The Kiss

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It was the day of their trip to Hogsmeade however Harry couldn't go because the Dursley's didn't sign him the permission slip. Harry asked McGonagall to sign it but she couldn't since she was neither a parent or a guardian.

“It's alright you guys go on. I will be fine.” Harry reassured his friends.

Hermione and Ron turned around and walked but Tristan didn't.

“I think I'm gonna stay with you.” He announced.

“Tristan you don't have to...” Harry begun but Tristan cut him off.

“But I want to. Come on now.”

Tristan waved at Hermione and Ron. Then grabbed Harry's arm and walked inside with him.

They walked together. Harry looked like a sad puppy. Tristan nudged him.

“A smile looks good on you.” he said.

Harry gave a weak smile. They walked until they reached the viaduct. Tristan stared out, lost in thoughts. Harry looked at the boy standing next to him.

Tristan was beautiful. Harry couldn't stop staring at him. And recently he did that a lot. His boyish features were changing. He had chubbier cheeks now they are more defined. His jawline was sharper.

The only things that didn't change were his eyes and his hair. He had finally learned tame those dark, wild locks. And those eyes...there was so much light in them.

Tristan felt the eyes on him. He turned his face to meet Harry's gaze.

“What?” Tristan asked faintly smiling. His voice in a whisper.

“Nothing...” Harry flushed pink. He tried to pretend it was the cold and rubbed his cheeks with both hands.

“Don't move. I want to show you something.” Tristan said coming closer to his side.

Tristan took Harry's right hand with his own, stretching it out. The back of Harry's hand rested on Tristan's palm.

Tristan closed his eyes and concentrated. The warmth building inside him like every time he used his powers.

Harry could feel Tristan's breath down his neck. He gulped. Then a tiny bird flew next to them. Harry was about to speak up but Tristan hushed him. The bird hovered over Harry's outstretched palm the slowly settled down.

Tristan carefully removed his hand from under Harry.

“No sudden movements.” Tristan whispered.

The little bird pecked and settled in Harry's hand pretty quickly. A smile didn't leave neither of ther faces. Until a sudden movement behind them, startled Tristan and broke his concentration. The bird flew away.

Tristan and Harry turned around to see Professor Lupin strolling towards them.

“I'm sorry I think I just ruined a moment.”
He apologized, there was a glint in his eyes that only Tristan saw but he couldn't quiet understand. Harry smiled politely at him. A moment later Tristan smiled.

“It's alright Professor.” Harry replied for both of them. Tristan looked at the man as if trying to read him. In return the professor raised an eyebrow. Tristan managed a small smile and turned back to enjoying the view.

“Your abilities are quiet impressive, Mr. Scamander. I haven't seen many wizards like yourself.” Lupin said.

“Thank you, professor. Though impressive isn't the word most people use.” Tristan shrugged.

“You don't have to worry about what most people say.”

Lupin smiled. Tristan eased a little more. Harry smiled and cleared his throat.

Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt