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Chapter 022



I SAT ON the couch, leaning back and waiting for Jadon to barge in through my front door, which I expected to happen at any minute. The sun streamed in through the massive windows that surrounded my living room, sending out waves of light that bathed me in warmth. my doorbell rang causing me to drag myself down to the front door and unlock it, ready to face the day. 

 "why did you rin-" 

"i lost the key." he suddenly said as he stumbled into my front door, i watched him as he proceeded to grab a red bull from my fridge, chugging it down in one continuous motion, still not bothering to acknowledge my presence. After he finished his drink, he left the empty can on the counter and then came over to me.

"ight, can we go now?" he said, seemingly referring to the plan we had thought of yesterday, though i didn't have the heart to do it. 

Jadon had convinced me otherwise though, saying that he himself was a professional at handling girls like this, all that we needed to do was to show up at her apartment and beg for her to come back. It seemed a bit extreme to me, but I let myself be swayed by his argument that this was the only way to get her back.

His face screwed up as he observed my appearance, clearly not impressed with my lack of effort in getting ready. "oh, nah, i ain't coming man," i said, attempting to dismiss his concerns with a light chuckle, until i felt his hands grab a coat from the hanger by the front door and proceed to drape it over my shoulders. I also felt my nike sliders by my feet as he nudged my back to force me outside.

"JADON, I CAN'T GO LIKE THIS!" I exclaimed, my tone escalating as I stared at the bright blue north face coat that he had placed over my shoulders and the black sliders on the ground by my feet. 

"your fault," he shrugged as he walked over to his car, unlocking the door as he got into the driver's seat. I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach, a feeling of dread growing.

" can't i at least get socks?" i groaned, hopping into the front passenger seat, not bothering to question whether or not I should be wearing shoes either. The fact that I had left my place in a rush was starting to catch up to me.

I began picking at my un-combed hair, which I had never even looked into a mirror to see what state it was in, caring enough to want to look presentable. "how'd you even get her address?"

"i asked her for it, duhhh" he responded, mocking me with a sassy voice, causing me to slap the back of his head. "dickhead" he muttered.

I reached for my phone which was sitting in my pocket, going through nova's Instagram and looking at the recent photos she had uploaded. I found myself staring at a picture of her smiling at the camera, her features glowing in the sunlight, a look that made me smile as well.

"JADONN!" i let out a loud-pitched cry when I felt the car shaking violently due to jadon's reckless driving, only to watch my phone slip through the space between the seat and the door, disappearing under the seat, making it unreachable.

"sorry mate, yellow light" he chuckled, which made me glare at him, upset with the fact that my phone was now even further out of my reach.

"how am I meant to get my phone now?" I said, with a bit of annoyance in my voice, still looking over the side of the seat towards my device in an attempt to grab it, though it was too deep for my arms to reach.

 "its calm man, we're here anyways. ill get it for you" he said making a right turn, parking in front multiple apartments. He turned off his engine, grabbing his mini bag on his way out. 

Jadon returned to the car after noticing me sitting with my eyes shut. Before he had even spoken, however, I responded to him, my tone somewhat impatient and frustrated, even if my words did not convey this emotion. "Jadon, please can you just go and talk to her then I'll come in after." I saw him nod, then drop the car keys on my lap, closing the door firmly and shutting me inside the car.

My anxiety kicked in when I saw her answering the door and welcoming Jadon inside. He had convinced me to let him do the talking for me, but the thought of her opening the door and welcoming him in filled me with dread. 

I felt my stomach churn and my heart beat faster as I waited silently, my eyes fixed on the scene unfolding itself in front of me.

Moments later, my phone started to buzz from under the passenger seat. I let out a sigh before deciding to get out of the car and approach the door marked with the number '23'.

Within the briefest amount of time, she stood before me, avoiding eye contact until Jadon managed to bring down the tension in the air. I noticed that Jadon was trying his best to keep us both calm, yet still she seemed tense and uncomfortable. I gave him a slight nod, suggesting that he wait outside alone while I tried to fix this situation myself, as I knew this may turn out to be my final opportunity to repair our relationship.

As soon as jadon had left the apartment, I began to walk towards her, finding myself admiring her more now than I had previously. The sight of her in her pajamas made her look cuter, especially with the small Mickey Mouse print design and her hair slightly messed up, only adding to her beauty. I took in a deep breath, trying to calm down and keep myself together as I neared her closer.

"what do you need from me now, marcus?" She asked me in a dismissive, yet slightly frustrated tone

"i want... another chance." I watched her rub her temple, sighing loudly, as she looked back at me. I noticed the look of frustration on her face, yet there was something else within her stare that suggested she may still have some feelings left for me.

"i can't, i don't want to go through this again," she said with a straightforward tone, which left me feeling that she had given the situation a lot of thought.

"but i need you, nova"

I walked closer to her, grasping both her hands tightly into mine as I looked down at the fresh set of acrylic nails she had done for herself. "i promise, you won't go through that again, i was stupid for ignoring you, and I realize that now; i really do regret it, nova," I said, finally speaking my mind openly as I felt a deep sense of remorse wash over me..

She stepped back away from my hands and began to fidget with her jewellery, playing with the rings she had on her fingers.

"I can't forgive you so soon," she said after stepping away from my grasp. She went on to explain, "You can't just walk in here and expect me to take you back so easily. You hurt me, Marcus, when you ignored me time after time, refusing to engage with any of the conversations i tried having with you. You never made me feel important, and I've had enough. i've spent too much time waiting for your attention, waiting for you to finally start treating me with the respect i deserve."

I couldn't argue with her, she was right in everything she had said. I was the one that had hurt her and let her down by not giving her the attention and time she deserved.

I nodded slowly and left the apartment, taking one last glance at her before turning my back on her and walking towards Jadon's car. I knew that if I stayed any longer, this encounter would only bring me more sadness and grief.

I enter the car, avoiding any eye-contact with Jadon as I took my seat. He laid my phone on my lap with Nova's Instagram open, which i was surprised with since he hadn't teased me about it for once. Instead, he proceeded to place his arm around my shoulder, caressing my neck gently with his fingers, an unexpected gesture. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed, almost as if he was comforting me after what had happened.


well at least he tried 😭

(remember to keep interacting with my chapters and go follow my account, thank you) 🤗✌🏼

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