We were asked to build there so we were flown out and got a house there for a couple of months" i said. "Oh my" she said. "Yeah think right after this game i wrote ocean eyes" i said and she smiled. "Oh my god i remember that game" alessia said. "You were sitting on the highest row, think it was you and your brother that were screaming so loud when i scored" she said and Mandy started laughing loud. "Yess it was that game" Mandy said. "Wait" Alessia said and went on her phone. She was scrolling through a lot. She showed me a snap with the caption 'she is such a cutie' while she was secrtely filming me sitting on the stairs. "Oh my god" i said and pointed to mandy. "OH MY GOD" she said and started laughing. "I'm crying" she said. "You two fell in love there" Mandy said. "You two are destined to be" Mandy added. "Owh my god, now i feel terrible. Everything is now falling into pieces" Alessia said. "I always thought i knew you from something, like when i saw you at this game, every game after i started looking for you and i think then you blew up" Alessia said. "Oh my ,you had a crush on me too"? I said and she nodded. "When I'm home i have it written down somewhere in my journal" she said. "This is giving such a turn around" i said while laughing. "You two fell in love with each other without knowing it from each other" Mandy said. "That's insane" i said and laughed. "Who knew" Alessia said. "Ohh i did" Mandy said and raised her arm. We all calmed down a bit sometimes a laugh would slip out but we calmed down. "Think i'm going to bed" Mandy said. "Night" i said while she stood up. "Night" Alessia said. "Night too you both" mandy said and walked away. "Think i once laid the connection but i then thought no, i have seen you in the US" Alessia said. "Small world" i said and laughed. "Want to go to bed too"? Alessia asked. "We can just lay down and talk or just lay down" Alessia said. "Yeah sure love" i said and we both stood up. While we walked Alessia wrapped herself tightly on my arm. Once we were back up we both got undressed and went into the shower. We talked a little while showering. I stepped out first and dried myself off. I put on some underwear and a black top and grabbed some sweats. I put on the pants and waited for alessia to hand her the sweater. Once she put it on she pulled me into s hug. "I'm going to miss you so much" she said. "I'm going to miss that beautiful face of yours" she said and i sighed. "It's not beautiful" i said. "i fell in love with you more than 4 years ago, i promise you it's beautiful" she said and i laughed a little. She went to the bed and sat down. I went underneath the covers and laid down between her legs and my head ln her lap. She pushed the covers down and i smiled. I saw her looking at my back and i tried to remain cool. "Babe" she said. "You want to know how i got the scars"? I said and she looked at me. "Only if you want to tell" she said. "Think this was mostly my father" i said and sighed. " my parents weren't that lovely to me and my brother. "They were addicted to every drug and alcohol there existed" i said. "But with addiction comes more things" i added. "Anger issues, both of my parents used to beat the shit out of us" i said. "I'm so sorry Babe" Alessia said and softly stroked my back. "No don't worry they died" i said and laughed. "How did they die"? Alessia asked. "Drunk and high driving" i said. "Owh" she said. "That's why I'm so heavy about it, the drinking and driving" i said. "I don't want to end up like them, i trying so hard not to end up like them" i said and she nodded. "I'm glad your safe now" she said and i sat up straight. "You know what the most fucked up thing about this is" i said and she tilted her head a bit. "I don't want to talk about people who can't defend themselves" i said. "But people talk about 'oh she lost her parents I can't imagine' " i began. "But me and my brother at that time were glad, we saw it as a gift from god" i said and laughed. "Why don't you tell people about your parents"? She said and i sat next to her. "People already know i went through a lot, i learned how to deal with it. I don't want anyone's pittyness to feel better" i said. "I can understand that" she said. "The world knows i lost everything and that enough for me, how it is right now it's good" i siad and she nodded. "That why i never shoot with my back, always my front, don't want questions" i said. "I didn't even notice that" she said. "See, no more extra shit" i said and she gave me a smile. "I love you" she said and cupped my cheek. "I love you too, my perfect ocean eyes" i said and gave her a kiss. "Can't believe we actually met when we were younger" she said and i laughed. "I can, you suck at hints, so for you not making the connection" i said and laughed. "Your hints suck" she said. "She plays for arsenal and the lionesses and wear 23, couldn't get anymore specific" i said and she laughed. I laid down and she did too. We just looked at each other and smiled. "Do you maybe want to move in with me"? I asked. "Oh damn" she said. "I know it's fast but" i said but got interrupted. "I would love too" she said and gave me a kiss. "Can i ask you something"? I said and she softly nodded. I stood up and walked to my bag. I grabbed a notebook out of it and a pencil. "Can you write down Ocean eyes" i asked and smiled. "What for"? She said while i handed everything over. "I want it in your handwriting"? I said and smiled. "So i have to do it really good huh"? She said and i nodded. "Wait" she said and stepped out of bed. She laid the notebook down on the desk and sat behind it. She did a couple of tries and then she smiled. "Got it"? I asked. "Yeah" she said and smiled. "Thank you babe" i said and carefully ripped out the page. I folded it and put it behin my phone case. "What you going to do with it"? She said. "Keep it close and closer" i said and she laughed. We went back into bed. We both started moving and she laid in my arms. "I love you" i said and she looked up. "You are so beautiful" i said and looked in her eyes. She gave me kiss and she turned red a little. "I love you too" she said. We both were quite and i think we both fell asleep. Atleast i closed my eyes and fell asleep.

OCEAN EYES III Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now