30. "just friends"

Start from the beginning

And all i want to do right now..is be by his side..even if he doesn't love me..

I falling for him..that's a fact..

"I want to be emotionally detached from him"..I can't belive those words came out of my mouth..

And I'm Missing Adonis like crazy..


They would be back tomorrow..I just can't wait..

Bella was in the dining room having dinner..while I was in her room..itching to call him..

And I eventually called him..

He picked up at the fourth ring..

"Selena.." He acknowledged through the phone..

His voice..


"Why are you calling?" He asked..

"Erm..I just wanted to know..How things were going" I replied

"Everything is fine..we got him..and we will be back tomorrow morning" he said nonchalantly..

"Good..alright..erm..is ivy okay?"

"She is good.. so far"

And we fell silent..

Talk..talk..say something..

"If that's all..Good bye then.."

"Erm.."I started but he already cut the phone..


I groaned..

Great..they will be back in the morning..

I placed down my phone..ready to go and meet Bella in the dinning room..

When we started hearing Gunshots..

What the fuck!

I ran out of the room..to meet Bella..

"What was that?!" She asked..kinda scared..

"Gunshots.." I said and with that Mona ran inside the room..

"We are being attacked!" She screamed..

"What?!" Me and Bella said in unison..

The Gunshots came closer..

"Ohh are we gonna die?!" Bella asked scared..

"No..no..ermm..what should we do!"

Then 6 men..in all black reached the second floor..

"Spread out!..they must be here!" A man yelled in an accent..


Then they reached the dinning room..

"I found them!!" He signaled to the others..he pointed his Ak47 at us..

They all rushed to the room..

"Yepp..we are dead!"Bella screamed..

The man that seem to be their leader..stepped up..

He placed down his Ak47..and removed a pistol instead..

There was a snake tattoo peeping from his neck all the way to his left eyebrow..and there was a really deep scar on right eyebrow..

He stared directly at me..

And smirked..

"Ya rad,chto vsteril yego khoroshen'kuyu zhenu" he said his voice lacing with venom..and the rest of the guys chuckled..

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