015||Drunk in love

445 7 0

Chapter 015



NOVA WAS GETTING pushed, barged and thrown around, everything you can name was happening to her, she was stood in the middle of a crowd chugging down her, fifth or maybe seventh drink. 

Nova was feeling the intense effects of the alcohol as it ran through her veins, her senses becoming clouded at an alarming rate. She had lost count of how many drinks she had already taken, but it was enough to push her into a concerning state. 

She was in the middle of a crowded bar, being pushed around and bumped into by strangers who didn't seem to care that they were doing this to her. She was struggling to keep a grasp on the night and her emotions which were beginning to spiral out of control.

One drink after another, Nova's mind was becoming consumed by the intoxicating effects of the alcohol. She was trying to drown out the harsh words that still repeated in her mind. Her vision becoming blurry and distorted, she felt her thoughts slipping away and a sense of desperation creeping in as she continued to drink.

Nova's alcohol consumption had grown to unhealthy levels, and tonight was no exception, as she found herself once again drinking on her own. She walked her way back to the bar, barely managing to even walk in a straight line.

As Nova's intoxication grew and her thoughts began to become less coherent, her inhibitions weakened, causing her to reach out through her phone to her Instagram contacts. She didn't think twice about who she was reaching out to, but was certain that he would reply. As she looked for the first person, she stumbled upon Zain who was the last person she'd texted.

Nova began to develop an altered sense of reality, noticing zain standing beside her, but it was just for a brief moment, as he soon disappeared, leaving her all alone again





hxy man whi yu leve me, we just started derinking 🙄

com backszz plz


nova, stay right there im coming to get you. 

wait, who's with you?


wh3t yo saying, com back zeain, why you leave


who's zeain

 put on auto correct or some shit???


do nott sw3aar at me bitchxf  


oh my gosh, im here

where are you?


i did 



you're so drunk my gosh

i don't even think you could read this


MARCUS FELT COMPLETELY out of place as he entered the pub, the scent of alcohol surrounding him and making his stomach wrench. His social status meant that it would be difficult to explain his presence, especially considering it was the middle of the night and he was searching for someone in a pub.

As he tried to find a suitable excuse if any paparazzi saw him, his mind was completely consumed with trying to locate Nova, and his fear would only increase the longer he went without finding her.

The sight of Nova in such a state was enough to send a chill down Marcus's spine. He hadn't seen her in a drunken state before, but he couldn't recall her looking as bad as she was right now. Her face was paler than usual, and her hair was a complete mess, looking as if she had been in a fight. Her bodysuit was ripped and torn, creating a slit from the shoulder and ends right at the start of her chest.

As he lifted her from under her arms and slung her over his shoulder, he made his way towards the door, ignoring the mumbling which emerged from her mouth.

As Marcus set her down on the pillows, he observed her from afar, waiting to see if she would continue to vomit. As she finally stopped, she began to mumble something, which seemed to resemble a word, a single word which wasn't familiar to him. 

"babe?" she mumbled, the word hanging in the air like a cloud. Marcus felt a rush of confusion and irritation mix inside him, causing him to feel conflicted as he wondered what she meant by calling him that, or if she thought he was someone else.

Marcus looked down at her hands, noticing the chipped acrylics and the way they grazed against his coat, the small markings leaving a trail of scratches on the material.

Warmth took over his body as he un-zipped his coat, throwing it to the side to reveal his bare chest. "who's zeain? hm?" he inquired, pushing his knees against the end of the bed, waiting for a response.

 "i dunno" as her giggling continued, he couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed as she attempted to play with the strings of his shorts.

He walked over to his room and grabbed his hoodie, trying to slide it on her with the hope that it would provide her with some necessary comfort.

Marcus was now standing in front of her with the hoodie wrapped around her, trying to pull off an annoyed expression. As he looked at her, he couldn't help but be a little amused at her condition. While he was aware that she was clearly too drunk to properly engage in a conversation.

 "what were you thinking, to go into a pub at this hour?" he questioned once more but watched as she responded with another mumble, his frustration growing as he realized she was far too drunk to give him an answer.

 "just having fun" she spoke but her statement sounds more like a question.

"with who?" he pressed for an answer again but she just shrugged.

Marcus was becoming more and more irritated with the whole situation as he continued to watch over her, now having to pull the covers over her as she was becoming too much to handle. As she continued to cling to his arms and pull him towards her.

"what'd you want? im tired let me go sleep" he rubbed my eyes not aware that she stood on the bed and pecked his lips, holding his shoulders for support. He held back a smile from tugging at his lips but she looked so wholesome, her lips being chapped and tasting of alcohol but he still thought she was adorable in her drunken condition.

She softly gripped his arms as she led herself back under the covers, soon drifting off to sleep.


marcus is going on my death wish list for not wiping off her makeup before she fell asleep😭 

(please do interact with my chapters, thank youu)😁✌🏼

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