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Chapter 028



IN THREE DAYS, i would turn 21. I had managed to make jude and bukayo stay until my birthday so they would be able to attend my birthday party. Nova had moved in yesterday night but i was still unsure whether we could return to normal or if she wasn't entirely comfortable with me.

I descended the stairs, my eyes flickered a bit at the sight of Jude beside Bukayo, Tolami, and Nova, all in deep conversation. The room was alive with their chatter, with occasional laughter or exclamation as they discussed whatever was of interest to them. Despite a part of me wanting to join them, the tension between us was still lingering in the air, making me reconsider.

I settled with a decision, I chose to quietly make my way to the kitchen, behind the counter preferring the peacefulness of the place at the moment. I looked around the kitchen, considering it for a moment as I began taking out ingredients and thought ahead as to what i could prepare for them to eat, and hopefully keep the atmosphere light and friendly once again.

As i brought out multiple plates of pancakes and placed them on the kitchen counter,  everyone came around the table to get their meals, I couldn't help but exhale in relief. The tension slowly faded as we were all conversing.

As the conversation came to an end and the group went back to their rooms. After cleaning up, I had decided to unwind by playing a couple of games of FIFA. I had not expected to find the room occupied, yet Nova was there. Alone. 

She was leaning against the window, staring out at the sky, her expression stoic and unmoving. I approached, unsure what to say, and chose to wait patiently and see if she wanted to initiate a conversation.

I took a seat on the couch, grabbed the controller that was left on the coffee table, and loaded in the disk of FIFA24. but soon my attention was drawn to the window where Nova was leaning against the window frame. 

Despite her back being turned to me, she seemed to be fixated on something outside. Curiosity getting the better of me, i walked over to stand beside her and looked out the window as well.

To my surprise, the scene that captured Nova's attention was not a remarkable one. Though not necessarily bad, there was nothing overly special about it either. 

"what u thinking 'bout?" i spoke with my voice low to avoid startling her. for a moment, she didn't respond, then she shrugged slightly and her voice was just as low as mine had been when she finally spoke. 

"oh, it's nothing."

I wondered how to get her to open up, and after a second of thought, i decided to switch from words to actions. i stepped towards her, reaching out to her waist and gently lifting her up, noticing how light her body was. Her eyes flickered with surprise as I sat back down on the couch and shifted her around so she was sitting on my lap, facing me. 

And as she looked at me, she couldn't help but notice the intense focus i had on her face. "nova." i muttered, "tell me." 


NOVA FELT A shiver run down her spine, the tension between them had gotten too thick to brush over. without allowing any more questions to run through her mind, she finally leaned forward the remaining inches to marcus, their lips brushing together softly.

 Her cheeks flushed with the realization that she had just kissed him, and as the moment faded, she felt a wave of panic wash over her. She felt as if her emotions were being pulled in two separate directions, with the excitement of their first kiss and the reality of what had just happened. As the silence stretched between them, she cleared her throat and took a deep breath.

Suddenly, their minds came back to reality as footsteps and talking echoed in the hallway. The two separated and Marcus moved to intercept the others before they entered the room.

Jude entered the room and stopped just inside the doorway, taking in the tense atmosphere. Jude caught a glimpse of nova's face, which was flushed a deep pink. It didn't take much for him to realize that the two had been interrupted in the middle of an intimate moment.

Jude observed the pair, sensing there was more that he wasn't aware of. he was about to comment when marcus walked away to the kitchen counter to grab a snack. Jude made his way to the kitchen, leaning on the counter with both of his elbows "what's going on here then?" he asked, glancing at marcus and then nova who was still sat in the corner of the couch.

Marcus met jude's gaze with a look that suggested he didn't want to admit anything. Despite this, he didn't think he could avoid jude's question, so he simply shrugged and gave an indifferent answer. "nothing." he said, turning away slightly. "just talking." he added, swinging his pantry door open.

Jude huffed, knowing that there was something else. He glared at nova, sensing her tense body language and decided to ignore it for now and instead turned on the other controller on, beating marcus onto the couch and signing in into his account.

Marcus took a deep breath, he sat between nova and jude, and started a game of Fifa. He tried to ignore the fact that he and nova kissed a minute ago, but the lingering taste of her lips still lingered on his. He couldn't get her off his mind, even with the game in front of him. Jude noticed this, but he kept quiet as he knew Marcus would be too embarrassed to admit what happened between them earlier.

Marcus began feeling overwhelmed, feeling eyes on him as tolami came downstairs, followed by bukayo. Both of them felt the tense atmosphere as the room was dead silent. He knew Jude would blurt out something or he'd end up getting confronted.

He was too focused on his thoughts that made jude get ahead of him with another goal settling the score by 5-2 to jude, then the teasing started by the pair of them, with bukayo not believing that jude had finally beat marcus and jude celebrating infront of marcus's face.

Marcus couldn't take it anymore, not the game, just the thick tension between the both of them, not having a chance to talk it out leaving a lot of room for unanswered questions. He didn't know why he was so upset over a kiss but decided to drop the controller on the couch and stormed into his room, trying to process everything.


yet again, another filler chapter😭

keep on interacting w my story. ly all 💕✌🏼

𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒, marcus rashfordWhere stories live. Discover now