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On the Moby dick two kids sat watching the buzz, a ginger teen with a wooden training sword, they were swinging it back and forth in boredom, the other was a blue shark Fishman with shaggy black hair, he was munching away on a chocolate bar, looking tired as per usual.

They were sat up in the crows nest, keeping out of sight, when the red-head pointed out a unfamiliar person climbing onto the ship, even from way up high they could tell that it was a kid, their hair was all gross and muddy, actually they were just plain dirty. "Hey? Namur, do you recognise that person?"

"Mmmm? Wha'ch?" He answered with his mouth full, following their finger down to the suspicious person. "Huh? No..."

They both lent forwards squinting.

"Should we do something?" The ginger asked, Namur shrugged "Probably..."

Neither teenage moved, the Fishman finished his chocolate bar, while the other kid continued to fiddle with their sword.

"So... Haruta are you gonna-?" Namur sighed after a moment.

"Why me?"

"You saw 'em"

"You're older"

"What's that got to do with it?"

Haruta and Namur grumbled simultaneously, looking each other in the eye.

"Fine, let's just get this over with." The older teen offered, Haruta nodded half-heartily. The truth was that they weren't supposed to be out of their cabin, they had been grounded for causing this whole mess with the Marines in the first place.

But the cabin was boring...

They climbed down, hoping to find Thatch or Rakuyo, they wouldn't snitch and they might even cover for them, if they said the right thing. Bribery was very effective on those two brothers anyway. But no, they ran into Vista "What are you guys doing here? Didn't Pops ground you?"

"No..." Haruta lied, turning away from their mentor. Their older brother frowned, simply gesturing for them to follow him, the two teenagers trailed behind, as he wove around the rushing crew.

"Great work Haru! You got us into more trouble, couldn't you just tell him about the intruder" Namur hissed angrily, the red-head stuck their tongue out "Sorry for trying to get us out of trouble!"

The Fishman went to smack Haruta, but the backwards glance from Vista made him freeze and withdraw his hand.

"Look who I found?" Vista said dryly, jabbing his thumb over at the apprentices. Marco, Jozu and Pops were stood next to barrier, all three didn't seem surprised.

"Really? You two couldn't stay in your cabin for an hour, yoi?" Marco drawled unimpressed.

"Mmm, we were saints compared to these two" Jozu muttered shaking his head, slightly amused.

"Marco was no saint, he just had us to keep him from doing crazy shit" Vista chuckled, causing the phoenix to scowl and retort "How did this become about me, yoi?"

"Ain't that right Pops?" The swordsman asked ignoring Marco; however, Pops was staring over the side quietly, watching Moby pull away from the remains of the dock.

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