Under the sea

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What do I do?

The strange fish floating outside of the bubble were creatures she couldn't have even dreamt up. They were that weird. So close, she could have reached out and touched them or that's how it felt anyway.
A huge monstrous angler fish swam up close, his head light thing bathing their part of the ship in a white glow. It's massive needle-like teeth gleaming as it snapped its jaws, coming within inches of the bubble. Alex shrunk away, while the other two kids didn't seem fazed.
"So how long until we hit the bottom, Namur?" Haruta asked in a bored tone, they were leaning over the side, making the blonde incredibly nervous, one wrong move and they might be sucked out into the depths.
"I donno... I'm a Fishman not a radar." He replied sarcastically, turning his attention towards the other end of the ship. It was quiet, except for some low echoing voices in the distance.
"Geez it was a question... Don't gotta be an ass about it." Haruta huffed, crossing their arms in annoyance.
"Anyway... Alex, is there anywhere you wanna go? By the way it's around ten-ish at night, so we have to be quiet-" The raven warned, quickly giving Haruta a glare "-Right Haru?"
"Tch! Yeah, yeah I know!" Haruta snapped loudly, which resulted in Namur throwing his arms in the air and rolling his eyes.
"Why do I bother..."
It’s night-time, that's good news, hopefully the large majority of the crew are in bed. This is my chance!
Now where do I go?
Where could she go? Alex was well and truly trapped, maybe she could hide out until they arrived in the 'New World'
Oh, yeah Alexandra that's a brilliant idea. Cause hiding out worked so well the last time! And even if I manage to avoid every pirate until then. What, I'm just going to be stuck in the New World! She thought bitterly, how was she going to even survive?
The young girl had heard the stories, her Papi had told her about his experiences, how he'd nearly die on a near constant basis! Not to mention Alex’s grandfather was a giant, a grown-up giant and even he had a hard time surviving with that advantage non the less.
I'm a kid, a short, one-eyed girl with a heart condition... I'm dead meat! I'm screwed.
Alex did wonder how long she’d been out for, Haruta had said she was sick for nearly a week and in that week, she had almost died three times. Was that all the time it took for this ship to sail from that rock in the middle of 'Paradise' to here under the sea?
She supposed for an experienced crew that  wasn't really a big deal. Who would be stupid enough to get in the way of the Whitebeard pirates? If the weather was clear then she would guess it was possible. Talk about bad luck... but Alexandra was a Magnhild it was to be expected.
Alex glanced up, realizing that Haruta and Namur were staring at het expectantly, she shrank a bit, confused. Finally Haruta spoke up, frowning. "Soooo, Al have you decided or...?"
"What? Decided?" The girl stammered feeling put on the spot, did they say something and she didn't hear?
"Where did you want to go?" The Fishman asked warily, he looked exhausted, dark circles were under his eyes and Alex immediately felt guilty for keeping him up.
"I- you know... you should go to bed if you’re tired, I'm just gonna stay here and uh, look at the fish..." She managed, normally her lying skills were way better then this, but Alex didn't want to lie to these two. They had been so nice, she felt like she was betraying them, which the blonde knew was stupid, they had only just met.
"Nah, we're fine!" Haruta chuckled oblivious to her bad lie, while Namur didn't look quite so convinced, but he let it alone.
Alex fidgeted, suddenly unsure what to do, her legs were still aching, her body still wanted to collapse. Admittedly, all she  wanted to do was go back to that nice comfortable bed, however that wasn't even an option, she had to get out of here.
I still have no idea where to go...
"Alright... while you two decide, I'm going for a swim." Namur mumbled, dragging his shirt off and ditching it on the floor. He clambered up onto the wooden barrier, crouching down, stretching his arms over his head in a lazy movement.
"Kay." The red-head hummed disinterested, Alex glanced between the two, expecting Haruta to say something else, but they seemed more interested in fiddling with their bamboo sword.
"So you can breathe under water and everything?" The blonde asked fascinated, her escape plan could wait a little longer, this was way too cool to miss. Alex wished she could swim again, having always loved the water and she was honestly jealous of anyone that could.
"Of course. It's Fishman 101, they don't let you complete the course without it." The shark boy said dryly, her blue eye grew wide, cocking her head to the side, the words slipped out of her mouth without any thought "You have a course?"
Both of them stared the girl dead in the eye for several seconds, before bursting out in fits of laughter. Namur almost fell from his perch he was wheezing so much, Haruta was crying on their knees smacking the wooden floor with their fist.
"What? That-" Alex’s face burning with embarrassment, having gone bright crimson, she had realised too late that he was being sarcastic... she hated when things came out without her wanting them to.
I'm so stupid!
Turning away in shame, heart beating faster in anticipation for the following degrading comments. Alex wouldn't blame them for calling her dumb... or not wanting to be friends with an idiot.
The despairing girl jerked as an arm was draped around her shoulders, Haruta was beaming down at her. "Man Al, you're not so good with the sarcasm, huh? Just don't take anything Namur says seriously and you'll be fine. It's usually boring stuff anyway" 
"HEY! Well then you should ignore Haru even more, they're extra boring, all they think about is dinosaurs and fighting! They never use their brain, it's like talking to a tree."
"DINOSAURS ARE FUCKING AMAZING, HOW DARE YOU!" The ginger retorted with extreme offence, they launched themselves at the Fishman, who dodged out of the way. He rolled backwards, passing through the bubble with ease, disappearing into the dark murky sea. Then a second later reappeared in front of us, swimming along at what seemed a leisurely speed with his tongue stuck out, mocking Haruta. They looked as though they were contemplating jumping in after him, maybe to punch the shark boy in the nose.
"What was that? I couldn't hear you over me being awesome" Namur snorted doing a somersault, probably to prove a point. Alex was stood next to Haruta watching him with awe, her cheeks were hurting from all the grinning she was doing.
The girl took notice of a new smell which was overpowering the salty air, it was making het nose wrinkle in disgust. Liquor was one of her least favourite scents, it was normally sharp and made her sensitive nose prickle. She peered towards the direction it was coming from. "Alcohol."
"Alcohol?" Haruta asked nervously, Alex nodded her attention still pointed at it. "I can smell it..."
"I can't smell anything"
"Alex is a Zoan remember, so she has a way better sense of smell" Namur offered before she could say anything, the blonde frowned wondering why he knew that, if she had to guess then someone else on the crew must have told him.
"Crap! Which way is it coming from?" The ginger teen questioned; they seemed a little perturbed.
Alexandra quickly jammed her thumb in the direction, their nervous attitude was making her nervous. "Why? Are we in danger?"
"We need to go!" The older teen hissed, readying himself to dive back onto the ship when a huge fish materialised behind him.
Namur was swallowed whole!
Haruta and Alex went into full blown panic mode, screaming in unison. The girl lost control over her devil fruit, her hair went poof and all she could see was a bush of gold. Her hearing improved, until their horrified screeching hurt her lion ears.
Alex ran over to the railing, desperately trying to find the dumb fish that had eaten their friend. Haruta grabbed hold of the girl’s shoulders shaking her violently, while said girl clung to the barrier, she could feel the wood crumpling under her fingers.
"CAN YOU SEE IT?!" The ginger shrieked, still throttling her. Alex lent forwards squinting in a panic, her eye darting everywhere "NO! CAN YOU!?"
Haruta darted down the other end of the ship, scanning over the hundreds of massive creatures, running back and forth yelling repeatedly "SHIT WHAT DO WE DO? WHAT DO WE DO?"
Alex joined in, dashing about the other way, clutching her now long hair out of her face as she answered their same question over and over "I DONNO?! I DONNO!?"
Finally, they both slammed into each other bawling, clinging together in a heap on the floor. Wailing "Namur's dead! Namur!"
Haruta broke down even more, almost strangling Alex in their death grip. She sniffled crushing them in response.
"W'DON' NO!?"
"WE TRIED TO FIN 'IM, but can'dant!"
They blubbered, which was hard considering neither of them could breathe properly, as they clung together in a tight heap. They needed hugs!

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