Speaking of Grumpy, her form reverted back to normal, she'd reached her limit. Newgate could tell that despite her attempts to pretend she was fine, she really wasn't because next second the girl had passed out, exhaustion had won and her body had decided that adrenaline wasn't enough to keep her going.

He caught her in his open palm, although he wasn't all that concerned. Tam had told him that her illness came with a verity of effects, which he knew about from his own experience, luckily his devil fruit nullified a lot of the more dangerous ones. Poor Grumpy didn't have that luxury.

Immediately his kids started to panic, both of them talking at the same time, shouting over each other. He couldn't tell what they were yelling, but what he did know was they were both extremely frightened for their now unconscious sister.

He automatically scooped them up, trying to sooth them as best he could.

He could feel the king and queen had approached, trying to get a closer look at what was happening. While he knew that they were concerned, Newgate couldn't help but hunch over to block his kids from view.
"It's alright you two, she's fine. She ain't even hurt, look, see no blood, nothin' missin'-"
Whitebeard said quietly, drawing the two children back a bit so they could see for themselves. "-Grump's condition does make it so she don't got much stamina, not ta mention she's still recovering from before. Yur sister is jus' tired, she needs some sleep and she'll probably feel better. "

Namur was the first to calm down, slowly examining his little sister. After a moment he had collected his thoughts, having come to the realisation that Whitebeard was right.
Taking a couple of deep steadying breaths, then turned to Haru, placing a hand on their shoulder.

"Haru... look." The boy sniffled, finally getting his sibling to open their eyes, tears and snot streaming down their face as they turned to stare down at Grumpy's sleeping form.
"Huh?" Was all the kid uttered, a rush of relief, followed by confusion hit the Yonko as Haru settled a bit.

"Pretty sure it's Grumpy's devil fruit that protected her. It ain't much of a stretch considerin' that trick with the hair."
"But she's a lion...?" Haruta mumbled, wiping their sleeve over their eyes.

"She ain't just a lion Slugger, just like Marco, who ain't just some fancy ass peacock."
"Make's sense" Namur sighed.

"She has some kinda mythical zoan fruit I'd think, donno what exactly it is, but it certainly ain't normal." Newgate told them, as Namur suddenly climbed out of his arms seemingly looking around for something.

"What's wrong Nam's?" Haruta asked crawling down from his knee.

"Alex's logbook!" The shark boy announced, which was unnaturally loud for him. He ran past the Royal couple, who Newgate had briefly forgotten about.

He glanced over his shoulder as Namur grabbed something rather large from the ground, before the lad came back with it, clutching it tightly, but obviously not tight enough because something fluttered out.
The queen who'd been mostly hidden behind her husband, darted out in a colourful blur and caught the loose 'thing' from the air before it could hit the mud.

"Hey! Give that back, that's Alex's!" The shark boy snapped, once again very out of character. Causing Haru to jump slightly, eyes wide with surprise.

"I recognise-Darling! Isn't this...?" Otohime ignored Namur's outburst instead racing over to where Neptune sat. Making the boy growl, as he ran after her, all nerves having disappeared from earlier.

Newgate stood, tucking his daughter into his shirt to let her sleep, he walked over frowning. His son's protective attitude smacked him as he got closer.

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