Alex can't talk to pretty ladies

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So things weren't going well for poor Alex, her brain was completely fried, the pretty eel lady had decided to sit right next to her. This didn't help one bit.

All she kept thinking was: Am I gross? I'm sweating an awful lot! What if I smell? What if I smell myself? Wait no! That's gross Alexandra, don't sniff yourself, that's weird!

Either way the girl was in a gay panic, she could hear Namur and Haruta talking to the mermaids, but Alex couldn't bring herself to even attempting to join the conversation. She couldn't even say her name without stumbling over every single letter.

Why am I such a dumb butt? They probably think I'm stupid or something! How couldn't I not even say my own flipping name?!

Alex cringed internally as that dumb memory of her lame introduction played over and over in her head.

Haruta on the other hand found their sister's behaviour hilarious, turns out that Alex couldn't talk to girls. She was sat there, red faced and sweating profusely, the eel mermaid was particularly concerned, worried that Haru's silly sister was feverish.

No, Alex was just very gay.

It was pretty obvious that she was only interested in the ladies, the butler dude barely got a glance, which Haru thought was funny, the guy was pretty handsome too. Or well the red-head thought so anyway, though they weren't interested in people like that.

Namur liked girls, which was annoying because he'd talk to them about it and Haruta didn't even get that stuff. So it was great, he could talk to Al about that now, they wouldn't have to put up with listening to his crush of the week anymore. Like Pops, they were about as interested in people that way as they were with their daily chores, which was not at all. They liked dinosaurs, food and fighting, among other things and that stuff wasn't one of them.

Haruta continued to grin, watching Alex slowly becoming one with the booth, her lion ears flat, the girl's weird dimensional hair having grown out all long and tail puffed up like an alarmed cat.
Namur was sat there, big smile in place telling the Mermaids what had happened to him and where he was living now. They all seemed pretty preoccupied listening to his story, which they couldn't blame them for, the ladies had obviously been very concerned with what had happened to their brother, which made Haru happy. They were pleased that he had been missed, that people had given a damn about him, even if his bastard of a bio-dad hadn't.

"Hey, butler? Can you get some water for my little sister? She needs to take her meds." The red-head asked nonchalantly, making the grouchy Emo-Merman to scowl, but he obliged, disappearing for a moment behind a bar in the end of the café and when he reappeared the butler was carrying a glass. He placed it on the table with a huff, giving Haru an irritated sneer, he seemed annoyed that nobody had any interest in him, which the kid wasn't surprised by, not with his bad attitude. Though they supposed that was actually some people's type, the bad boy emo, with a rude demeanour presenting themselves as a tortured soul.

Ugh, Haru found it all stupid...

"Hey Al, take your meds" They said to Alex, she didn't respond only continuing to stare down at her clasped sweaty hands, Haru sighed, pushing the glass of water right into her field of vision. The girl finally seemed to notice, she pulled out the bottle from her cloth sash, which received a raised eyebrow from the eel lady. Al went bright red, or at the very least went redder, which Haru was unsure how that was even possible, but this proved that their little sister was even more hopeless then they had first thought... Alex brainlessly unscrewed the cap, though she was hardly paying attention to the tablets that she was absently tipping into her open palm, no, Alex's single eye was fixed on the pretty smiling mermaid next to her, she might as well have been a mindless vegetable. Then the idiot proceeded to toss about fifteen pills into her agape mouth, Haruta dove over the table, forcing her to spit them out before she swallowed them all.

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