Hogwarts Champion(s)

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Duobus parentibus magicis natus, singulis annis centum. Una tantum earum in vita existere potest.

Translation : Born to two magical parents, every hundred years. Only one of them can exist during a lifetime.

Primus progressus. Connexio autem naturae alligat. Sensus propria omnia quae in creaturis sentit, fluxum vitae in inanimali regere potest.

Translation : The first stage of development. The connection that binds them to nature. Characterized by feeling everything that creatures feels, being able to control the flow of life in the inanimate.


Tristan read through the first few pages, his frown deepening. Moody kept a watchful eye on him.

“Are you grasping what's being said?” He asked.

“I think so.” Tristan said, though he wasn't sure about it.

“Your kind...” Moody begun. “are only born every 100 years. Dumbledore himself has only met one in his life. Why they are born so, no one knows, yet. Maleficus Creatura, the rarest magical being ever to walk this earth. Your powers surpass the those of a regular witch or wizard. How many 14 year olds do you know who can speak and understand Latin as fluently as yourself?”

Tristan gulped.

“So far you've passed stage one, Coniunctio. There are four stages-”

Tristan interrupted.

“Four? So what's the second stage?”

Moody pointed at the book.

“You will find your answers there, all though they are vague. There's so little information about your kind.”

Tristan closed the book. He chewed on his lower lip, thinking.

“Can I ask you something?”

Moody made a gruff sound of approval.

“Am I evil then?” Tristan finally asked the question that's been nagging at him.

Moody didn't answer for a long moment, the tension kept building in the room.

“Time will tell.” Moody answered.

That conversation did nothing to soothe Tristan's heart. He walked through the endless corridors of Hogwarts with the hardbound book in his hands.


Do you know what's one thing Tristan can't stand? Betrayal, no matter how big or small. That's how he felt as he sat in great hall, watching Ron, Seamus and Dean encourage Harry to go talk to Cho Chang. Harry was smil, rather nervously, but still smiling. He didn't even look at Tristan.

Hermione walked over to the table and sat down next to Tristan.

“Leave him alone!” She yelled at the boys who withdrew immediately.

Something twisted in Tristan's chest as Harry looked at him apologetically. Tristan slammed his book down and walked out of there. Hermione looked at him nervously.

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