Chapter 90

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After Y/n ran away crying, others stood in silence for a while. "I'm going after her!," Naruto said, moving to go after her.

"But... we have to stop Sai... We don't know if he found Sasuke...," Sakura said, hesitating as she felt guilty.

The two looked distressed and torn between going after Y/n and searching for Sai and Sasuke. "We are on a mission and we are going to search for Sai to stop him. But of course, we are going to look for Y/n as well while we search for Sai," Captain Yamato said and the two looked up at him.

"You can go after Y/n but make sure to continue your search for Sai and Sasuke," Captain Yamato looked at Naruto whose eyes widened slightly, before he nodded.

Naruto ran in the direction Y/n had gone in. 'Y/n... I'm sorry I didn't see how you were suffering because of us... I'm sorry for not noticing anything... You were angry for our sakes, yet we didn't know anything...' Naruto thought feeling guilty and glum as he ran looking around.

Sakura and Captain Yamato went to look together. Captain Yamato ruminated about what happened earlier as they continued the search. Sakura felt guilty for always thinking about herself and Sasuke, remembering the things she said and did.

'Ah.. I should apologise to Naruto for being cruel to him... I was too sad to realise my mistake... I should apologise to Y/n too... I thought she was angry at him for leaving the village, but I guess that wasn't the only reason... I hope we can find her quickly...' Sakura thought feeling a pang of guilt and sadness in her heart.

Meanwhile Y/n had calmed down. It felt better after finally letting go of some things that were hurting her. But with that came the embarrassment of having cried in front of them. "Ugh... Why did I have to go and cry in front of them? They must think that I am too sensitive or something...," Y/n sighed.

She finally looked around her surroundings, "I must have come a long way away from others... I feel better now. I guess I should just continue with searching for Sai."

Y/n stopped as she remembered the bingo book, "Ha! It would be better if I find Sai first. I'll make sure to help him complete his mission and get rid of that thorn from my side. I'm not forgiving him for what we suffered through."

(Shippuden episode 51)

Y/n's POV

I was walking around, alone when I heard a blast. I tried to follow in the direction from where the blast had come and saw Naruto ahead of me, running in that direction. I followed him and we found where the explosion had happened.

Sakura and Sai were standing in the open, looking straight above. Naruto ran towards them with me on his trail. We ran into the open, I stopped and turned in the direction others were looking to find Sasuke standing there.

Never in my life had I felt my anger flaring so strongly at the sight of someone. My angry was rising just at the sight of him as I remembered everything once again. I glared at him, angry clear on my face as I clenched my hand into fist at my side.

"Naruto. Y/n," Sasuke said.

"You bastard!," I growled in rage.

"How dare you leave just like that?! Everyone on the team suffered because of you! Because you could only see power and ran behind it! I'll never forgive you!," I shouted.

"Humph. No one wants your forgiveness. You're not strong enough to talk to me like that," Sasuke said making me even angry.

"Sai! I'll help you kill this bastard! It's your mission anyway, right?," I said lunging towards Sasuke.

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