Chapter 6

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Amaria sat in the car as she watched the community bustle about, she sighed deeply and looked ahead. The city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania was not the place she thought she would come back to after many years. But here she was. She opened her car door and then turned to look at Daniel and Vanessa, who were still surprisingly asleep.

She got out of the car and headed for the small town in front of her, the treeline if the woods did nothing to ease her paranoia. She knew Piadoné and the others were still hunting for her, he was persistent like that. Plus the history she had with him is testament to that, a rivalry born not from hatred but from respect and curiosity.

She made her way toward the town and then saw one of the locals walk toward her, he had blonde hair and blue eyes and his skin was pale slightly. He frowned at seeing her, he then looked around as if to male sure that no one saw her yet.

"Amaria?" he said in surprise.

"Desmond." she said with a small smile.

Then he looked down at her and studied her closely, he noticed the dried blood on her clothes. He looked up at her and she shrugged at him. She didn't have time to change out of her clothes because she wanted to put ad much distance between her and the ones that were after her.

"What happened to you?" he asked.

"Piadoné." she said before walking past him and stopped by the edge to watch the people. "He attacked me two nights ago by my penthouse. It seems things are going back to the way they were."

"Piadoné? I know you two have a rivalry but why go after you after all this time?" Desmond wondered.

"Because of the boy in my car over there." she nodded toward her car.

Desmond looked toward the car and nodded. He could smell a human in it, but there was also another scent that hit him.

"Is Vanessa with you?" he asked and she nodded. "Well, that explains the scent."

"I need a place to stay until its safe enough to travel again." Amaria said. "And I can't travel with Daniel and Vanessa if I'm being hunted down by Piadoné and his fellow Strigoi."

"Why do they want the boy?" Desmond asked.

"Do you remember the slaughterings that took place after the last Ascenders died?" she asked.

"Yes. The Strigoi and Muldoy temporarily collaborated with each other to wipe out any descendant of the Ascenders."

"Yes. I have reason to believe the boy is a descendant of the Ascenders." Amaria said.

"What?! That impossible!" Desmond said. "They all died. The Strigoi and Muldoy made sure not a single one survived."

"Some may have survived without our notice. Who knows? The possibilities are endless." she said.

"So you came here looking for sage haven for the boy and your daughter?" he asked.

Amaria nodded.

"Your Coven?" he asked.

"They're still upset I abandoned them a long time ago. They sent me away." she said with a sigh.

"Well, I'll help." Desmond said with a smile. "You did a lot for me, its only fair I return the favor."

"I would appreciate that." she said.

"Come. We should meet the others, they'll be happy to see you again." he said before he turned to lead the way.

Amaria followed Desmond into the small community, it was a nice and beautiful place and the woods made everything relaxing.

"Vanessa show any signs yet?" he asked.

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