The mark on his chest from months ago had healed, though there was that reminder of how badly hurt he had been then.

I kissed that spot too and helped him into a brown t-shirt, having to stand up to do so because he just so big even while seated.

When I attempted to move away after helping him into his sweater, he pulled me back and gestured at his pants and I had to slap his hands away.

"That is something you can do yourself," he pouted and mumbled that I was going against my promise earlier.

"The faster you get changed, the quicker you'll get a taste of what I prepared for you," I bribed into agreeing then asked him to come downstairs after he was done.

I went out and picked up his bag that he'd left outside then walked into the kitchen to warm up the food I had prepared for us.

It was a simple chicken and coconut rice dish that reminded me of our earlier days when he had cooked this for me.

I took out our plates just as Grey walked in and I saw his nose lift into the air to inhale the aroma that filled the kitchen.

He made a beeline for me and attempted to peek into the dishes but I shook my head when he offered to help me serve.

He was tired from working day and night so I forced a glare on him and led him to the dining table when he kept on insisting to help.

I then served us our evening meal, stacking Grey's plate with more food because I knew he needed it.

I still kept note of the time, seeing that the new year was only two hours away.

"Thank you sweetheart for the food, I'll keep thanking you for the countless things you do for me," Grey changed seats so that we were seated side by side.

I kept filling his plate with more side dishes and he seemed to noticed that, stuffing more food into my plate too and encouraging me to eat more.

We later had some of the desserts I had prepared and also a bit of the salad I had made Grey, he loved those a lot.

Not being able to convince him anymore, he joined me in cleaning the utensils after we finished our meal.

After we had cleaned everything, I asked him to join me outside so that we'd watch the fireworks once the clock struck midnight.

Grey willingly gave in but he first went up to bring a shawl and then we settled at a spot on his balcony and nuzzled into each other.

"How has this year been to you?" I asked after a while as I rested my head on his warm chest.

"So perfect, I did something I once thought was impossible." He admitted seriously that I had to look up to hear more.

"What was it?" He smiled, his dimples showed and his eyes brightened even further when I stared into them.

"I fell in love," he chuckled when my eyes widened and he leaned down to peck my cheeks, adjusting the shawl over my shoulder.

"What about you?" He framed my hair out of my face and softly asked, all the while looking into my eyes.

"You made me trust again," he swallowed uneasily but I had already told him numerous times that it wasn't his fault.

One night I had shared with him about that little incident in highschool when I got ridiculed by this boy in front of everyone.

I remember how angry Grey had gotten but I assured him that I was already over that.

After learning that I really had a tough time trusting anyone else, he apologized again and again for breaking his promise during that one time he got hurt.

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